Chapter 11

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" What the hell is going on here?" My dad screams

" Were sorry its not what you think, please Mr.Summers... let us explain.." says Nathan not convincing my dad.

" NOT WHAT I THINK, Its what I see, Explain!?! you sure better have a god damn good explanation."

" Dad, its just..." I try to say.

" NO! Jane I want to hear it from Nathan."

I jump out of bed and stand next to Nathan.

" Look Mr.Summers we were at the meadow sort of on a date then came back here and we were talking about school and friends then we were really tired and accidentally fell asleep with each other. I'm really sorry I should've been more careful I didn't think things though, please forgive us."

" It's true Dad I'm not lieing. we're even in our same cloths see." I hold my arms apart for Dad to see.

" Well I am really mad. but sense I believe you your off the hook, but this better not happen again. understand?"

"thank you." I say while hugging my Dad.

" Nathan, I want you to go home, I'm sure your parents are worried okay."

" alright i'll leave in just a sec, I have to talk to Jane,"

Dad steps out and leaves us. then Nathan gently kisses me. His lips warm and sweet.

" I'm sorry i fell asleep," he says

" It's fine, besides I had a wonderful night. And don't think too much about what we talked about yesterday. lets just be happy okay?"


" I just have one more question, what you said about leaving to help your mom. when you did'nt show up for lunch was that a lie about step dad and stuff?"

" yes, I really left because of my big brother having a fit about not seeing Mom and things, so I needed to be there."

" oh just wondering." I say looking to the ground.

Nathan pulls my chin up to meet his face,

" So how about tammarow you meet my adopted parents? I'm sure they'ed love to meet you."

" I'd love to." I say kissing him.

" Great, i'll pick you up at four and you can spend dinner at my house."

" okay, see ya."

We hug then he heads down stairs says bye to my father then leaves. I hear his car start then the engine fades as it goes away. I take a quick shower then head  to the kitchen to find something to eat.

I shuffle through the fridge and end up with some juice and a piece of toast. When I Finnish Dad is there waiting.

" Can I help you?" I ask

" Yes, I want to apologize for this morning, I guess I jumped to conclusions."

" It's okay we didn't do anything. And besides any parent would react the way you did. Just please do me One favor." After I say that I feel really mature for handling it like an adult.

" what?"

" Trust me"

" I do, and I know you wont do anything."

" thanks, oh and tomorrow at four Nathan's picking me up to have dinner at his house so I can meet his family. Okay?"

" Oh, that's great. tell him sometime I would like to meet them too."

" alright."

I head back upstairs and check my phone. Two text messages and one voice mail. I check the texts first. the first one is from Lizzy,

Hey, wanna hang out? With me, Lilly and maria? 

sure, come pick me up in 20 :) i text back, then the second one is from Nathan,

Hey, I think I left my jacket at your house. :) Can I pick it up?

I look around and then sure enough his jacket is on the back of my desk chair.

yeah, I found it, I'll be waiting for u to get it, oh and be quick i'm going somewhere

K. see ya soon P.S. I <3 u!

I <3 u too! :)

I set down my phone and then go to my closet to pick out something to ware. I settle with a pair of  jeans, a dark purple t- shirt and some converse. I then hear a car pull up. I look out my window and see Nathan's truck. I run down stairs and yell to my dad Nathan's here to pick up his jacket he forgot and then I swing open the door.

Nathans standing there a bit startled then he hugs me.

" Good to see you again." He says I laugh then say,

" yeah its been a while" we both Begin to laugh then we head up to my room to grab his jacket.

When we get in he grabs his jacket then just looks at me.

" your so beautiful, I love you so much!" He says as he crashes his lips to mine sending sparks flying.

" I love you too kissing him back." We stay like that then he pulls away for air leaving mr breathless.

I then sit on my bed and he sits beside me. I lean in and kiss him again but this time instead of kissing until we have to breath were interrupted by Lizzy at my door.


Another chapter done!

 And before you say anything I made Jane forget about the voice mail on purpose.

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_ Hungergamesrocks (chevelle) Thats my real name in perenthasis.

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