Chapter One: Unacceptable Behaviour.

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In front of him sat five computer screens. All set up so Jim could sit on his swirly chair and only need to turn a few degrees to see them (and no it wasn't laziness, it was efficiency - he got more done when he could see more screens). Two of the screens were on, displaying the screensaver. Although Jim's attention wasn't on the multicoloured bubbles floating around the dark screen.

No, he was gaping at the other three computers. They were completely destroyed. Bullet holes piercing straight through the screens and large chucks missing from where they'd been shot at so much. The glass was cracked, obviously, and Jim could see the wiring inside.

Suddenly, one sparked and without hesitation Jim dropped to the floor and crawled under the desk to turn all the plugs off and pull them. No way was he leaving the computers plugged into the mains in their condition.

With a frustrated huff, Jim crawls backwards and opens a draw on the left side of the desk, below the damaged computers and he pulls out the folder containing the purchase information of the desktops and all paperwork for them.

Jim stands and straightens his top as he looks at the computers again. His chest ached. His poor, beautiful computers...

He knew exactly who had done this. The only person that runs around shooting things when he's bored or angry.

Sherlock bloody Holmes.

Mad, gorgeous genius or not, Jim desperately wants to slap that man across his smug face as hard as he could possibly manage at this moment in time (which, considering his anger and heartache, would probably be quite hard and therefore painful for the berk).

Ugh. Jim wanted to wring the man's neck and shout abuse at Sherlock's cold corpse.
He didn't like how Sherlock brought out this violent streak. He was never a loud or aggressive person, not really, but Sherlock sure made him want to be at times. The man was just so infuriating! Prancing around Bart's like he owned the place and could do any damn thing he wanted. Yet he'd never been caught by someone who could actually ban him from entering the building - then again, the man probably knows the bosses or something and would get out of it with a snap of his fingers. 

Normally, Jim wouldn't give a flying rat's behind about what mad things Sherlock got up here to but this... this was unacceptable.

Jim may be a softie usually but you do not, and he repeats do not, mess with his computers. He will turn from an Irish cutie that would be the most charming lad ever if you took him home to your mother to a fowl mouthed monster that scares off that scary aunt in seconds.

Jim blinks, reminding himself that he is not an angry person. Well, he didn't want to be an angry person.

After taking a calming breath, Jim picks up the large folder he'd sat beside his computers and tucks it under his arm. He then turns on his heels and makes his way out of the door.

Jim takes a left and pulls his t-shirt down, self conscious about the way others in the department were glancing at him. Even among the 'computer nuts' Jim spent an ungodly amount of time with the wonderful machines.

He just found their company better than most humans company. Computers made sense. Humans.. well, they didn't. Not to Jim anyway. They were confusing, gave off mixed signals and liked to speak in riddles. Computers were straight to the point. They didn't mess with your head.

The stairwell down to the labs was empty and Jim was thankful, his short legs meant he didn't like to risk taking more then one step at a time (although he could easily). He'd always stumble and trip when he took them two at a time, his mind convincing him that he'd fall - it was a bit of a self fulfilling prophecy.

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