Chapter Thirteen: Hospital Kisses.

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Hacking the computer had been ridiculously simple and much like when Sherlock's laptop was 'poorly' Jim has a strong feeling the genius could have easily achieved what he wanted without Jim's help. Why he constantly dragged him into these situations, Jim will never know.

When he was completely done and the details Sherlock wanted were on the screen, Jim turned the computer so Sherlock could easily see them and didn't need to move around on his leg.

The detective is quick to start texting someone, without so much as a word. Irene stands behind him, shamelessly peering over his shoulder to see what he was doing. Jim was curious but not only was he polite enough to not read over someone's shoulder, he was also very much rooted to the floor.

He was beyond worried someone would just stroll in, see them and either kill them or signal an alert to the rest of the building so someone with even less mercy could slowly chop them into little bits and send it to their families.

Jim suddenly had a mental image of Sebastian opening a letter, Jim's mother stood beside him, and he pulls out Jim's left ear. His mother shrieks and faints. Sebastian just stares in shock.

He shivers at the thought.

"Um, shouldn't we be leaving?" Jim asks, not even hiding the fear in his voice.

Sherlock stops typing, his fingers coming to a stand still on keyboard as he looks up at Jim. He almost looks guilty. The guilt, if that's what it was, is gone within moments and Sherlock nods, standing up with help from Irene.

Seeing how the woman was struggling to support the injured, and clearly pained, Sherlock, Jim moves to Sherlock's other side and slings one of those long arms around his neck.

Together, the three of them slowly make their way out of the room and towards the exit.

Sherlock's hand had a death grip on Jim's shoulder but Jim said nothing, knowing full well that with each step he took Sherlock was holding in a cry of sheer pain.

A text alert, Sherlock's, pierces through the silence then and Jim has no power over the way he flinched at the sudden sound.

"That'll be Lestrade. He'll have our man in cuffs by now."

Jim blinks at Sherlock's words. Surely it wasn't that simple and easy. No way. Sherlock had been after this guy for months, he'd said. It can't just be that easy.

"That was quick..."

Sherlock chuckles, beaming at Jim. "Thanks to you, yes. Without that information it may have taken me years of undercover work to find him." He makes a muffled noise as they step again, his fingers tightening on Jim's shoulder. He continues a moment later, speaking as if nothing happened. "He knew it too. Knew that no-one could find him. He was a nameless, faceless ghost before. So he was in the open, knowing he could risk it. Easy catch."

Jim nods, understanding it but still unable to believe it was so easy. They round a corner and Jim's worries dissolve as he spots the large 'EXIT' sign above a door at the end of the corridor.

They burst out of the door, all eager to get the hell out of that building. Police lights blind Jim and Irene's grip on Sherlock suddenly disappears, leaving Jim to blindly attempt to hold Sherlock up. They stumble but Jim manages.

"What the fuck?" Jim snaps at the women, who was simply standing there.

She ignores him, looking at Sherlock with fond eyes, a small smile on her lips that just makes Jim's blood boil.

"Thank you, Mr Holmes," She purrs, eyelashes fluttering.

Jim fights a sudden urge to growl.

Sherlock bows his head in a single nod. "You are welcome, Ms Alder."

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