Chapter Seven: Unwanted Tag-Alongs.

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Jim was stepping off the very last stair on his way down to the train station when she approached him.

Her hair was done up nicely in a professional bun and her black dress and heels screamed power and sex to Jim, as did her ruby red lips.

He didn't have a single clue who she was but she had just strolled up to him and planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

Jim steps away immediately, eyes wide.

Then he hears it. That oh so familiar laugh. Jim's whole body pivots left and he crosses his arms, frowning at Sebastian as he doubled over in laughter and pointed at Jim, obviously amused by his facial expression.

Jim fights back a smile before he glances at the woman, rubbing his face with his sleeve as he does to rid himself of any lipstick that may be on his face.

"So, is this a.. friend, Seb?"

Sebastian had a different lady, or something even gentleman, on his arms every time Jim saw him. He didn't often bring them along to their weekends but he did if they were new. Gotta show them he means it, he'd say. Not that he ever did mean it.

That was just the way he was. Never truly settling down. Jim had been far from surprised when their fling came to a short, rather abrupt end. It didn't matter though, theirs wasn't an emotional relationship. Far from it.

"Oh, honey." The woman drawls, winking. "I'm everyone's friend"

Power? Check. Sex? Check.

Jim winkles his nose. "Lovely."

She blinks at him, as if shocked that he'd so easily turned away from her. Used to having people drool, not doubt.

"Either you're gay or you're another Sherlock..."

That does get Jim's interest. "You've met Sherlock?"

An arm links with Jim's and he stares at it for a moment, unsure of this woman's motives. He looks to Sebastian for help.

He lifts his hands up in defence.

Power. Double check.

Apparently this woman, whose name Jim still didn't know, was coming back to his flat too and going by her suitcase, she was staying for the few days Jim was suppose to be spending with his best friend.

Pissed was an understatement of how Jim was currently feeling as he slams the cups down onto the counter beside the kettle.

The woman was off in the bathroom, doing something - not that Jim cared - while Sebastian was standing close to Jim looking guilty as sin and twiddling his thumbs. Rare was it for him to see Jim angry, even rarer was it for Jim to be angry with him.

"Jim, I didn't think--"

"Save it, Seb." Jim snaps before sighing. He turns and gives his friend a smile.

Sebastian seemed more than a little shocked by Jim's anger. Jim blames it on Sherlock. That man was slowly turning him into an easily angry person. Something had to be done about that, Jim decides somewhere in the back of his head.

"Look," Jim says, running a hand over his face. "I'm sorry. I've been looking forward to this and I didn't expect to have.. Okay, seriously, what's her name?" Jim laughs with the last question.

Sebastian smiles, relaxing as he recognises this gentler, jokey side of Jim.

"Irene Alder. I met her on the train and she agreed to help me trick you. She was going to go but you mentioned that Simon guy. She came down here to see him, apparently."

"Sherlock," Jim corrects before nodding.

He felt a bit bad for assuming Sebastian had brought her along and gives him a quick hug to make up for it. He didn't know that Irene was going to be here so it was wrong to take it out on him. Sebastian seemed to get the message as he smiles and even presses a friendly kiss on Jim's cheek.

It was a bit odd, Jim thought. He had a stranger in his flat. Neither of them knew her, save her name. Then on top of that her whole aura really did scream sex and power. It made Jim shiver.

Irene appears as they separate from their hugging session, helping herself to tea, sugar, milk and even a bloody biscuit from Jim's rather adorable kitten biscuit tin. His mother got him that tin and he can't help but grin at the cute cat face.

Jim turns to start on his and Sebastian's tea, not needing to ask how his friend took it or if he wanted tea. He already knew.

"So, you're a friend of Sherlock's?" Jim asks the woman, raising an eyebrow.

"I told you, I'm everyone's friend," She winks at him.

He pushes down a gag. He hadn't been so thoroughly hit on by a woman in a long time. Plus the idea of her and Sherlock being that close just flipped a switch inside Jim that instantly made him dislike the woman currently stood inside his kitchen, stirring tea like she's lived here for years.

"You and Sherlock..." Jim trails off, not sure whether to be shocked or feel ill.

He'd always assumed that Sherlock never really bothered with anyone in that way. Especially not if his isolation of emotions did start when he was young as Jim expected.

Irene sighs. "I wish."

Of course, she bloody did.

Jim snorts. "You don't seem like his type."

Jim hands Sebastian his tea before looking to the woman for her reaction. Sebastian barely contains his giggle as he rests against the counter, arm pressed close to Jim's.

Irene bristles at that comment.

"And what's that suppose to mean?"

Jim makes a point of rolling his eyes at her. It was probably mean of him but he didn't like Irene all that much, for some reason, that just activated his 'bitch mode' as Sebastian liked to call it.

"It means that I don't think you're his type," Jim replies with a smirk before sipping his tea.

"Oh, and you would know would you?" Irene crosses her arms, becoming extremely defensive.

Jim was almost tempted to sigh 'I wish' like she had earlier but he didn't even wanted to think about the things he'd have to consciously acknowledge if he did say that aloud.

"Maybe," Jim shrugs, remaining nonchalant - much to Irene's annoyance.

Irene visibly falters. "And what is that suppose to mean?"

Jim shakes his head, smirking and loving this more than he should. After all, she did seem to rather like Sherlock. Jim didn't blame her. Looks wise at least.

Sherlock's personality still sucked.

"Nothing, Princess. Nothing at all," He replies.

Irene huffs and before he knows it she's grabbed her suitcase and stormed out of his flat, and hopefully his life too, slamming the door behind her as she does.

His only regret was not finding out why she'd travelled down here to see Sherlock when she could probably text him. His number was on his website, after all. Going by the short conversations they did have, Jim assumes that Irene had met Sherlock before.

Maybe she was a client. Or she had a case for Sherlock.

Secretly, Jim hoped it was a case that had Sherlock coming to Bart's.

With a shrug, Jim flops down on his sofa. Sebastian quickly follows.

"Still a sassy bitch, then?"

"Yup" Jim replies, popping the 'p'.

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