Chapter Five: Sher-cock.

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"Sherlock!" Jim beams,showing teeth and all, as said detective walks into his office on Monday morning.

Sherlock frowns, obviously wondering if Jim had suddenly taken a tub of happy pills to make him actually be friendly and act like he wanted to see Sherlock. The bemused look on Sherlock's face just makes Jim giggle. He looked like a confused puppy trying to determine if it's owner was testing them.

"I've been waiting for you" Jim announces when the man continues to hover in the doorway and say nothing. His large smile stays in place the whole and if Sherlock face was anything to go by, he was getting creeped out by Jim's friendliness. 

"Um..." Sherlock trails off, still confused despite his effort to regain his composure. He holds up a plastic Starbuck's cup. "I brought you coffee"

Jim blinks, taken aback by the friendly gesture for a few moments. He guesses that's how Sherlock felt right now too. Then, with another cute little smile, Jim takes the cup.

"Thank you" He says, taking a sip.

A very familiar taste hits Jim. Vanilla Coffee. Jim can't help his surprise - his eyebrows shoot up, wondering how the hell Sherlock knew what kind of coffee he liked to drink. Jim finds himself looking down at the cup in wonder, as if it held all the answers. 

"Ho-" He pauses before nodding and answering his own question. "Cindy's"

Sherlock nods as well before leaning against Jim's desk next to the man himself. "Yep... So. Why were you waiting for me?" He asks, straight to the point as per usual. 

Jim is suddenly grinning again.

"I've arranged with my uncle for us to go to his shooting range for the day. He's closing for the day on Saturday and he's said we can go in there for as long as we like" He pauses for a second. "I thought it'd save my computers and you'd still get to shoot at things"

His explanation skills sucked, it was official.

After he has explained, Jim sips his drink and allows all that information to sink in. He feels as though he spoke in a rush but maybe that's just because he's excited. 

Sherlock blinks at him, his face almost void of emotion minus hints of shock.

Was it really that hard to believe that Jim could be nice to him and would willing spend time with him? Not forgetting he was doing it for his computers. That was his main reason. So Sherlock's confusion and shock certainly confused Jim.

He says nothing, allowing Sherlock to collect himself while he just continues to sip on his coffee.

"I.. Er.. Are you.." Sherlock clears his throat, averting his eyes. "Are you asking me on a date?"

It's odd. Jim almost thought he sounded hopeful.

Wait. What? 

The sitting man's smile drops immediately as those words register fully in his head, the trace of hope he believed he heard in Sherlock's tone forgotten as he focuses on the words.

Sherlock thought he was asking him on a date! Oh, Jesus. What the hell?

"Oh my God!" was the first thing out of Jim's mouth as he began to shake his head. "No. God, no! It's- My computers! God.. Jesus, no. Ew"

Okay, maybe the 'ew' comment had been a bit far but Jim wanted to make it very, very clear that he was not, in any bloody universe, asking Sherlock bloody Holmes out on a bloody date to his uncle's bloody shooting range.

Bloody hell...

Jim wasn't sure what he hated more. The fact that Sherlock thought he was asking him out or the fact that Sherlock's current smile seemed just a tinsy bit disappointed. 

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