Chapter Eleven: Wrong Place To Be Funny...

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Everything was hazy as Jim came to. His head was pounding and felt as if a nail had been hammered into his skull.

He'd choose waking up to Sherlock's hands in his hair over this any day.

Groaning loudly, Jim does his best to sit up and blink. It was absolutely black in the room, darkness suffocating the man who by this point was beginning to panic. Shifting, a rattling from towards his feet is brought to his attention. Blindly, Jim reaches down to find out what it was.

It quickly become clear that Jim is chained to the floor.

Shit. Not good. Not good. So very not good.

"Sherlock? Irene?" Jim asks the darkness, the panic he was feeling reflected clearly in his tone.

He's met with silence.

By this point, Jim's heart in hammering away, threatening to burst from his chest if he didn't find a way to calm himself. Bit difficult when you're chained up in a pitch blank room.

A whimper leaves Jim's mouth as he shuffles back, pressing himself against the wall. He may not be able to see but if someone, if something, attacked him from the front he'd have a shred of hope in fighting them off.

"Oh God.." Jim whispers to himself, tucking his legs close to his chest. He whimpers again. "I should be at a funfair..."

Had he not been scared for his life so severely, Jim would have laughed at that thought.

This was really not funny though. He couldn't see and was all alone in some cold room with his left ankle chained up. Not really the place for comedy.

Despite knowing it was useless, Jim pulls at his chain, praying that by some miracle the chain would just give up and release him.

"If there is a God, I'm sorry for all those songs I downloaded illegally... I know it's stealing. Please, God, I swear I will go to church more and all that, just get me out of this." Jim pauses. "Although, I'm still very much gay but seriously dude? This is the 21st century. Deal with it."

Great, Jim thinks, now he's talking to a deity that he doesn't really believe in and if said deity does exist then Jim is far from his favourite type of person.

But if God loves everyone surely he can look over the fact Jim likes cock, right?

"Right.. I'm going mental and I haven't even been here for five minutes."

With a sigh Jim stands, making sure to keep his back to the wall as he does. He was not made for this kind of thing. And he is definitely not ever going anywhere with Sherlock bloody Holmes ever again.

"If I live, I'm going to bloody kill him. And finally fucking slap him, too." Jim promises himself.

He should probably stop talking to himself now.

Right. He can't just stand here and hope to be saved like some damsel in distress. it's not like Sherlock was suddenly going to swoop in and save him. Jim was no Princess Peach and Sherlock sure as hell wasn't his Mario.

Jim allows himself one more whimper before he mans up, inhaling a large breath. Then, slowly, he starts to shift to the left, his hand feeling the wall in hopes of finding a light switch.

The wall was cold and smooth under Jim's fingertips. A sickening knot formed in his stomach as he realises that the wall he was feeling wasn't really the wall but shed loads of insulation that covered the walls.

The rattling was the chain as he shifts wasn't helping him to man up. He was seriously regretting comparing the other night to a horror movie. That was bloody Scooby-Doo compared to this.

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