Chapter Twenty-Six: Biscuit Thief.

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Before, Jim had been sure that he knew what the most amazing feeling in the world was. He thought this twice, actually. The first was when he believed that running his fingers across the smooth keys on a keyboard was the best feeling in the world. Then, maybe a month ago, he changed his mind and decided that waking up beside his boyfriend was probably the best feeling there was to life.

But now.. He's changed his mind again. There's a new feeling that he loves even more than waking up beside Sherlock.

The best feeling in the world, in Jim's point of view, was waking up to feel strong arms wrapped around him and to feel his boyfriend's steady breathing as he sleeps and while all of this is happening Jim knows what they shared last night and that makes his heart squeeze in a nice way. That.. That's the best feeling ever.

He feels loved.

And yes, he meant to use the L word there.

Last night had been amazing. Sherlock was a very gentle lover and he had wiped all of Jim's insecurities away and made him feel beautiful and cherished. Once they had entered the bedroom, they had both been topless and were flushed with arousal. Sherlock had taken hold of Jim's lower back and lowered him onto the bed as if he were a delicate flower. They'd kissed and gradually removed all their clothing. They had taken more than enough time to ensure that Jim was ready and then Sherlock had been so slow and calm... It was so different to how Jim had been with others in the past. He had a feeling it wasn't so much sex as a phrase that contained that L word again and had 'made' in front of it.

Smiling to himself, Jim rolls over to look at the man that lay beside him - luckily the movement didn't make Sherlock's arms fall from around Jim's waist.

Sherlock's eyes were closed, moving slightly under his eyelids now and then, his long, dark eyelashes sat perfectly on his pale cheeks and created a perfect contrast.

Careful not to wake the other up, Jim leans forward and places a kiss on the sleeping man's nose. After, knowing if he stayed in bed he'd end up waking up Sherlock, Jim slowly slides out of Sherlock's arms and the bed.

Once he was on his feet, he pauses and looks over his shoulder to check that his boyfriend was still fast asleep. He was.

Allowing himself another smile, Jim crosses to his draws - wincing a little at the pain that shot up his spine from his backside which, thankfully, wasn't terrible and caused only a small almost-limp in Jim's gait. He pulls out a clean pair of boxer shorts and steps into the blue plaid fabric.

On his way out of the room, Jim grabs his glasses and pus them on. From there, his feet automatically start carrying him in the direction of the kettle and tea. He doesn't manage to get that far, though.

As he steps over the threshold into the kitchen, his feet cease all movement and all he can do is stare.

There, rooting through Jim's sweet/biscuits cupboard (yes, he has an cupboard purely dedicated to them, don't judge him), is Sebastian. Jim was just about to open his mouth and demand to know how the hell the man got into the flat and just how long had he been here when his jaw clamps shut at the sight of what Sebastian held in his left hand.

Jim's pretty sure that he's never moved so fast and that, if his aim was different, he could make his old PE teacher, Mr Clark, proud. In under two seconds, Jim has crossed the kitchen and plucked the packet of delicious Rich Tea biscuits from the unexpecting Sebastian's grip.

Flinching in fright at the idea of possibly being under attack, Sebastian whirls so he's facing his attacker. His shoulders, which had tensed up a considerable amount, relax when he realises that it's just Jim.

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