Chapter Fourteen: Can I Kiss You?

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As predicted the cab ride home passed in an eerily awkward silence. Jim sat as close to the door and as far away from Sherlock as possible for the entire time, ignoring his body's demands that he sleep. Sherlock would look at him, he could feel it. He hated the way it made him blush and just ignores it, feigning innocence.

The moment Jim steps into his flat the clock had just ticked passed half past three in the morning. He collapsed onto his scruffy little sofa that he desperately needs to replace. Exhausted.

It didn't take long for Sebastian to find him passed out with an arm uncomfortably tucked behind his head, utterly dead to the world. The poor man had to go to work in about four or five hours as well.

Feeling sorry for him, Sebastian carries his sleeping friend to the bed and makes sure he's comfortable. Jim releases a content sigh and Sebastian slides into the bed beside him with a smile.

7:30am. Jim's alarm scares the life out of him but does it's job of waking the two sleepy men up.

"Arghh, turn it off!" Sebastian whines, burying his head under his pillow.

Jim laughs a bit but it transforms into a yawn half way through. He stretches his arm out and hits the button, silencing the evil alarm clock.

"C'mon Sebby, you're coming into work with me today," Jim grins, sitting up in the bed.

He'd asked permission from his boss before Sebastian even arrived and was told that his friend was more than welcome to come in for a few days during the week (even though Sebastian was going home tomorrow). Molly had been overjoyed with the news. She was so enthusiastic about it, you'd think Jim told her that he was getting hitched.

"Um.. No." comes the deadpan reply from under the covers.

"Um.. Yes." Jim replies, voice far more amused than Sebastian's.

"Arghhhh!" The man roars again, trying to push himself further down into the bed.

Such a drama queen, Jim thinks with an eye roll. Then again, he was the same most of the time. Then on top of that, Sebastian had always been a pain in the arse to wake up. He'd kick and scream and even cry when they were younger and he really didn't want to wake up. Now he just kicks and screams. It's a horrible experience that Jim wouldn't wish on his worst enemies.

"Groan all you like, you're coming with me" Jim chuckles.

He then swings his legs to the side, resting his feet on the ground, making sure that he took a good quarter of the cover with him as he did. He did love to annoy Sebastian so.

Jim stands then, grinning at the thought of irritating his best friend. He keeps hold of the cover on his hips, dragging the duvet with him to the door so Sebastian was left with none, laying on the bed in just his boxers.

Sebastian curls in on himself, refusing to get up despite Jim's effort.

"For fuck's sake, Seb!" Jim huffs, but you can tell his amused. One of Sebastian's eyes open to look at his friend, who immediately begins to pout in the only irresistible way he knows how.  "Pleeease, Sebby?"

Sebastian gives a long sigh before replying. "Fine..."

Jim grins triumphantly and turns to go get ready for work. First stop was the shower.

Before Jim knew it, hours had passed. The day before seemed so distant and unreal...

Molly and Sebastian had been introduced and seemed to be getting on like a house on fire. It was great, knowing his two best friends got along with each other. Possessive friends got on Jim's nerves.

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