Chapter Sixteen: Not. A. Date.

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Jim was very careful not to fall asleep this time. He didn't want to wake up and find himself with his head in Sherlock's lap again, nuzzling against him like an attention seeking kitten.

The cab ride was relatively pleasant, actually.  It was like when they were in Jim's office. They teased and irritated one another but both had large smiles, more than happy to be in each other's company.

The more time they spend talking away, the more Jim realised he'd made a huge mistake in not letting Sherlock kiss him for a second time. Maybe it was just because they'd been arguing and Jim was still annoyed about the whole situation at the funfair.

But, hey. People make mistakes. And Jim was very far from being perfect.

Smiling gently, Jim sinks back into the seat so he was more comfortable. Sherlock sends him a sideways smile. This cab ride was definitely less awkward than their last one. Then again, last time they were in a cab together Jim had been acting like the drama queen that he is.

"Molly spoke to me on Friday," Sherlock says, suddenly. He turns his face towards Jim, looking blank.

Jim raises an eyebrow. "About?"

"You." When Jim doesn't say anything, Sherlock continues. He was smiling now too. "She slapped me, saying that whatever I did that made you, and these are her exact words, revert back into your head and block out the world."

Jim just blinks, not sure what to say. It was true, sort of but how could he tell Sherlock that it wasn't like that without lying?

"I.. Well, yeah. It freaked me out a bit. The whole 'I like you' thing..." Jim has to look away, he doesn't want to see Sherlock's reaction.

Much to Jim's annoyance, he can feel his cheeks heating up in a blush.

Surprisingly, Sherlock just laughs. "It's not that big a deal, is it? That I like you. Of course, I like you. You're funny, you don't just let me get away with everything, and you're pretty cute. Especially in that beanie."

By this point, Jim's cheeks were on fire and he made sure to keep his eyes focused on things outside his window.

A weird feeling rushes through his chest at all the compliments. Especially the one about the beanie he was currently wearing. A big part of him was just screaming Sherlock likes your beanie! SHERLOCK likes your BEANIE. Jim truly loved his clothes and getting someone like Sherlock saying he liked them made him feel all funny inside.

He wanted to tell Sherlock that he liked him too, even though he was annoying and got under his skin more than anyone else he'd ever met. He wanted to say that he found Sherlock funny too and that he was handsome (although, he'd sort of already done that). In the end, Jim just grumbles the words 'shut up' and prays for his blush to go away.

Sherlock laughs again and Jim wants to slap him but doesn't because there's no way he's turning to face Sherlock when he's gone this red from a few sweet words.

Jim's phone beeps then and he's more than thankful for the distraction.

'Molly said you're going on a date with Sherlock?'

Jim frowns at the message from Sebastian. For many reasons. The main one being that he had no idea how Molly found out he was going somewhere with Sherlock. Then, obviously, the fact that she thought it was a date (again). Why she told Sebastian was beyond Jim. And let's not forget that no kisses from Sebastian was never a good sign.

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