chapter 10

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Evies pov

I sit in the car all silent. I don't move because I was shooked.

"Hey evie." My sister Carly says

I keep quiet and stare out the window.

How could I have been talking to my brothers enemy? I ask myself


I get home and do homework. After that I get ready for bed and fall asleep.


I woke up and got to school.


I walk to class when all of a sudden someone pulls my bookbag and pulls me a side.

"Leave me alone." I say to harry who pulled me  aside

"Wait what happened Friday? Was it something I said or what??" He asked

"Yes harry do you know who I am?" I ask him with my eyes starting to form tears.

"No I don't but we could get to know each other." He says

"I'm evie queen." I yell

He stands there shooked. Unable to move.

"Get to class you two." I hear a teacher yell

"I gotta go." I say letting go of one tear.

"Wait no maybe we could talk." He said

But I just keep walking.

my brothers enemy (harry×evie) evie Where stories live. Discover now