01. Trash

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"Come on Jocelyn, get up" My brother's voice says.

"Ughhhhhhhhhh" I groan.

"It's the last day of school"


"I'll make you waffles"


He chuckles at that as I stand up and walk into my bathroom. I straightened my usually curly hair.

 I straightened my usually curly hair

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(Shes wearing the outfit above)

"As promised" He said, handing me a plate of waffles.

"Mmm thank you" I say, in a muffled voice because of the food I had stuffed in my mouth.

"I have to go. Be safe. Don't do drugs. Don't get into any fights unless you absolutely have to and if you do you better win or I will fight you" He chuckles, giving me a side-hug.

"Ok. Love you!" I yell as he walks out.

My brother has been taking care of me since our parents died. I can tell that it stresses him out but he really does a good job at taking care of me.

I put my plate in the sink and grab my backpack as I head out of the apartment. I see Beverly already waiting outside-she lives in the apartment next to me so we ride our bikes to school together.

"Hey Jocelyn"

"Hello Beverly, shall we?"

"We shall"

We begin to ride our bikes to school, making small talk in between.

"How's your brother?" She asks.

"You would like to know, wouldn't you?" I groan.

"It's not my fault that your brother's hot!"

"Ewww Bev"

"Im sorry but it's true!" She defends.

I roll my eyes listening to our teacher talking about 'how much we've grown' and other bullshit. I wasn't even paying attention and it was annoying me. Finally, the last bell of the school year rang. Everyone walked out except for me. I hate big crowds and im super claustrophobic. I sigh-digging my nails into the strap of my backpack and walk out.

Everyone was yelling and pushing eachother. I stayed close to the side of the hallway and pushed through the crowd. Lucky for me I scare people so they tend to move out of the way. I bumped into Bill Denbrough-not on purpose of course.

"Sorry Bill" I apologized.

"I-i-ts okay" He blushed.

I smiled at him and the rest of his friends and walked away.

"God damn it, she's hot" I hear, followed by an inhaler being used.

I turned around and faced them "Thanks Eddie!" I winked, making him go red. The other boys laughed while he just stared in shock at me.

I walked into the girls bathroom.

"You're trash" I heard Greta say followed by a big splash.

"Bye Beave-" Greta's eyes widened as she saw me.

"You have 5 seconds to apologize and get the fuck out before I kick your ass again" I threatened.

"I-im sorry Beverly" She said.

She started to walk out but I grabbed her arm.

"What's wrong Greta? You seem scared" I laughed as she ran out of the bathroom.

I opened the bathroom stall to see a smirking Beverly.

"My best friend is a bad-ass" She gushed.

I just laughed.

"I'll meet you at the side of the school" I said, walking away.

I walked towards the front of the school and saw the Bowers Gang bullying the boys I had talked to earlier. My bike was by theirs on the bike rack so I walked their way.

"Hey, it's fun-size" Henry teased, that was his nickname for me since I was so short. I may be short but that doesn't mean I won't fuck you up.

"Im not the only thing that's fun-sized around here" I laughed.

"What do you mean by that" He said, walking towards me.

"I was referring to your tic-tac dick" The boys stifled laughs as they watched in awe.

"Listen here bitch-" Henry was cut off by his dad giving him a warning look.

"You're lucky today" He said, licking his hand and rubbing it on my face.

I hopped on my bike and looked at the 'Losers Club'.

"Bye boys. Bye Eddie" I winked.

I rode off on my bike.

"His inhaler! Give him his inhaler!" I heard Richie yell.

I saw Beverly talking to the new kid-Ben Hanscom.

"Hey Bev, Ben. Whatcha doin'?"

"Im just signing his yearbook" Bev explained.

"Oooh! Can I sign it next?!" I asked excitedly.

"S-sure" He says.

Bev hands the pen and yearbook to me.

Have a great summer! We should hang out some time new kid!!
Xo Jocelyn

I hand him his yearbook and walk away with Beverly.

"I need your help with something" She awkwardly says.


I sigh as we look down the 'feminine hygiene' section.

"Here. These are the ones I use" I say, handing her a box of tampons. We start to walk out of the isle but we see Greta. She panics and walks to the next isle and I follow. We see Bill,Stan and Eddie with a bunch of things in their hands.

"What are you doing?" I question.

"None of your business" Stan quickly answers but is hit in the stomach by Eddie.

"There's a kid out there who looks like hes dying" Eddie explains.

"W-w-we wanna buy this stuff but we don't have money" Bill quietly says.

"I have an idea" Bev smirks.

The boys and I ran out of the store while Beverly distracted Mr.Keene. We ran around the corner into the alley and I gasped when I saw Ben.

"Oh my God Ben! Are you okay?!" I half-yelled.

"Yea. Im fine" He replied.

"Are those tampons?" Richie asked.

"Well I am a girl, so yes. What's so surprising about it?" I asked bluntly.


A/N so whatd you think?! Also I imagine Jocelyn's brother as Dylan O'brien. Please vote and comment if you enjoyed!!

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