12. What The Fuck

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I sat impatiently, waiting for Eddie to come pick me up from my house.

"What's the rush? Got a date with Eddie?" Julissa teased, making me laugh.

"I wish but nope. We're just hanging out with our friends as usual" I explained.

"I like that kid Richie, he's funny" Tyler added, making me roll my eyes.

"He's a pain in the ass" I whined. There was a knock at the door and Abraham answered it.

"Your boyfriend's here Jocelyn!" Abraham yelled.

"Im right here dude, you don't have to yell" I laughed, walking towards Eddie.

"Hey Eds" I smiled.

"Hi Eddie!" Everyone yelled making me facepalm.

"Let's go before they embarrass me" I said, grabbing his hand and walking out.

"Have fun! But not too much fun!" Dylan yelled.

"Hey gorgeous" He smiled, pecking my lips.

"Hey Eds...again" I laughed as we walked towards our bikes.


"I h-have something to sh-show you guys" Bill said, leading us into his garage.

We all took our spots and I froze as he closed the door. Eddie noticed my uncomfortableness and slid his hand into mine.

"Y-you okay Jocelyn?" Bill asked.

"It's just...do we have to close the garage door?" I winced at how pathetic I sounded. Richie snorted at me and I punched him in the stomach making him double over in pain.

"What the fuck?!" Richie groaned, holding his stomach.

"Talk shit. Get hit" I answered simply making him chuckle lightly.

I sat criss-cross next to Eddie, who did the same. I looked back at Beverly and she began to make kissy faces at me and I began to flip her off. We began having a silent conversation, mouthing words and occasionally using our eyes.

'You guys are adorable' she teased. 'I know' I said with my eyes, flipping my hair.'Do you like Bill?' I asked. 'I don't know' She shrugged and pointed over to Ben, making me gasp in excitement.

"I was paying attention to that whole conversation and I have no idea what the fuck you guys said" Richie said, making me and Bev laugh.

Bill began to place the slide in the projector, ignoring us. "Look! Th-that's where Georgie d-disappeared. There's the Ironworks and the B-blackspot. Everywhere it happens, it's all c-connected by the sewers" Bill explained as each of us watched intensely. "And they all m-meet up at the-"

"The well house!" Ben finished, seemingly proud of himself.

"It's in the house on Neibolt street" Stan added and I shuddered at the thought of the house.

"That house is creepy as hell. One time my brother and his friends went in there and got chased out by a bunch of crackheads" I said, that house was something straight out of a scary movie. 

Eddie let go of my hand and took out his inhaler, taking a puff. I rubbed his back comfortingly and noticed that his hands were shaking. "You're okay Eds" I calmly said, turning his face towards mine with my hand.

"I hate that place. It feels like it's watching me" Beverly shivered.

"That's where I saw it. That's where I saw the clown" Eddie quietly said but we all heard him. He took another puff of his inhaler and I tried to calm him down.

"I can't imagine anything wanting to live in there" Stan grimaced.

"Can we stop talking about this?! I can barely fucking breathe and it's summer! We're kids supposed to be having fun! Im having a fucking asthma attack! I can't do this!"  Eddie yelled, ripping the map off of the wall.

"Maybe we should go" I suggested, beginning to feel concerned for him.

"What the hell?! Put it back!" Bill yelled, completely ignoring me.

Suddenly the projector slide move, making us all turn our heads towards it as if we were dogs. It moved once again, displaying a picture of Bill and his family on a vacation-all with big smiles on their faces. I pouted at the sight of Bills heart-broken face. He just wanted his little brother back.

"What's happening?" Bill asked as Mike walked over to inspect it. I made eye contact with Ben who looked like he wanted to get the hell out of here.

The slides began to move faster and faster, making me grab Eddie and pull him towards me. We took a few steps back and watched as Mike tried to fix the projector.

"What the fuck?" I whispered.

It then showed a picture of Bill's family outside of what seemed to be a church. It then began to zoom in on Georgie"s face as we all watched in awe. It soon shifted over to Bill's mother, her hair was covering her face but it slowly moved out of the way to reveal that god-awful clown I had seen in my house before.

"TURN IT OFF!" Bev yelled as ot got closer and closer, displaying his evil grin. Eddie tightened his grip on my hand as Richie pulled the both of us towards him.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" Eddie frantically screamed.

"I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" Richie and I yelled at the same time. Finally Mike kicked it over, making the screen go white.

We all breathed a sigh of relief as I shook my way out of Eddie and Richie's grip. I walked fastly towards the garage door.

"Fuck this!" I said, breathing heavily. I felt like the room was closing in but I knew it was just my imagination.

"Jocelyn!" Mike called out after me as I turned around to face my friends.

"No-I can't! I-I swear this room is getting smaller! I need air!" I yelled as the same clown who had caused us all nightmares before popped out of the wall. He was huge, one of his teeth was probably the size of me and I stared at him in shock as the boys all ran towards me. They struggled to get the door open as the clown inched his way towards us. Mike put an arm around my waist protectively and pushed me behind him. The clown turned his face and smiled at Beverly, who had been frozen in the corner this whole time.

"BEVERLY!" I yelled, lunging towards her but Mike held me back. "NO BEV!" I screamed as she covered her face, trembling as the clown was only a few inches away from her. Suddenly the room was bright and just like that the clown was gone.

I escaped Mike's grip and ran towards Beverly, pulling her into a hug. She was still in shock from the experience and hugged me tightly without saying a word.

"It saw us! It knows where we are!" Eddie wheezed, diverting the attention towards him.

"It always did s-so let's go" Bill said, riding away as we all reluctantly followed.


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