09. Fourth Of July pt.1

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Today was the fourth of July parade and I was currently waiting for Eddie. I was tapping my foot anxiously and my heart was beating fast. There was no doubt going to be a lot of people. A lot of people meant big crowds. I can't drop out, I already promised my friends I would go. Maybe I could fake getting sick? I was interrupted from my thoughts by Eddie pulling up on his bike.

He looked like he was going to say something but he let out a wheeze instead. He took a whiff of his inhaler."Hey gorgeous" He said smoothly as i started laughing. "What?!"

"You're such a dork, but I love it" I laughed, pinching his cheeks as he blushed. I was hesitant to get on my bike and he noticed.

"What's wrong?"

"Nothing, it's something stupid"

"C'mon Joc, I won't judge you."

"It's just that-do you think there's gonna be alot of p-people there?" I frowned at how pathetic I sounded.

"Oh...well yeah​ but I promise I'll stay by your side and if you ever get too uncomfortable we can just leave" He offered.

"I don't want to be a bother Eds, im sorry"

"You're not a bother, I understand why you'd be scared and don't be sorry"

"Thanks Eddie" I smiled weakly at him as I walked slowly towards my bike.

"Hey, you're gonna be fine. Don't worry" He said, pecking me sweetly on the lips.

I wasn't fine. I was very far from fine. There were hundreds of people and there was definitely going to be more later. Luckily, my friends and I stayed away from the crowd and were on the side of the street in an alleyway. That didn't mean I wasn't freaking out though.

Eddie noticed how uncomfortable I was from the start and held my hand from the very beginning. Our friends would glance at the two of us occasionally but never said anything.

"Im gonna get an ice cream, do you want one?"

"No thanks" I smiled as he unlaced our fingers and left to get the ice cream. When he left my friends all glared at me with expectant looks on their faces.

"What the fuck?! Remind me why you aren't dating again!" Beverly yelled as my eyes widened. I face-palmed as I realized that me and Eddie had neglected to tell our friends that we were dating.

"Oh shit, well it seems that Eddie and I seem to have forgotten to tell you that we're dating..." I said quietly as a gasp came from each of my friends.

"WHAT?!" Beverly yelled.

"C-called it" Bill smugly said.

"Pay up" Mike said as Ben and Stan sighed, handing him 2 dollars each.

"You couldn't have waited another week?" Stan whined.

"Or two?" Ben chimed in.

"Thank you! You just won me 4 dollars!" Mike exclaimed, pulling me into a hug.

"Im sorry I didn't tell you Bev" I said but she just smiled.

"It's okay, im happy for you but if you ever withhold information from me again I will stab you with a fork" She said sweetly. My eyes widened as she sent me the shadiest smile ever

"Woah, what's with all the hugging?" Richie said as he and Eddie walked over to us.

"Jocelyn and Eddie are dating!" Bev yelled.

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