05. Rock War

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I could hear someone knocking on the door frantically, interrupting me from my sleep. I stretched and walked towards the door to open it. A smiling Beverly rushed in.

"Okay so how was the call?! Did he ask you out?! Did you confess your undying love for eachother?! Was he like 'oh my god Jocelyn im so in love with you'?!" Beverly said, way too fast.

"First of all, great Eddie impression. And second of all, he didn't call" I sighed.


"Relax. No one died" I shrugged it off but I was honestly so sad he never called.

"So you're fine with that?" She asked in a expecting tone.

"Sure. Why wouldn't I be? He's not my boyfriend"

"You don't have to lie to me. Im just as heartbroken that he didn't call" She assured.

"Okay, fine! Yes, I am sad that he never called, but there has to be a reason that he didn't. Eddie wouldn't do that.......oh god. What if he doesn't like me? He probably just said that out of pity!" I began to freak out.

"Listen. If he doesn't like you then he's a dumbass. Now we are going to have fun today and hopefully make him cry" Bev was obviously invested in mine and Eddie's "relationship".

"But I don't want him to cry. Just let me handle it, okay?"

"I guess..."

I got dressed and did my hair before we ventured out of the apartment.

I got dressed and did my hair before we ventured out of the apartment

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(Shes wearing the outfit above)

We met up at the quarry. We had no plans to go swimming but it was about the same distance from each one of our houses. Everyone was already there when me and Bev arrived. Eddie eyes widened as he saw me.

"Hey Jocelyn. Hey Bev" He said, smiling.

"Hi Eddie!" I said a little too excitedly, waving in the process.

Bev gave me a warning glance and grabbed my arm to stop my waving. "Edward" She said in a harsh tone, making him look confused.

"Hey Joc, can I talk to you?"

"Yeah" I said as we walked away together. Richie saw and wiggled his eyebrows at me but I just rolled my eyes.

"So im really sorry I didn't call you. My mom caught me and she sent me up to my room" He explained.

"It's fine Eddie. Shit happens" I smiled.

We started to walk back but Bev shooed us away. The rest of the losers were huddled up. It was very obvious that they were talking about Eddie and I. He looked at me and I just shrugged, not knowing what to say.

"What do you think they're talking about?" Eddie genuinely asked.

"Us" I blankly responded.


"They want us to date. Im surprised you didn't notice. They are making it WAY TOO OBVIOUS!" I yelled the last part but it didn't seem to disrupt our friends.

"W-well I don't want to date you. My mom would kill me and we're just friends. I have no romantic feelings towards you. I mean you are pretty but I wouldn't want to date you" Eddie said as I felt a pang in my chest.

"Oh" Was all I could say. My voice was quiet and he began to say something but I ignored him. I just walked towards my huddle of friends.

"Everyone shut the fuck up. Eddie doesn't like me. I don't like him so can we just leave?" I said rather rudely. Bill looked at me almost as if he knew something was wrong. The group all muttered an 'okay' and split apart.

"W-w-what happened?" Bill asked.

"I'll tell you later" I sighed, there was no point in lying to him.

Richie had still not given up the fact that they made him be the look out at Beverly's house.

"No, really. I love being your personal doorman" Richie said, cycling around us.

"Shut up Richie" Stan groaned.

"Okay. I get it trash the trashmouth. At least I wasn't the one scrubbing the bathroom floors imagining the sink had gone off like Eddies moms vagina on Halloween"

"She wasn't imagining it. I s-s-saw something too" Bill defended.

"You saw blood?" Stan asked.

"N-no I saw G-georgie...but it wasn't him. I-it was a-" Bill was cut off.

"A clown. I saw him too" Eddies eyes glances over to mine but I darted them away.

"Do you have to be a virgin to see it? Is that why I haven't seen this shit?" Richie asked, making me groan loudly. All eyes shifted to me.

"Have you seen anything? Because no offense but there's no way you're not a virgin" Richie asked me.

"What the fuck Richie? And yes, I saw my dead parents as the walls of my apartments closed in and I am a virgin you stupid bi-" I was cut off by yelling im the woods.

"Shit. That's Belch Huggins car. We better go"

"Isn't that the homeschooled kids bike?" Stan asked, making me snap my head towards it.

"Shit. That's Mikes" I said, getting worried. Mike Hanlon was one of the nicest people I had ever known. When I moved into town he was the only one besides Bev that would talk to me. We actually became very close friends but we hadn't really talked in a while.

"We have to help him" Bev said as I followed her.

When we got there we saw Henry holding a rock over Mikes head. Bev was quick to move and threw a rock right at Henry.

Mike ran over to us, giving Beverly a small thank you.

"Hey Jocelyn" He smiled.

"Hi Mike"

"You losers are trying too hard. She'll do you. You just have to ask nicely like I did" Henry said, referring to Beverly.

"And Jocelyn, homeschools ex-girlfriend, the one who talks shit to everyone else because her parents died" Henry taunted but I snorted, trying not to laugh.

"Okay, I kissed Mike one time. And I guess we can relate on the whole being a bitch thing because I have issues with my parents" It was true, I was mean to people because I couldn't cope with the death of my parents. And I had kissed Mike, he was my first kiss actually.

My friends looked shocked except for Mike and Beverly. I leant over to pick up a rock and Henry did the same. I didn't hesitate like he did and I threw it at him right in the dick.

"Rock fight!" Richie yelled before taking a rock to the face.

Rocks flew back and forth and I was lucky enough to hit Belch Huggins right in the throat, making him and Patrick retreat. Henry was on the ground, shaking.

We all began to walk away except for Richie.

"Go blow your dad you mullet-wearing asshole" He yelled, flipping Henry off.

I was walking next to Mike as I tried to push away all thoughts of Eddie in my mind. I swung my arm around Mikes neck and continued to walk with him.

"Thanks but you really didn't have to do that"

"It's fine. Bowers is always after us" Eddie said, but he didn't really have emotion in his voice.

"I g-guess that's one thing we all have in c-common" Bill said.

"Yeah! Welcome to the losers club Mike!" I happily said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I saw Eddie clench his fists as he continued to walk but I didn't think anything of it.

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