13. I Wanna Kill That Clown

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"Bill! What are you doing?! This is crazy!" Beverly tried to reason with him.

"Look, you don't have to come in with me but what happens when another Georgie goes missing? Or another Betty? Or one of us?" Bill stopped, taking a couple of breaths.

"Are you just going to pretend that nothing is happening just like the rest of this town? Because I can't. I go home and all I see is that Georgie isn't there. His clothes, his toys, his stupid stuffed animals...so walking into this house is easier than walking into my own" Bill finished his speech.

None of us had anything to say. We were all shocked by Bill's words. He was right, we have to go in there-we have to stop it.


"What?" Bev asked.

"He didn't stutter once"

"Wait! Shouldn't one of us stand guard? Just in case something happens" Stan said, looking at the ground.

"W-who wants to stay here?" Bill asked.

Everyone raised their hands except for Beverly and I.

"Pussies" Beverly snorted.

We ended up picking straws. Eddie, Richie and I were the lucky ones who picked the shortest straws and began to walk in with Bill.

A big creak erupted as we opened the door into the empty house. The door slammed behind us, making us all jump. We continued to walk and Eddie grabbed my hand for comfort.

"I can taste it" Eddie commented in disgust.

"Yeah, just don't breathe through your mouth"

"Why not?"

"Cause' then you're eating it" Richie said, causing Eddie to gasp and release his grip on my hand. He took out his inhaler and began to steady his breathing. I rubbed his back comfortingly and sent a glare towards Richie.

Richie walked towards the other side of the room and picked up a paper that had been stuck in the spiderwebs. He froze when he read it and looked like he was on the verge of tears.

"What is it Richie?" I asked nervously as he turned the paper to show me. It was a missing poster but not just any missing poster, it was his missing poster.

"Y-you're not missing Richie" Bill coaxed.

"No! That's my name, my hair, my age, that's my face! That's the date! That's me! That's fucking me! WHY THE FUCK DOES IT SAY THAT IM MISSING?!" Richie screamed.

"Because this is what he wants! He wants you to be scared. Don't let him win" I said, calming Richie down slightly.

"Yeah, okay. You're right" Richie said.

"Hello? Is someone there?" We heard a voice say and began to run upstairs. As soon as we got to the top of the stairs we saw Betty Ripsom. She was laying on the floor, we could only see her upper half and she seemed to be crying.

"HELP ME!" She yelled before being dragged away. I quickly rushed into the room, followed by Bill and Richie. She was nowhere to be seen and when I turned around I realized Eddie wasn't in the room.

"Eddie!" I yelled.

"Im right here Jo-" He was cut off by the door slamming shut. I ran towards it and attempted to open it but it didn't work. Bill tried to break the door down but that didn't work either.

"Eddie! Can you hear me?!" I yelled but there was no answer. I began to panic and breathe heavily as Bill tried to calm me down. Richie ignored the two of us before walking into another room. The door slammed behind him before we had a chance to follow.

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