17. It's Got Beverly pt. 2

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"Bev?" I whispered in a shaky tone, gripping Eddie's hand. Ben ran towards her and pulled her down frantically.  Her eyes were white and she was frozen, her mouth was slightly agape and a look of fear was stuck on her face. Tears burned in my eyes as I clutched onto Eddie.

"Beverly!" Ben yelled, he was crying and everyone  just stood there in shock. "Why isn't she waking up?!" He asked but no one had an answer. He, in a desperate attempt to revive her pulled her into a kiss. She gasped for air and I smiled tearfully in relief. Her and Ben muttered something to each other but I couldn't hear them.

We all ran towards her and hugged, seemingly forgetting about the situation we were in. We were just happy she was okay.

"Oh, you bitch. I thought I lost you" I shakily sad as she laughed.

"Wh-who's that?" Bill asked as I felt Beverly freeze.

"Joc, don't!" Eddie yelled as I turned to face where everyone was looking. My hands were shaky and my breath hitched.

"Mom?" I shakily asked. Everyone grew silent, Eddie and Beverly were the only two who knew about the fate of my parents and they were both frozen. The others just looked confused.

"Hi sweetie" She smiled and I flinched at the sound of her voice. I slowly took a step forward and she grinned at me with her warm smile that I had seen many times before.

"Leave. Y-you're dead" I shook my head as she stepped closer.

"Im right here, Jocelyn" She softly spoke, grabbing my hand. I looked up at her with tears in my eyes.

"I m-miss you" I choked out.

"I missed you too Joc and I love you so, so much" She smiled, picking my chin up with her hands and it's almost as if the imaginary light went off in my brain. She never called me Joc, ever.

"I love you too mom, but you aren't real" I said, pulling out the bolt gun and shooting her in between the eyes. My mom fell back and began to twitch erratically. The clown began to shift into its chosen form as everyone watched in horror. I gasped for air due to the tears and lump in my throat. I grabbed the bolt gun once again and aimed it towards her.

"IT'S NOT LOADED!" Mike yelled and I tried to get away when the clown, showing three sets of razor-sharp teeth he tried to bite me. I hit him with a flashlight as we began to fight. Bill intervened as the clown grabbed ahold of him and two arms pulled me back. They belonged to Eddie, who was trying to calm me down. The clown held onto Bill and backed away from us.

"Let him go!" Beverly yelled while Pennywise laughed.

"No! I'll take him! I'll take all of you as I feast on your flesh and your fear!" The clown menacingly laughed. "Or you'll just leave us be. I will take him, only him, and I will have my long rest and you will all live to grow and thrive and live happy lives until old age will take you back into the weeds" He tried to convince us but it was obvious none of were going to leave him behind.

"Leave! Im the one who dragged you to all of this s-so leave! Go!" Bill yelled as Richie took a step towards him.

"I told you Bill. I fucking told you. I don't wanna die and this is your fault. You punched me in the face, you made me walk through shitty water, you brought me into this fucking and now, im gonna have to kill this fucking clown!" He yelled picking up a metal bat.

"WELCOME TO THE LOSERS CLUB ASSHOLE!" Richie yelled, striking the clown on the head.

Burnt hands came out of the clowns throat, choking Mike as the sound of people screaming in pain could be heard. Stan interrupted by hitting the clown with a metal pipe. The clown turned to him as Judith and Stan screamed before hitting the clown once again.

Ben stabbed it next, making the clown turn to him as a mummy. The rotting flesh could be seen in between the bandages as Ben stared in shock until Bill whacked Pennywise with chains he had found on the ground.

The clown finally hunched over, shocking us all. He slowly turned into the leper and began to cough loudly before throwing up black goo all over both me and Eddie. Eddie fell silent, letting go of my waist and lunging towards the clown. "IM GONNA KILL YOU!" He yelled, kicking the clown in the head. If I were under any different circumstances I would have laughed but considering the fact that I was covered in the substance too I felt nothing more than disgust.

He had turned into Beverly's dad and she stared in shock. "Hey Bevvy. Are you still my little girl?" He asked as Beverly picked up a pipe, stabbing him in the head. The clown spit out as he slowly backed away, twitching uncontrollably. He finally stopped once he had reached a drain and stood there as he trembled in fear.

"He th-thrust his fist against the p-post and still insists he s-sees the ghost. "He th-thrust his fist against the p-post and still insists he s-sees the ghost" The clown recited before his skin began to peel, floating into the air. We all watched in shock as he made eye contact with us.

"Fear" He whispered before disappearing completely.


Eddie and I walked hand-in-hand, each covered in the black slime the clown had threw up all over us.

"What the fuck do I do about this?" He gestured to the mess all over him. "My mom will kill me!"

"Just take a shower at my house. I can wash your clothes, im sure you have clothes you've left over anyway" I offered as he nodded.

"Thanks Joc" He smiled. We reached my front door as we both froze.

"What are we gonna tell Dylan?!'

"Just follow my lead" I said and he nodded hesitantly. We entered the house as my brother and his friends grew silent, staring at us in shock.

"What the fuck happened to you?!" Dylan yelled as Eddie and I looked at him with tired looks on our faces.

"It's a long story" I sighed.


After lots and lots of begging Dylan had agreed to let Eddie spend the night. Eddie's mom was under the impression that he was staying over at Bill's so we wouldn't have any problems with that. We had both finished showering and were lying in my bed, both exhausted. Eddie grabbed my hand nervously, a blush spread across his cheeks as I smiled at him. I turned over and rested my head on his chest, listening as his heartbeat sped up rapidly. I chuckled at his nervousness.

"I love you Eds"

"I love you too Joc"

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