18. Prove It

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"P-promise that if it isn't dead we'll all c-come back. We have t-to make a blood p-promise" Bill stated.

Bill took a shard of a broken bottle off of the ground and began to slice everyone's hand. Bill got to me, grabbing my hand and slicing it. I winced and watched the blood gather in my palm. I grabbed Eddie's hand, sending him a weak smile. We all looked at each other with a sense of relief on our faces.

"I promise" We spoke in unison.


Eddie's p.o.v.

I walked into my house after watching Joc walk down the street. I entered the living room, kissing my mom on the cheek and threw myself on the couch.

"Where were you?" She questioned, raising an eyebrow at me suspiciously.

"Bill's, I told you that" I lied.

"Really? Cause' I called Mrs. Denbrough and she said you weren't there"

"Oh...that's weird" I fake laughed.

"Where were you?"

"I was at Jocelyn's..." I admitted.

"WHAT?!" She yelled, getting up from her chair.

"Listen! We went straight to bed and that's it!"


"Why don't you trust me?! I would never do something like that! And don't call her a whore!"

"Really? You just slept over and nothing happened?" My mother asked in disbelief.

"Yes! And her brother was there! He would've killed the both of us if we did something like that! But we didn't! We know better!"

"Edward I don't think she's a good influence on you" My mom shook her head.

"You don't think anyone's a good influence on me! You don't know anything about her! She cares about me! She would always walk with me to the pharmacy to get my meds! When me and you get into fights she comforts me and she always tells me that you just want the best for me! She defends you even though you treat her like shit! Please give her a chance! You don't have to like her just please be nice to her.." I begged.

"You really love her dont you Eddie-bear?" She asked, receiving a nod from me.

"Yes! She means the world to me ma. Just please don't be mean anymore. She doesn't deserve it"


Jocelyn's P.O.V.

"Im telling you Eds! She rolled her eyes at me" I complained about Greta, whom I had seen earlier at the store.

"No way. You terrify her" He shook his head laughing slightly. "I have an awesome girlfriend"

"And I have an awesome boyfriend" I gushed making him blush and fiddle with his fingers.

"Can I kiss you?"

"You don't have to ask Eds" I laughed and he pulled me into a sweet kiss. He placed his hand on my cheek, pulling me closer and deepening the kiss before pulling away. He pressed out foreheads together and smiled brightly.

"I love you so much" He smiled.

"I love you more"

"No way" He shook his head.

"Prove it" I challenged and he cocked an eyebrow at me.

"Ummmm this is kind of creepy but I memorized your phone number in like five minutes because I was so excited to talk to you" He blushed and I snorted.

"What a loser" I teased and he rolled his eyes. "Im kidding! I slept under the phone the first time you said you would call me" I admitted.

"Yeah? Well after our first kiss I went around the corner so you couldn't see me and I had an asthma attack" He said as if it were a good thing.

"I cried when you didn't call me" I admitted and he furrowed his eyebrows, sighing loudly.

"Noooooo. Im so sorry" He said, pulling me into a hug.

"It's fine Eds" I laughed and he kissed my cheek.

"Lets just say we love each other an equal amount" He said making me nod.

"I can live with that but I still love you way more"

"Oh my fucking god!"


I stopped in front of Eddie's house and tightened my grip on his hand as I heard the front door open. Of course, as if she knew we were there his mother walked out.

"Oh hi Eddie-bear, just getting here?" She asked, her eyes trailing over to our intertwined hands.

"Yeah" He nodded.

"Well maybe you should come inside, it's getting late and I know your brother wouldn't want you walking around town by yourself" His mom suggested and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why was she being nice?

"Yeah. That's probably a good idea" I nodded, turning towards Eddie. "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?"

"But I don't want you to go" He whined, making me laugh.

"Relax. Like I said, I'll see you tomorrow. I love you" I spoke, kissing him on the cheek.

"I love you too" He blushed.

"Awww look! You're all red!" I teased.

"Shut up" He mumbled.

Red~ Eddie Kaspbrak Where stories live. Discover now