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Arrived in Neverland the waters were mysterious as the place they were heading to the island with traps and death at every turn the Charming family, Mills family, Rumple, and Hook aboard. While Greg and Henry landed on the island and greeted by Lost Boys Greg wanted a way home when they didn't deliver he wasn't going to hand Henry over but The Shadow decided he took to long and killed him by ripping his shadow from his body Henry had took off running and greeted by a disguised Pan appealing to his humane side and tried helping him by deceiving him in the process. Aboard the Jolly Roger so much emotions running high Evie was down below deck she was trying to find her calm place when Hook greeted her he said "You missed the commotion above" she said "Don't tell me Emma yelled at her parents, and Rumple decided to go on a solo mission believing he can do it alone" he said "Wow, like you were there" she said "I'm very observant as you've pointed out, besides all of your voices carry range down here" he said "What are you doing mind my asking?" she said "I'm trying not lose control of myself the moment I do is when I'm a mess" he said "Don't stop on my account, how much do you know on using a sword?" she said "A plenty, I know it hurts when it's ran through your body" she smirked he said "Funny". The ship took on a ravaging waters as if Pan knows they're here and instructed his mermaid minions to attack luckily Regina was able to capture one but she used her conch shell calling forth a magical storm that will tear the ship of misfits apart. In the midst of everyone arguing only Emma and Evie could see what's really going on Emma was at the wheel and Evie went to side of the ship she jumped off into the water the Regina screamed "EVIE" Emma still at the wheel when the others tried to find a way to rescue her when a pulley that was holding the sail up broke off fall into the water hitting her in the head Regina said "Evie" Snow said "Get her up here" she said "I can't , not in this storm I can't even see her". David went to get her Hook offered some rope to do so once it was tied around him he dived in after her finding her he pulled on the rope for them to pull them both up and pulled they did. David brought Evie up holding Snow holding her against herself she coughed up water and awoke she saw her mom's worried look Emma saw Hook look relieved over Evie being okay and Evie glimpsed at the night sky not a cloud but the moon. Henry helped disguised Pan elude Lost Boys via pixie dust only to be captured by him and Rumple greeted by his past courtesy of Felix, Pan's right-hand man reminding him what's at stake in saving Henry. The group washed ashore with Jolly Roger wrecked Emma told them how it is that they must pool all their strength and skills by working together to save Henry because they just have to win Evie agreed with Emma she said "That's why you should be in charge, you are the voice of reason" she said "Then let's go save Henry".

Hiking through Neverland's jungle trying to avoid Dreamshade poisonous thorns Hook had picked up on the fact David doesn't care for him Emma said "He's not used to working with villains" he said "What can you tell me about Evie?" she said "Like what?" he said "Is she seeing anyone?" she said "You do realize she's Regina's daughter" he said "So?" they made it to the top to see that the jungle has changed from what Hook described it to be so they settled to set up camp. In the midst of trying to catch some sleep Evie was awakened to a sound of laughter she went walking to find Emma with a sword against a boy's neck she said "Emma?" she said "Found Pan". He stood before her all scrawny he had a mischievous grin he said "You must be the sister, Evie my you are legendary" she looked at him as if she was staring right through him her eyes started to glow red with a tint of orange he said "What's this The First Savior going to unleash havoc on little old me it won't work in rescuing Henry" Evie said "You harm Henry and that sword be the least of your problems" he said "What fire, I like your fire?". Emma said "Where's my son?" he said with a wicked smile "Henry's still alive, if that's what you're worried about" she said "What do you want with him?" he said "I came here to see what I was up against, The Savior and looks like I got two of them I'm not disappointed". As he chuckled Evie said "Give us Henry and you get to live" being serious he said "I'll help you find him, I'll give you a map for starters that will lead you straight to your son" Evie said "What's the catch? you go out of your way to give us a map, no you're up to something" he said "Been around the Evil Queen too long has rubbed off on you, I keep my promises the path to finding Henry is on this parchment" gave the map to Emma she opened it up she said "It's blank?" he said "You'll only read the map when you stop denying who you really are" and he left.

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