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               Emma told the others what Pan said and showed the map, Evie was too busy trying to calm down her emotions they were heavy and the weight she felt dearly but this wasn't about her it was to save Henry to bring him home. Regina so inpatient she used the map as a locator spell to track Pan hoping it would lead them to Henry for a bit it was genius then not so much Lost Boys attacked them. Evie went and dodged every arrow laced with Dreamshade but the moment Emma realized what Pan was driving out and the Lost Boys retreated while Pan said "Remember what I told you that map will show you where Henry is only when you stop denying who you really are" and they walked off. Back to square one Emma feeling defeated Evie walked over to her she plopped down on a rock she said "What is it with you hero types never giving up in wake of defeat, so we lost big deal we can still win" Emma said "Says you" she said "The moment I lose my control that's when I'm at my lowest but I'm not giving up because Henry is out there somewhere with Pan filling his head with nonsense so I have something holding me together and so do you". Emma shook her head she said "I'm no savior, just on this island I don't feel worthy of a hero or a savior I'm just" Evie said "A lost girl alone in the world forgotten by all just an orphan" Emma looked at her she said "Yes, an orphan" tears falling from her face Evie said "Till Regina and Henry came into my life that's all I ever was but I'm so much more than that, you're so much more than that". The map started to glow and revealed the location Emma finally admitted she's an orphan and Evie coming to terms with her past and looking ahead to the future.

           Onward ho, to finding Henry but Pan keeps moving the camp to make it more fun and entertaining for a mischievous boy they sought out Tinkerbell Regina objecting due to a bad history with her Evie picking up on that and they being watched by Tinkerbell nonetheless. Tinkerbell kidnapped Regina but didn't plan on Evie appearing to her defense but to her shock she called her Hope  Regina said "Evie, I'm okay" she said "Hello Tink long time isn't it" Tinkerbell said "Hope last I saw you was eons ago" she said "Well I died and reborn again so there, but harm her and you face me" she said "You know who she is?" asking if Evie should know Regina's reputation. She said "Yes, she's my mother and we're here to save my brother" she scoffed at the notion she said "Wow who would have thought you ended up in care of the Evil Queen the utmost darkness" she said "Can you help us save my brother?" she said "He's too powerful" Evie said "Well let us be the judge of that, we just need an in and we'll do the rest and in return you can come with us home" she said "Why?" she said "I believe in you, and believe is hope, I should know that's who I am". Reunited with the others and to convene at the campsite Evie greeted by Tinkerbell she said "You're different than before" she said "I've experienced a lot of emotions since my rebirth and I know what I'm living for now". She walked away from her to Regina she said "You should know Hope was created from belief the beginning of everything destined to fight the darkness in the final battle" she said "Well the way she puts it she died from it" she said "No, that wasn't the final battle that was the beginning and she still on that path but if she's consumed by darkness she'll be worse than Pan is or more without guidance toward the path of light" Regina said "She's my daughter and I can make sure she stays true".

Light and Dark: WickedWhere stories live. Discover now