Green with Envy

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Evie was taking a shower and not part of the heroes conversation regarding the Wicked Witch of the West. She was experiencing her powers she was hearing a voice speak to her "that only light magic can stop the wicked" she went to drying off and with her magic she was all done and looked fabulous as ever she walked out to the group she said "So what's the plan?." She was stuck with Snow while everyone doing their tasks Snow said "Let me guess you wanted to go to your mom's office?" she said "I guess too many people would arouse suspicion" she said "Evie how was it in New York did you have a life?" making small talk she said "Yeah but it wasn't me I wanted so much more" Snow said "Does this involve a certain pirate?" she said "I never been in love so to admit being love is hard as well" Snow said "You're in love?" she said "Yes" she said "That's great Evie" she said "But does he still feel the same way" she said "I can tell he does just tell him" she said "Once we stopped the Wicked Witch". Evie left when David greeted Snow to meet the midwife who was in fact the wicked witch Evie had went for a jog and being on the lookout for flying monkeys she missed her jogs around Storybrooke feeling the air blow across as she jogged and being out and about seeing nature at it's finest but remembering her conversation earlier with Snow where she semi-confessed she was in love with Hook well to actually admit it was a relief but to utter it to Hook well that's another story. She came upon her mom and Henry whom were walking and Henry had an icecream cone she stopped to take a breather she said "Well how's everything?" trying to get info Henry said "Well Ms. Mills your mom took me out to get ice cream" she said "Well that's something" Regina said "I see you're active?" she said "I jogged along my favorite path it's different but still feels the same" Regina said "So what are you going to do now?" she said "Swing by Granny's I think I earned myself a reward" she took off jogging.

Convened in Granny's discussing what the witch did and Rumple's return what her agenda could be while Regina took another look at the Farmhouse and the rest told Belle Hook elected to stay with her in case the witch shows up leaving Evie to protect Snow while David and Emma went to tracking Evie hated being on protection duty she's useful to the group but have the feeling they don't see her that way. Snow tried to be a friend to Evie in a way of a relative would be Evie said "I know you mean well and are benched for being pregnant I didn't sign up for protection detail" Snow said "Well I hate the fact I'm bench too but we can make the most of it" she said "No heart felt conversations?" she said "I promise" she said "Okay what do you want to do?". Evie was organizing the laundry when she heard the midwife come in with groceries and talking to Snow she walked in there Snow said "Evie this is Zelena the midwife" Evie said "Hello" she shake Zelena's hand Snow said "Evie is Regina's daughter" Zelena said "You're the Evil Queen's daughter" she said "Adopted but yes she's no longer the evil queen" she smirked at Evie she said "Apologies, it's just with the Wicked Witch about perhaps the Evil Queen would as well" Evie said "My mother has come far and I don't see her as the villain she was because evil isn't born it's made and so is good". Zelena seemed to rile Evie she said "Now drink up Snow I assure you the orange juice will help you feel better" Snow did and she felt the baby kicked she said "You're right" she said "It works every time" Evie was suspicious of this midwife Zelena how she waltzed into the Charming family's lives it all seems too coincidence to her. She was right when Emma and David came with guns drawn turns out Zelena is the Wicked Witch they searched the bathroom but Zelena got away in nick of time as if she had foresaw it so. Evie learned Zelena is the reason Neal is dead and controlling Rumple she hearing that voice again "To defeat Zelena only those that bear light magic can" as it ringed in her head she wondered who this invisible voice was and why it's speaking to her only.

Attended Neal's funeral then awake at Granny's Evie was still trying to make sense of that message: "To defeat Zelena the bearer of light magic can" she thought perhaps Emma given she's the current savior but why isn't it speaking to her instead of herself. They were greeted by Zelena she made her dashing entrance Evie stood by her mother she controlling her emotions her eyes began to glow red Zelena said "Now Evie mustn't get mad we wouldn't want you turn Evil Queen like your mummy" Regina said "What do you want?" she said "Now that my cover's blown, I can finally pay a visit to my little sister" she said "Who?" Zelena said "Why you of course Regina" she said "I'm an only child" she said "Cora lied to you, I'm your sister half for technicalities" she said "Why should I believe anything you say?" she said "You shouldn't it's a lot to swallow, meet me on Main Street say sundown" she said "Then what?" she said "Then I'll destroy you" Regina said "This isn't the wild west?" she said "No, dear it's the Wicked West, and I want everyone to come and witness the defeat of the Evil Queen" she left chuckling away while everyone watched confused and irritated. Regina went to get some air on that big revelation while everyone else went to do what they do best making sure the town is safe Evie worried Zelena would actually beat her mom she was prepared to fight her instead. As sundown came a big crowd came to witness the big fight Evil vs Wicked Evie had clued in Emma on taking Zelena down a peg in case her mom lost Emma agreed but going up against Zelena she was knocked aside then Evie went stood in her face she said "Take me on" Zelena smiled wickedly she said "You, what can you do" she said "Oh I can do most anything" but before she could her mom Regina walked out strutting like she was on a fashion runway she said "Did anyone tell you black is my color". She stepped between Evie and Zelena she went and punched her in the face Evie stepped back she said "I've been waiting to do that all day". Zelena ravaging on about how Regina got everything she ever wanted and didn't even deserve it and that she'll take it all from her she slung Regina around as if she was weightless like a tornado ravaging through towns with no care in the world Zelena believing she was winning found out the one thing she was after Regina didn't have, her heart and left defeated but will get it as she assures when she left on her broomstick Evie and group came to Regina's aid they learned Zelena is collecting ingredients first David's courage, now Regina's heart what's left to get now she took their memories what is her endgame.

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