Good Form

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Coming up with a plan to sneak in to get Henry but lack an escape plan to get off the god forsaken island that infuriated Tinkerbell because it all be for nothing if getting Henry but still dealing with Pan afterwards. So only answer worth seeking was Neal's old cave if he got away then he may have left a detail on how. Looking about in the cave Emma found tally-marks on the wall the days Neal marked till it became useless to even keep count Evie saw the way Emma said that she worried about Henry how he feels not knowing they're coming for him she walked into Hook's path he said "Evie, I was" she said "What?" he said "I know what it's like to lose hope to feel it fleeting away" he gazing into her eyes she could see him being genuine but she has no time for that she said "I see what you're doing, trying to bond with me I can't" she brushed past him walking out David walked up to him he said "A bit of advice, she don't like you" he said "Really?" he said "You're nothing but a pirate" he walked off. Coming up with two separate plans the girls go and wrangle a lost boy to deliver a message to Henry and the two guys go get cure for Dreamshade under guise of getting a sextant while Evie was left at the campsite she was there on guard just in case a certain lost boy leader happened to pop in. Evie at the ready when the girls came back she said "Did it work?" Regina said "It's done" she relieved then the guys came back spinning a tale about ambushed by Lost Boys and how Hook saved his life the ecstatic David started kissing Snow as if he was so happy to see her giving his ruse earlier while Hook took to rum.

Evie watched the others walk off she twirling her hair around her finger she said "Did you really save David's life?" seeing if he's lying he said "That surprise you?" she stood about she said "Oh I wouldn't say you were mates" smirking he said "I wouldn't leave him to perish on this island" she mumbled "thank you". Hook said "Perhaps gratitude is in order now" doing doe-eyed look at her she said "I see what you're doing pirate" he said "What am I doing love?" she said "Trying to get on my good side" he said "Why would I do that for?" playing coy she said "I know that tactic I invented it" she strutting about he said "How is it you're still single?" trying to goad her she walked up to him she said "Everyone is far beneath me" he said "So Regina controls your love life, ain't she mommy of the year". He had now provoked her she got in his face she said "I always get what I want and you think she controls me did it ever occur to you that you have no idea who I really am" he said "Well then" she said "Ah forget". She grabbed him by his jacket collar and kissed him and they were making-out to the point she had to push back he said "That was" she said "One time thing, wait five minutes then get firewood or something" he bowed to her he said "As you wish" she walked off mostly to compose herself as why she did that maybe all the tension built up inside or maybe to just shut him up. Pan greeted Hook whom was sipping the rum he said "My, my already hooked up with a savior how impressive what weighed her down was it the doe-eyed looks or was it saving David's life an act of heroism" he said "Perhaps she's seeing me for the man I am" he said "A one-handed pirate with a drinking problem that seems less appealing" Hook ignored him Pan said "You should know that Neal is alive and is here so wouldn't that thrill Emma and still put you in good graces with Evie oh he's in Echo Cave if you think about being man of honor" he vanished.

Regina was trying to get Emma to use her magic to do the simplest of things, light a fire but arguing over how it's done pretty much set the fire Evie seeing it as child's play she also had been thinking about that kiss something of a whim but was it really while Hook told David and Snow what Pan said about Neal being there and that finding out if it's true without telling Emma Snow didn't like lying to Emma so she blurted it out Regina in disbelief and Emma as well but Evie looked at Hook she said "Emma" her voice cracked Emma said "Alive?". Regina shaking her head she said "You want to follow the evil munchkin's dirt road be my guest" she went to walk away Evie went to stop her she said "Mom" she said "I'm going to find Henry come with me or stay with them" she said "I guess I'm staying" she walked away Evie turned back to the others she said "Where is he keeping Neal?". Along the trek to Neal's location Evie told Snow and Emma that she kissed Hook Snow said "Why?" she said "To shut him up" Emma said "Really?" she said "It's been a while and I was feeling good" Snow said "Did it mean anything?" prying she said "No, I don't know it doesn't matter all that matters is finding Henry" Snow had touched her arm she said "You deserve a happy ending, happy endings start with hope". Reached the Echo Cave walked inside and saw across the way Neal in a bamboo cage Emma knowing he's alive Hook rambled off about revealing one's dark secret and a bridge would sprout across to Neal Hook went first he said "I kissed Evie" David said "You did what" Snow said "Now's not the time" Evie said "I already told Snow and Emma technically it's not a secret, and it was just a kiss how can that be your darkest secret?" he said "It's what the kiss exposed, my secret is I never thought I'd be capable of letting go of my first love, my Milah to believe that I could find someone else that is until I met you". The ground shook part of a bridge appeared one by one secrets spilled Snow wanting a do-over with another child and David was shot by Dreamshade and was cured by water but still will die and Emma made it across and revealed to Neal that she hoped he was dead so she wouldn't relive all the moments of hurt he did her while Evie blindsided by Hook's confession she pretended not to notice as she was focused on Henry.

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