"Love brings nothing but wasted years and endless torment "

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Emma going to take magic lessons from Regina to fight Zelena before anyone else dies just like Neal. Evie on the other hand trying to figure out who has been speaking to her she consulted Blue hoping she'll be helpful on this dilemma but she wasn't she believes it could be Evie's savior powers coming to the surface she said "Perhaps Evie you may know the answer but it hasn't revealed itself to you yet" she said "I don't get it" she said "You will soon". Evie walked into Granny's Hook with Henry he watched her go to the counter Henry noticed Hook watching her Henry said "You like her, Evie?" he said "That obvious?" he said "I notice things, also I know she likes you too" he said "Did she say that, liking me?" Evie came upon them she said "Looks like you two acting chummy" Hook said "Well showing the lad how to play dice" she said "Let me guess loaded dice?" Hook let a chuckle out he said "Evie , perhaps we can talk later about something" Henry waiting to hear Evie's response she said "Perhaps also" David and Snow came in with Ariel hoping to talk to Hook Evie sat down with Henry he said "Well smooth Evie" she said "I was going for subtlety" he said "You know he likes you, right?" she said "It's complicated". Evie was mentioned by Hook when he told Ariel the truth of what happened to her prince at the docks she slapped him for his role in Eric's presumed demise he said "I would give anything to take it back to make things right" she said "Anything? How am I supposed to trust a man who no longer believes in love?" he said "I still do" she said "Then swear to me on it, this woman that broke your heart? Do you still love her?" he said "Yes" she said "Then swear to me on her name" he said "I swear on Evie Mills" she smiled wickedly she said "Exactly what I needed to hear" swooshed green magic onto his lips and revealed herself to be Zelena all along. She went on to tell him Ariel found her prince where Black Beard had been keeping him he said "Why pretend to be her?" she said "To corrupt your love, when you invoked the name of your love in a selfish plea for redemption I was able to curse you more specifically your kiss and next time your lips touch Evie Mills' all of her magic be taken everything that makes her special, powerful, that makes her threat will be gone" he said "I won't do it, I'll tell her" she said "I'll send the Dark One to kill her and all she holds dear" he said "Taking her out when Emma can do the same to you" she said "That's why I added an incentive so when you say kiss Emma by chance that too will take Evie's magic as well, either way taking out both of them would be better for me and my plans" he said "I'll stop you" she said "Choice is your's, kiss Evie or kiss Emma either way their powers will be gone" she left. Evie was at the Charming apartment when everyone else showed up they all were to go to Granny's for supper she stopped Hook she said "Later is now so what did you want to talk about?" he said "It's nothing really". He started to go she took his arm she said "Whatever happened over there I'm glad you came to get us because I realized something" he said "What?" she said "I know what's missing in my life and I've been afraid to admit it till now" Hook waited in anticipation to what she was about to say she said "I uh.." hearing Henry say "Evie are you coming?" Hook said "Should go, we can talk later love" she left with them she was so close on telling him her feelings she made it down the stairs she whispered "I love you Hook".

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