Purveyor of the Strongest Light Magic

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           Evie with the group she saw her mom come in she said "So you and Robin Hood?" she said "It's new, can we get started" Emma said "We're waiting on Hook" she said "I don't have time to wait for the handless wonder, we have to figure out how to destroy my sister" Evie said "What if she didn't cast the curse, think about you have to give up the thing you love most so" insinuating to the group that what does Zelena love what's her weakness and that's the key to stopping her once and for all. Zelena kidnapped Hook wanting him to take Evie's or Emma's magic via a kiss and that he's dragging his feet so she was going start killing people they love starting with Henry. The lot found Henry's book but Emma didn't want Henry to remember given how happy he was in New York while Henry was caught by Hook and he was going to help him sail away if he so choose when they came under attack by flying monkeys hiding in the boat hangar Henry fell down and one was gunning for him when Evie appeared between them she shot power at it she said "No one harms my brother" and aided by Regina, Emma, David, and Snow Henry in a confused state he didn't understand how Evie got there or why David had a sword Emma said "I'm sorry I was keeping things from you, you were right you deserve the truth" he said "Fairytales I don't understand" she said "Do you trust me?" he said "Of course I do" she said "I need you to believe" he said "In what?" she said "Do you believe in me?" he said "Yes" she holding the book she said "Take it". He held the book in his hands and memories came flooding back and he looked at Emma then to Regina he said "Mom" then to Evie he said "I remember" Regina hugged him Zelena took Henry away before Emma could break the curse she said "So sorry to interrupt who wants to say goodbye first?" Evie's eyes turning red she said "Let him go" her voice was deep and loud Zelena said "Don't blame me the captain failed me he knew the price of that failure was". She began choking Henry Evie went and used her powers combined with Emma's and burned Zelena she let go of Henry he ran to Emma's arms Evie said "Go before I'll show you how mad I get" she said "Enjoy this moment together you don't have many left" and she stormed out in puff of green smoke. Henry went to wake Regina up Evie's eyes went to normal she went to her as well she said "MOM" she came two she hugged her children she said "I will never let you go away again, I love you Henry and I love you Evie" she kissed Henry's forehead thus breaking the curse on the town Emma asked her parents how Zelena cursed them Snow said "She didn't we did, Zelena's weakness is light magic and you Emma are the only one that can defeat her that's why we paid the price of Regina's curse". Evie with Hook, Emma, David and Snow Evie and Emma wanted to know what Zelena meant that he failed her he said "Don't listen to her" Evie said "Killian, what's going on? Were you working for her?" he said "The witch tried to back me in a corner I did everything I could to resist her plans" Emma said "What did she do?" he said "She cursed me, my lips actually" Emma said "Why?" he said "She wanted to steal Evie's magic I was the best way of doing that" Evie said "Why?" he said "She knows you and Emma can defeat her" Emma said "Protecting Henry is my decision, I can't trust you now, how can I?". Evie with the group minus Hook in the cemetery where Henry visited Neal's grave Snow went into labor they rushed her to the hospital in anticipation that Zelena and Rumple won't be far behind.

         Putting up magic barriers to keep Zelena out at the hospital but it wasn't enough Emma and Hook went to stop Zelena before she sets foot in the hospital. Evie with her mom and Henry when she felt something her magic it was gone stolen to be the exact word for it Zelena had made it where Hook drowning and CPR "kiss" would save him thus taking Emma's and Evie's magic allowing her to waltz right in and take the baby. Evie stood there Zelena laughed at her she said "Seems to me you're powerless" she slung Regina back into the magic barrier she went down to her mom to wake her up feeling helpless and powerless. Zelena took the baby and readied her portal with the ingredients the others preparing to go and get the baby back Evie saw Hook and Emma rush back in Emma said "Zelena took my magic" Evie said "Mine too" Emma said "Sorry" Henry said "You can do it mom" talking about Regina she said "I can't even survive round three with my sister" Evie said "That's because you were using dark magic, you broke the curse by kissing Henry that's light magic" Henry said "See you can do it" Evie took Regina's hand she said "I believe in you mom you need to believe too". In the barn team heroes went after Zelena and Rumple to no success Regina stopped by Zelena she went to choking her she said "Only light magic can harm me and you're as dark as they come, it was your destiny to be this way" Evie walked out there she said "Then take me on greenie" she chuckled she said "Even powerless you don't give up". She went to choking her as well she said "As wicked as you think you are you're not even in my league, yes you took my magic but you forgot one thing I am light magic I am every bit of it so you may have taken my powers but you won't take all of it because it's around us and in everyone's hearts, it is love" she said "Aren't you mushy" she said "I speak the truth, I found out too late what it means to live and to love but my family means everything to me and I won't stand by and let you destroy that because you were dealt a bad hand you can shape your destiny and be good" she said "I tried good once it didn't work out well" she said "But you can again my mom was a villain and now she's a hero so can you just give up your anger and let love in" she said "I'll settle for killing you". She went to rip her heart out but couldn't almost identical to what Cora did to Emma she couldn't she said "What's this?" Evie said "I told you light magic love is in our hearts and no dark magic can stop that" she was blasted back with a ripple effect of light magic Evie released from Zelena's grasp saved her mom while the others got up David went to the baby, Robin retrieved Regina's heart, Regina took Zelena's pendant from her person, Emma and Hook headed out while Rumple went to harm Zelena Evie had picked up the Dark One's dagger she stopped Rumple from killing her she said "No, enough this ends now" Rumple said "After everything this witch has done, you're gonna protect her?" Evie said "Good magic stopped her and good magic doesn't exact vengeance , heroes don't kill" Zelena said "Oh goody" sarcastically.

          Evie gave Regina the dagger and she went with the others to hospital to give Snow the baby back Evie watched Snow so happy and relieved she greeted by Hook he said "Well seems like you can handle your own" she said "Yeah, belief is a powerful thing and realizing who I am is who I want to be my family taught me that and we can shape our own destiny" he said "So what now" she said "I should go find my mom" she turned and left while Hook felt down in the dumps Evie turned to see him she still felt scared admitting her feelings to him. Evie came to Granny's wearing her trendy outfit a purple top, blue jeans, high heeled boots, and her black leather jacket her hair styled in spiral curls something very her she greeted the group hugged Ruby she saw Hook drinking a pint of beer she spoke to Tinkerbell and Blue, Blue said "Evie you did it, you figured it out your true purpose" she said "Well it took a long time but I guess I had to find it first" she glanced at Hook Tinkerbell said "Yeah I can see that, so what now for you?" she said "Enjoy life and cheerish the moment I think I'm going to write my own story afterall I am a Savior". Evie and all heard Snow and David announce their baby boy's name Neal everyone clapped Evie had watched Hook walk outside she went out after him he had sat down at a table she sat down next to him she said "I wanted to thank you Killian, for going back for me in the first place in New York if you hadn't all this wouldn't be possible" he said "It was the right thing to do" she said "How did you do it? How did you get to me?" he said "I ditched my crew and took Jolly Roger as fast and as far as I possibly could to outrun the curse" she said "You outran a curse?" he said "I'm hell of a captain, I traded my ship for a magic bean" she said "You traded your ship for me?" he said "Aye". She leaned closer to him their eyes met she kissed him and they continued there beneath Granny's Diner sign she smiled at him. Zelena had came up with the best revenge ploy yet she turned herself into Marian to ruin Regina's happiness she took Evie's advice but gave it a twist and she walked into Granny's acting strange she greeted Emma saying "Where am I?" Emma said "Who are you?" she said "That witch had me as a flying monkey and now I'm back to normal but where am I, what is this land?" Emma said "This is Storybrooke" Regina, Robin, and Roland in Granny's from enjoying their walk Robin saw her he said "Marian?" she turned she said "Robin, Roland" she went and hugged them Regina said "What?" Emma said "Zelena had her as a flying monkey" Regina said "Of course she did" Evie and Hook walked inside to the commotion she saw her mom upset she said "What's going on?". While outside at the Ice Cream Shop the walls suddenly began to freeze over as if something awakened and venturing into a cave not far from the town line inside it was covered in ice, a mirror broken missing one piece of glass shard, a figure in white stood looking in it she said "Now's my turn to freeze Storybrooke over" she laughed wickedly and touching the mirror's frame it froze.

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