New Neverland

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Arrived in Storybrooke to a welcome home party for the group and treated to a meal at Granny's everyone in great spirits while Hook looked at Evie from afar she trying not to go down the path of her feelings and when confronted by Snow she said "I know how he feels about me but I just don't know how to love well, so can we drop it okay". Pan had pullled a switcheroo on the lot by trapping Henry's essence in his body in Pandora's box while he parades about in Henry's body he wanted a way into Regina's vault to get his hands on the Dark Curse scroll to create a "New Neverland" where he'll be in complete control. Evie had went for a run along the shore she clearing her head and met up with Emma who was sitting on a tree log thinking she said "Want company?" she said "Okay" she sat beside her she said "What you're thinking about?" she said "It's Henry ever since we got home he seems different" she said "Pan did do a number on him" she said "Maybe but it seems more than that, why you out running for?" she said "It clears my mind and relieves tension and stress". She said "Stress? you mean Hook?" she said "His confession took me aback and I've been processing my emotions" she said "So what are you feeling?" she said "Let's get back to you that feeling about Henry what is it?" she said "I just can't shake that something bad is still going to happen and I need to do everything I can to stop it" she said "The gut feeling, it's nerve racking isn't it" she said "Yeah" she said "Saviors we all have a gut feeling and it does drive us crazy but we end up being right" she said "Perhaps we should have a drinking club" she said "Yeah but not today, I have a run to finish" she left. Coming back into the town Blue screamed because she was being terrorized by Pan's Shadow and Evie didn't know till she finished her run she was in sweats, racerback top, and running shoes her hair pulled up in a ponytail she greeted by the group Hook seeing her dressed differently he found it enticing she said "So Pan's still pulling strings even in Pandora's box?" she found that strange.

Coming to conclusion that Pan pulled the switcheroo the group learns what Pan has planned and it's not good but seriously evil they were trying to stop it by all means necessary. First a group went to Blue's funeral at the convent and stopped Pan's Shadow forever while the rest went to switch Henry and Pan back but greeted by Pan instead he wanted to relish in their timely defeat but Rumple came to stop him for good he sacrificed himself and saved the town. Pan's curse was spreading fast covering the entire town but Regina had a way of stopping it and the price was very deep she had to give up the thing she loves the most which is Evie and Henry she can never see them ever again or it won't work Evie said "So what then we can never be a family?" Regina said "But you can with Henry and Emma knowing you're with him having a life is all I can hope for you" she fighting back tears. At the town line bidding goodbye to Emma, Henry and Evie from what they had packed in Emma's car Evie told by Regina "You're strong never doubt that you have a heart of gold" she hugged her she said "I love you mommy" Regina said "I love you too Evie" she greeted Blue and Tink Blue said "Hope you always wanted a life and I'm sorry I didn't give you one but now you can" she said "You did give me life I'm light magic and I'm human you made all this possible and I promise to live every moment because of you" she hugged her. Henry got in the car waiting on Emma and Evie Hook greeted her he said "Take care of yourself" she said "Yeah" she was fighting back the tears she held his hand he said "There's not a day will go by I won't think of you" she said "Good" she let go and got in the car Regina told Emma that she's giving them new memories and they'll be happy ones something she should've gave the citizens of Storybrooke but didn't Emma got in the car and she drove off.

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