Everything is Changed

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One year later, in Manhattan Evie, Emma, and Henry living together Evie had been up early she took a shower and styling herself she has been working the last year as a stylist and was quite good at it so she was dressed to impress. She heard Emma's alarm clock go off at 8:15 Emma made breakfast while Henry watered the plants Emma said "You're not eating?" Evie said "I'll grab something on the way to work you know how Ms. Roberts likes her best to be on time and I'm the best" Emma said "When is she going to promote you?" she said "When she realizes I'm too good for her and a competitor wants me" Evie chuckling about that. Emma said "Well what time are you expected to get off work today?" she said "Oh I think late depends on what tasks she has me doing, why?" she said "Walsh is taking me out tonight and I thought you could watch Henry" Henry said "I'm capable of watching myself" Evie said "If I get off early maybe, look at the time I'm running late, Henry good luck today in science on the pop quiz" Henry said "What pop quiz?" she said "I have a hunch". She grabbed her purse and jacket she went and opened the door to a guy dressed in leather he was breathtaking she said "Can I help you?" he said "Evie" he went forwards she stopped him she said "Do I know you?" he said "I need your help something happened your family is in trouble" she said "My family's right here who are you?" Emma came to the door she said "Who are you?" he said "An old friend, I know you don't remember me but I can make you". He grabbed Evie and kissed her she kneed him in the groin he stumbled back Evie said "What were you doing?" he said "A long shot I had to try, I was hoping you felt as I did" Evie said "You're going to feel is the handcuffs when I call the cops" he said "I know it seems crazy but you have to listen to me you have to" she shut the door in his face Henry said "Who was that?" Evie said "Emma I'll take the hot chocolate with cinnamon" Emma said "Someone must've left the door opened downstairs, Evie I'll get you one"Evie touched her lips she had felt something from that guy and it was familiar but what she had no idea.

Evie got off early and styled Emma for her date with Walsh she was really good at it she was home taking a bubble bath to relax and listening to music on her mp3 player she had worked a long day and needed some R&R Henry was playing video games on the xbox he wasn't to disturb her unless it was an emergency. Emma on her date with Walsh he said "How's Evie doing working for that wicked witch Ms. Roberts?" Emma said "She's doing fine, she actually contemplating on leaving to see if she can get better pay to see what Ms. Roberts can do given she's the best stylist there" Walsh said "Well I see she styled you" she said "Let's say this I'm her style dummy" Walsh said "A beautiful style dummy" she said "Let's eat". Walsh got up to tell a waiter to bring dessert with an extra item on the tray to surprise Emma while Emma greeted by the crazy guy from this morning sit Walsh's chair she said "Now you're stalking me?" he said "Hear me out, I don't do this very often so treasure it love I've come to apologize" she said "For trying to kiss my friend Evie?" he said "I was simply trying to jog her memory" she said "It's time for you to go now" he said "Emma, your parents are in great danger and her's as well" she said "You have no idea what you're talking about" he said "Cause you think you're an orphan? cause that's haunted you whole life I've come to tell you what you believed is wrong" she said "You don't know me" he said "I know you better than you know yourself I have proof take a gander, here's an address if you wanna know who you really are, who your parents are go there". She said "Leave now" he said "You've been there before, a year ago you just don't remember" she said "A year ago I was in Boston until a fire destroyed my apartment and I moved to New York to have a fresh start with my son and friend Evie" he said "Regina really did a number on you" she said "You're a crazy person or a liar or both" he said "I prefer dashing rapscallion". She said "Give me one good reason not to punch you in the face?" he said "Try using your superpower, yeah I know about it use it see that I'm telling the truth" she said "Just because you believe something is true does not make it real" he said "I know you Swan you sense something is off, go to the address then you'll want to talk and when you do I'll be in Central Park at the entrance of the zoo, don't do it for me or you do it for your family they need your help" he got up and left leaving her confused.
Evie had been thinking about that guy and that kiss at work and something about him was familiar she realized she wasn't harnessing her potential and went to quit her job she grabbed her belongings and came home she felt relieved to say the least then she went for a run to clear her mind. Something was about to change either for the better or not but a good thing is she's no longer tied to a job she saw the guy in Central Park and saw Emma she tried to eavesdrop on their conversation but could tell Emma was angry with him over something because a little bit later two New York cops handcuffed him and hauled him away she watched it for some odd reason she wanted to save him she continued her run. Evie came home to the apartment she went and took a shower and some odd reason she was getting flashes of memory of something she don't know what maybe it was her savior powers kicking in trying to warn her of what's to come of course Evie not knowing that. She styled herself she walked out wearing casual wear she said "Emma, you here?" she saw her and the guy she said "Oh" Emma said "Evie I thought you were at work?" she said "I quit last night I just didn't tell you" Hook sat at the table listening to their conversation she said "Is that the guy who assaulted me earlier?" Emma said "Yes, he's here to apologize" he got up he said "I'm sorry for the kiss I may have been drunk" which he's lying of course. Emma walked up to her she said "Keep him company while I'll talk to Walsh" she said "Okay" she walked out he smiling she went to get a glass of water she said "I can tell when someone is lying and your apology is a lie" he said "Fine, I'm not sorry but you must know that kiss I had hoped would jog your memory" she said "Memory of what? I don't know you?" she went and poured water in the glass when she made a mess he poured a drop of the memory potion in her glass she grabbed paper towel to clean the water he said "Perhaps you do and you have a family that is in danger" she said "Sure". She put the glass to her lips and drunk it Hook watched her put the glass down Evie felt a rush of everything before her very eyes she looked at him she said "Hook?" he said "You remembered" she said "Memory potion?" he said "Aye" she said "Emma is in trouble" she got up she went to the door Hook said "What do you mean?" she said "Walsh he's not who he seems to be" he followed out to the roof top. Walsh and Emma talking Evie greeted them Emma said "Evie, private conversation" she said "Hey Walsh" he said "Evie you drunk the potion" Emma said "What?" Evie said "Yeah I did I can see you for who you are a fraud" his eyes turned red and he turned into a flying monkey she went and took a pipe and fought him she slung him over the edge but lost her footing Emma grabbed her hand they both saw him splat into the ground and disappeared Emma pulled Evie up hugged her Hook came out to see them he said "What happened?" Evie's heart racing from almost falling off the building Emma said "A reminder I wasn't safe, we leave in the morning" she helped Evie inside. Next morning Evie had packed all her stuff for the ride out to Storybrooke which consisted of two suitcases and a satchel bag she was dressed to kill when Emma was cooking breakfast for her, Evie and Henry it was pancakes but Evie said "I'll just take the orange juice" Emma said "How you feeling?" being concerned Evie said "Sore and bruised, what about you?" she said "I'm okay" there was an knock on the door Emma opened it to Hook he saw Evie he said "You look" she said "I know" Henry could tell something between him and Evie Emma said "He's a client and can you help him with the luggage, Henry" he went to do so Emma went and put her red leather jacket on Evie had her suitcases and satchel at the ready Emma said "I saw that?" Evie said "Saw what?" she said "You know what?" she said "I have the slightest idea what you're insinuating besides we have to go and see what's happened to our family". Emma drove all day long reaching Storybrooke that night it seemed like a ghost town which was very odd Henry asleep in the car Evie and Hook stayed with him and the car while she went to her parent's apartment and shocked her dad David still remembered but learned their memories of a year has been taken from them and that her mom Snow is very much pregnant she said "Who could've done this?" David said "Well we know everything is changed".

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