Something Wicked This Way Comes

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            Next day convened at Granny's Bed and Breakfast Henry sound asleep in the next room Emma, Evie, Hook, David, and Snow talk about what's been going on Hook filled in the gaps up till he left them in the Enchanted Forest making way to Regina's castle. Assuming Regina was behind it Emma said "How does that surprise me" Evie said "Hold on there Emma before accusing my mother of something" Snow said "Regina is in the dark just like the rest of us she's not involved" Emma said "So she says". Greeted by Leroy and Happy they spoke about people vanishing left and right also how they're were happy to see Emma and Evie Emma worried about Neal if he's here or what Evie said "So we're going to get your memories back and find out who took them in the first place". Henry awake and alert met up with Emma and Evie in Granny's to have breakfast and met Snow and David he was wondering if they jumped bail then glass breaking Regina had dropped a cup she saw her two children and Emma there before her very eyes Henry had no idea who she is while Evie sighed. Emma spoke to Regina in the backroom she said "He looked right through me" Emma said "He doesn't remember you" she said "You clearly do" she said "So does Evie" she said "Why are you here?" she said "New curse, missing year why do you think?" she said "How did you know to come back? I gave you three new memories" Emma said "Hook found me more less he found Evie gave me a potion that made me remember with a bit for Evie but not enough left for Henry" she said "How convenient, I didn't cast the curse if that's what you're thinking" she said "Maybe it was a bad year for you maybe it was a way of getting me to bring Henry and Evie back" she said "By cursing me, you think I would put me through this kind of torture?" she said "Maybe so but I need to start crossing names off the list" she said "How?" she said "You got a better idea?".  

          Evie with Henry while Emma get's to the bottom of this Henry said "So that guy is he an ex of your's?" she said "Killian? No, no" he said "I'm very observant I can tell there's something" she said "Henry there's nothing there I swear" she looked away. Henry said "I know mom is hurt by Walsh she's been putting on a brave face but I'm 13 I can tell" she said "Walsh really wasn't a right fit for her" he said "Perhaps once this case is over we can go back home" she said "Yeah maybe but till then I'm going to pick up food from Granny's want anything?" he said "I'm good" she walked out of the room and went to the diner. In the diner she greeted Ruby she said "I know that face?" Ruby speaking of Evie being in deep thought she said "What face?" she said "Spill" she said "Being here brings up everything being in New York I had a life but something was missing" she said "Like what?" she said "I don't know it just wasn't me, not the real me and coming back here made me realized something" she said "What?" wanting to know what her friend is meaning she said "What I know is.." in came more customers Ruby had to serve them while Evie got food. Evie and Henry with Emma in Charming apartment Emma introduced Henry to Regina she said "She's Evie's mom" Henry said "Really?" she said "Yes". David and Hook came to tell them what they found out as they stood in the hallway Evie listening to what they're saying she said "People turning into monkeys this sounds like the Wicked Witch of the West  but why is she doing here and not in Oz?". 

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