Spark of Love

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Splitting up Emma, Neal, Evie, and Hook venture into Dark Hollow while Snow and David rendezvous at Tinkerbell's tell her of their plan of capturing Pan's Shadow and use it as a way off Neverland. Evie stood there with Hook he said "So what did you think about my secret?" she said "So" he said "So?" she said "You want me to go in depth about how you poured your heart out back there because I won't" she keeping her emotions in check he said "How about this when I win your heart, Evie and I will win it, it will not be because of any trickery it will be because you want me" she said "Like you would, true love is not real unless returned so game on". Ventured into the heart of Dark Hollow ambushed by Pan's Shadow and it's minions they grabbed Hook and Neal while Emma holding a coconut shell to use to capture Pan's Shadow using it as a candle but she was magic blocked she couldn't focus to save her life while Evie watching the shadows begin ripping Neal and Hook's shadows thus killing them Hook said "Get out of here Evie". She stood there in shock she realized something her emotions she was feeling something for Hook seeing him there she wanted to help him so Emma holding the coconut candle Evie closed her eyes and let her magic swirl around the candle and lit it Emma was able to draw Pan's Shadow within it and capturing him thus saving Neal and Hook's lives Evie opened her eyes smiling. Now they have their escape plan now to Tinkerbell to get a way in to get Henry everything coming together nicely only obstacle left is Pan and what he has planned for them.

The group met up with Regina and Rumple they learn of a prophecy foretold of Rumple's demise and that he's here to kill Henry Rumple told the group he has a way to cure David's Dreamshade poisoning it would be free of charge on a sign of good faith that he's sincere. Evie confronted by Emma about Dark Hollow the magic she said "His confession touched you didn't it?" she said "Don't be silly, you just needed a boost job well done" she said "Yeah that's what it was look who's denying oneself now" hinting to Evie denying her true intentions. They into Pan's camp there was no Pan and no Henry just Lost Boys who happened to be magically knocked out. They found a prisoner a Wendy Darling she was to keep them at bay while Pan get's Henry to Skull Rock. They were too late to convince Henry not to voluntarily give up his heart to Pan and when he did Henry collapsed Regina put a preservation spell on him that may last an hour the girls went to get Henry's heart back and Rumple in Pandora's Box while the rest take Henry to Jolly Roger to wait for their return.

Coming upon Pan's regret tree they were tied up by it's vines and Pan ridiculed them for their unsuccessful efforts of stopping him he said "Don't you know Peter Pan never fails, I didn't expect you to find me but you're mothers except for you Evie". She feeling the rush of her emotions boiling inside her he said "Anxious to see Henry again there's one place you'll see him that's in death". She went to moving about but the vines kept her in place he said "This tree attacks the regret inside anyone who comes here" he going on about each one's regret Evie said "You say I have fire you haven't seen nothing yet, especially when I get mad" he laughed he said "Oh you can't hurt me". Her eyes glowed red she said "Never underestimate me because you hurt my brother now prepare to die" she unleashed her magic causing the vines to snap and Regina took Henry's heart back and Pandora's box back they raced to Jolly Roger just in the nick of time Henry awakened surrounded by his family. They trapped Pan's Shadow to the sail and used it to sail home to Storybrooke Evie greeted by Regina she said "What would've happened if you got mad?" she said "I don't know really but it caught Pan off guard, mom my regret is not living I've always been fighting I've never taken in the small moments that life gives us and I want that" Regina said "Evie you proved that by saving Henry and that is love" she hugged her.

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