Chapter 1

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K.O. sat on the couch at home, mesmerized at his latest addition to his POW card collection. Ever since Dendy got her own card, K.O. has became even more interested in collecting them, even the rare ones.

"Look, Mom! I got the level 10 Mrs. Featherwagon!" K.O. called to Carol, his mother. She was a kind and sweet mother during the day, but when she was in a battle, she could really turn up the heat, and sometimes even escalate things.

"Featherwagon? I knew she could pack a punch, but she's not that strong," Carol replied. She was in the kitchen making his dinner. "Spaghetti time!"

"Oh, boy!" K.O. jumped up from the couch and ran to the table. It was Wednesday, which was Spaghetti Day, and he always looked forward to it. But when he sat down at the table, he began to wonder. About the things that had been happening lately. He thought of Turbo K.O., or T.K.O. for short, and how he took over his body. He wondered if Dendy, because she's level 1, would ever surpass him in becoming a hero, since he's only level 0.1. Would Lord Boxman plan on taking over the entire plaza, but this time with a more deadlier foe...

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Carol asked her son.

K.O. snapped back into reality. "Oh, nothing, Mom!" he said cheerfully.

And he ate his spaghetti happily.

The next day at the bodega, K.O. met his two best friends in the world: Enid and Rad.

"Hey, what up, squirt?" Rad asked K.O. as he entered the bodega.

"Hi, Enid! Hi, Rad!" K.O. responded in his usual cherry voice.

Suddenly, an alarm rang throughout the plaza. Lord Boxman was attacking!

"Oh, man!" K.O. said, depressed.

"Come on, K.O.!" Enid ushered him to the lot.

K.O. ran outside as quick as he could. The sky was purple. then, a portal opened in the sky, and a metal box labeled BM - for BoxMore - crashed onto the ground. The box opened, and Shannon, a devilish 2.0 robot created by Boxman, appeared.

"Hello, Lakewood plazoids! It is I, Shannon, here to put you back into your rightful place...In the ground!" Her arms were now giant, yellow mallets that had the same 'BM' trademark as the metal box she came from. Her intro was slightly different than usual, but K.O. couldn't even tell anymore. He had been working here for nearly a year, and has seen Shannon a million times over that span, and it seemed that Enid and Rad were tired of her as well.

"Alright, Shannon." Enid sighed boringly. "Let's just get on with this, shall we?"

"Oh, I'm sorry! Did you have anything better to do than stop Hurricane Shannon?"


Just then, she struck Rad and Enid with the mallets, but the two both rolled out of the way before they hit the concrete. Rad got up, used his levitation beam to capture Shannon, swing her around like a lasso, and throw her back over to the BoxMore factory, which, oddly enough, was located right across the street.

"Good job, Rad!" Enid said, riffling his hair.

"I wasn't needed at all..." K.O. said softly.

"K.O., it's just..." Rad walked up to him and took a knee. "Lord Buttman's robots aren't tough anymore. You've been here a YEAR, K.O. You been on many adventures, fought countless monsters, and saved our necks a LOT. And...we appreciate you for that."

For some reason, that seemed to cheer up K.O. a lot. "Thanks, Rad." Then he hugged him around his legs, to which Rad welcomed the warm embrace.

"OK, soft stuff. Time to go back in!" Enid cried out, clearly referencing to K.O. and Rad.

The two went in and resumed their normal jobs.

Later that day, Dendy came over to the bodega and saw K.O. mopping in the soup aisle.

"Hello, K.O.? How are you doing?" Dendy asked him.

"Oh, hi, Dendy!" K.O. replied. "I'm good. What are you doing here?" K.O. asked her.

"While I was walking home from school, I found this interesting stalagmite behind the bodega..."

"Oh yeah! I saw you wander off from me and I asked - "

"Let me finish, K.O. So, I took a sample of it and examined it. The results that I found upon further research is quite alarming."

"What's that?" K.O. wondered.

"It's neither calcite nor limestone! And that's what most stalagmites are composed of! I began to wonder if it was a speleothem gathering, since I saw another once very similar a couple days ago - "

"So, what are you trying to say?"

"What I'm attempting to convey is, K.O., that maybe someone is doing this to weaken our energy!" Dendy concluded.

"What makes you say that?"

"It's composed of a non-organic and non-Earth-like material that not many people know about, K.O. It's known as Sestium. I've seen Colewart, ARMS and Brandon all feel the effects of the Sestium.

"Well, why hasn't it affected me yet, Dendy?" K.O. was starting to freak out.

"Hmm. You might contain something within your anatomy that might either consist of or be immune to Sestium. K.O., I only have 24 hours until the Sestium reaches my cerebral cortex! Trust me, you'll try to save me when I do!"

K.O. was starting to cry now. "Yes, Dendy. I promise," he choked.

"Good, K.O." she hugged him real quick and ran off back home.

It was suddenly nighttime. He didn't understand it, his mom wouldn't be picking him up for another hour. Then he noticed that it was purple.

Is Lord Boxman attacking? he thought. He couldn't find Rad and Enid anywhere. After minutes of searching, K.O. still came up blank. I guess I'll have to take things into my own hands!

He dropped the mop he was holding, ran over to the front door of the bodega, and saw an ominous figure rising slowly into the air. It was collecting a black-purple substance from everywhere. His face was hidden under a black hood and scarf, but K.O. instantly recognized him from a year before, when K.O. was looking for power.

The Shadowy Figure had returned.

OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes!: K.O.'s Final BattleWhere stories live. Discover now