Chapter 6

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"Oh great, it's T.K.O. again!" Rad exclaimed in a miffed tone. Rad was tired of having to deal with T.K.O. every single day, trying to escape from everyone, punching the other heroes, and always hanging out towards the Sestium stalagmites at the back of the bodega.

"What about T.K.O.?" Dendy asked him questioningly.

"He's escaped again!" Rad told her, clearly afraid of the safety of himself, the unconsious Enid, and K.O.'s best friend from school.

"No worries, Rad. I got this!" Dendy got out her super hi-tech computer backpack and opened it, where she pulled out a wire that at first seemed unconnected to anything, but when Dendy took it out further, Rad found out that it was. She then took out three helmets, one for her, one for Rad, and one for T.K.O.

"What is that thing?" Rad asked Dendy.

"It's a psychological transitional service unit, or PTSU. I can use it to get inside T.K.O.'s mind, save K.O. and we'll have at least one dilemma solved!"

Rad didn't understand a word Dendy had just said. It's weird how a 6-11 year old was smart enough to be an aerospace engineer/technician, while all Rad was good for was winning wrestling matches or mopping up floors.

Dendy sighed. "I used it so you three could get inside Mr. Gar's mind and conquer his fear in that arcade game" she explained to Rad.

"Ooooh, I called it a brain teleporter!" Rad suddenly realize.

Dendy found T.K.O. hanging around the Sestium rocks, likely to absorb its energy to become stronger.

"K.O.! Hello!" Dendy cried out to him, waving the cord to the PTSU all around her.

"Hi, Dend..." T.K.O. started, but he started to struggle. There was still a K.O. in there, fighting for every last bit of freedom from this evil monster.

Dendy took advantage of this. She ran over to him, grabbed a helmet off the ground, and snapped it on his head. T.K.O. instantly fell to the ground, but he was still talking.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING!? LET GO OF ME!" the muffled cry of T.K.O. could be heard underneath the helmet.

"Rad, put the helmet on!" Dendy shouted over to him, who put a thumbs up in agreement, and put the helmet on as Dendy did. She plugged the main helmet, the one that held T.K.O. captive, in using the very long cord she had and both of them collapsed on the floor like T.K.O. had done.


"We are gathered here today, in the year 201X, to honor the life and legacy of a beloved vegetable. Though his life was short while it lasted, some remarkable achievements that one with a long, boring life would be unable to consummate. A girlfriend, whom he would've, and have, spent his entire life with. Family members, who were there until the last beat of his heart. His friends, who cared about him even after his death.

"It's very sad to see him go this early, but we know one thing for sure...Colewort will always live long in our hearts, even when we are all dead as well."


Rad and Dendy soon found themselves in a vast, dark world. It was a place that they have never been before, and now, looking at it, they wish they'd never have.

K.O.'s mindscape is a lot darker than it seemed.

K.O. was locked in the cage, slamming his fists against the cold, metal bars and crying. T.K.O. was doing some warm-up karate to get ready for another possible battle against K.O. and the rest of the plaza.

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