Chapter 2

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The Shadowy Figure noticed K.O. and fell back to the ground softly onto his feet. He walked towards K.O., but was still absorbing the mysterious energy surrounding the plaza.

"What do you want, Professor Venomous?" K.O. asked him. Within the last year, during a robot battle against Lord Boxman, K.O. found out that Professor Venomous was the Shadowy Figure in disguise.

"Hello, K.O." he replied in an ominous tone. "I see you interrupted my latest plan to vanquish you heroes once and for all!" He removed his hood and scarf, revealing the purple-skinned bio-engineer that is Professor Venomous.

"Give it up, Professor!" K.O. ordered. "There's no way your plan will succeed!"

Venomous chuckled, the mysterious substance still all around him and the plaza. "Never, not until someone stops me. But..." Venomous stopped and looked around the plaza. "Oh, no! where is everybody?" he finally said sarcastically.

K.O. suddenly realized this. Rad and Enid were gone, and he couldn't find anyone at the plaza at all. His mom wasn't at the dojo and neither were her students, A Real Magic Skeleton and his friend Brandon weren't at the iFrame Outlet, and everyone else seemed to have magically disappeared.

"Well, I don't need anyone to take YOU down!" K.O. ran towards Venomous with a fist raised, but Venomous completely dodged it. He grabbed K.O.'s arm and threw him up into the air, where he jumped up to him and landed punch after punch until the two landed back onto the ground, K.O. hitting hard onto the pavement and Venomous landing graciously on his feet.

"Ouch" was all K.O. could muster.

By then, Venomous had all of the mysterious substance he needed and let go from his absorbing. "Well, see ya, kid!" And with that, he disappeared from the plaza without a trace.

K.O.'s mom, Carol, suddenly came outside of the dojo. "K.O.!" she cried out to her beat-up son.

"M..m..mommy!" K.O. replied weakly.

"K.O., WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED TO YOU!?" Carol was nearly freaking out. She picked him up and started hugging and kissing him lovingly.

"Mom, Professor Venomous came by doing some evil stuff and I couldn't find my friends so I decided to take him on myself! I know that was dumb of me..." Expecting to see his mom disappointed in him because of his decision, he was surprised to see that Carol was actually still smiling at him.

"K.O., I admit - that was a little dumb, but that took COURAGE. You were really brave to stand up to a nasty villain like Professor Venomous. Anyway, take this." She gave K.O. a piece of what looked like candy - he couldn't tell, because the front of the wrapper read:


"Hero Replenish Candy," Carol answered K.O.'s question. "It'll bring you to your normal, healthy self!" K.O. was a bit more cautious this time, because the last time he ate a piece of candy he didn't know, it was the previous year, and a squid tentacle came out of his head. Luckily the effect lasted only 30 minutes because he of extremely small size at the time.

K.O. eventually took it, and fortunately, no squid came out of his young cranium. Within 10 minutes, he was able to walk and move again, and was just in time to see Rad and Enid come running out of the bodega.

"RAD! ENID!" He fell out of Carol's hands and into his best friends'. "Where were you two?"

"I..." Rad began once the trio broke from their friendship circle. "...I don't really know."

"Me neither!" Enid responded as well.

"You three have fun now!" Carol waved goodbye to the three friends and made her way back to the dojo.

Enid resumed. "I remember being all groggy yesterday, then I...must've passed out in the broom closet. It's like I was..."

"Sestium," K.O. whispered.

"What was that, K.O.?" Rad asked him.


"I was gonna say something else, but that'll work!" Enid responded.

"Dendy told me that earlier today! She said that there were rocks behind here that had the power to sap people's energy for a full 12 hours and then Professor Venomous came and was...absorbing it!" K.O. was puzzled by that last part.

"Dang it! We missed an awesome beatdown!" Rad cried out in disappointment.

"Wait, Professor Venomous? Where did he go, K.O.?" Enid was slightly scared now.

"I don't know. He disappeared mysteriously." K.O. replied.

"We need to find him. And unfortunately, we need some help from a villain that knows him."

Lord Boxman was sitting at the desk in his office. Oh, how he hated, hated, HATED, those Lakewood Plaza twerps so much. But new orders from Cosma, his secretary, prevented him from attacking them. Even though she didn't specifically say to stop attacking the plaza like she did last year, she said to focus on the construction of more Boxmore robots.

"Eeuugh, I hate those brats so much. I hate them, hate them, hate the - " Lord Boxman's hate was interrupted by a sudden voice in the doorway.

"Hey, Buttman, wanna help us?" Enid asked him. She was accompanied by Rad and K.O., who were just behind her in the hallway.

Boxman was shocked. He nearly dropped his coffee mug in surprise, and eventually let it drop and shatter onto the ground.


"Hold it, hold it!" Enid stopped him. "It has to do with Professor Venomous."

Boxman pretended to stop and think about Enid's teamwork proposal. "Let's see...NO!" he screamed at the trio, who went flying back into the hallway that surrounded Boxman's office.

"Listen, you selfless, annoying brats! I don't want anything to do with your CRAZY WACKADOO PLANS TO PLOT AGAINST MY CLIENT! And if you don't get out within the next 5 seconds, I will use you as ROBOT PARTS FOR MY LATEST CREATION!"

The three were shivering with fear after what Lord Boxman, who stood there panting heavily, had just said.

"It has to do with Sestium!" K.O. cried out.

The phrase was repeated in Boxman's mind. Sestium. Sestium. He stopped right in his tracks, just as he was about to clobber K.O., Rad and Enid.

"What do you know about Sestium?" he asked timidly.

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