Chapter 3

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"We don't know much about it," Enid replied. "But we do know that it's harming our friends, and it's even harming your robot children..." she finished convincingly and pointed to Darrell, Shannon and Raymond, all out like lights.

"Whe..why..WHAAAT!?" Boxman stuttered.

"Yeah, it's pretty terrible, and even YOU will get knocked out in a couple hours...unless you helped us!" K.O. replied.

"No! They'll be awake soon! Then everything will be peachy keen!" Boxman turned his back towards the heroes and crossed his arms.

"You might die if it reaches your brain without a cure!" K.O. added.

"Yeah, Boxman, you might d - WAIT, WHAT!?" Rad cried out in alarm.

'And you're saying that if I help you BRATS fight my #1 CLIENT, then we all won't die?" Boxman turned his head back around. "What about my robot children? Will they 'die'?" Boxman was now facing the heroes again.

"Well, yeah!" K.O. responded in his usual happy tone.

"Fine, but this is only ONE TIME I'm helping you three. This is your one and only freebie. NO MORE CHANCES! This is it!" Boxman kept rambling on and on as K.O., Rad and Enid left Boxmore and back to the bodega.

Mr. Gar was furious when he saw that the three had skipped out on work at the bodega.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!? THERE ARE VALUABLE CUSTOMERS THAT - " Mr. Gar yelled at the three until Carol showed up. Instantly, Mr. Gar froze up, like he usually does when he's around Carol.

"Oh..Hm..Umm..Hello,...Carol!" Mr. Gar stuttered fearfully.

"I can hear you, Mr. Gar, from all the way back at the dojo. There hasn't been a single customer all day!" Carol responded while picking up her son off the ground.

"Yes, that's true, but they need to keep the BODEGA IN TOP SHAPE WHEN THERE AR - "

"Gar, K.O. just fought Professor Venomous, okay? He's had a rough day, so just take it easy on him..."

"Wait, Professor Venomous!? K.O., why didn't you tell me straightaway?" Mr. Gar asked him.

"I couldn't find you, or anyone else! I think it might've had to do with the Sestium rocks - "

"Come on, pumpkin, let's get you home!" Carol said to her son. They walked out of the bodega, with K.O. in Carol's arms. When the door finally shut, Rad and Enid stood there, while Mr. Gar let a sigh of relief now that Carol was gone.

"So, you were asleep, too?" Enid asked Gar.

"Well, no, you see...What I did was...Uhh...Yeah, I was." Mr. Gar stuttered until he finally spilled the beans.

"Figures. Although K.O. might have something going on about that Sestium thing..."

The next day brought an unexpected onslaught of robot attacks that K.O., Rad and Enid almost always had to fight themselves.

First, it was a group of five Jethros, each one no larger than the crop top Rad was wearing. Jethro was perpetually easy most f the time, unless he was Mega Jethro, but that would take too much time for Lord Boxman to construct.

"I am Jethro" was all they could say.

K.O., Rad and Enid were successfully able to defeat those robots, but as soon as they went back into the bodega and settled back into their jobs, the alarm rang again.

"Ugh, seriously?" Enid asked, now starting to get annoyed.

The heroes got back outside and fortunately, K.O. saw Dendy over by the Sestium rocks again. He decided quickly that because it was Darrell and Shannon that had arrived to fight the heroes, he would go check on Dendy.

"Dendy!" K.O. ran to his friend.

"Hello, K.O.! I am alive and well!" When he came close enough to her, she hugged him sincerely and eventually let him go.

"Wait, were you...Dang it! I forgot about you!" K.O. started, but was interrupted by Dendy reassuring him.

"K.O., I was fine overnight. But I am starting to feel the effects of the Sestium's nearly ionizing radiation due to the beta particles resulting in the radioactive decaying of - "

"I'm so glad you're OK!" K.O. said quickly, clearly not understanding a word that Dendy said.

"Anyway, this is the Sestium stalagmites, K.O." Dendy told K.O. and prompting him over to the back of the bodega, where he saw huge, purplish-black rocks that he never knew existed. They were emitting an almost invisible gas to each area of the plaza, including the iFrame Outlet and even his mom's dojo.

"Woah, they're so...huge!" K.O. was awestruck at what he was witnessing.

"I know, there's enough Sestium in there to knock out an entire country!"

Suddenly. K.O. had a throbbing pain in his head. It got worse and worse, until Dendy looked away from her research on the Sestium and noticed K.O. in pain.

"K.O.! Are you all right?" she asked him worringly.

"Y..Yeah, I think so..." he mustered weakily. He didn't know what was going on. He hadn't felt something like this since he first became TKO...

He passed out from the pain and awoke to find that he was in his mind. T.K.O., his evil, alter self, had broken free of his cage and was now panting hard, clearly seething with rage.

"You've locked me away for the LAST TIME, K.O.!" he cried out to K.O.

"Turbo K.O.? How did you break free?" K.O. asked him.

"Sestium, oh that beautiful, delicious Sestium!" T.K.O. replied. "It makes me stronger, strong enough to finally defeat YOU!" He lunged at K.O. and tackled him hard. K.O. tried landing punches to his stomach, but it was like trying to punch a hole through solid steel. When it was T.K.O.'s turn to throw punches, it was like hitting a jelly donut. K.O. was quickly and easily defeated, and he was thrown into a cage that was newly regenerated just for him - it was a cage of what looked like liquid Sestium.

Meanwhile, in the real world, K.O. was transforming. He let go of his red headband, causing his hair to flow over his back. Purple spiked wristbands replaced the red, non-spiked ones on his arms. His regular teeth became sharp and a couple fangs grew. And to top it all off, purple eye shadow and eyeliner arose on his eyelids and underneath his eye.

"K...K...K.O.?" Dendy asked him in a petrified tone.

But he wasn't the lovable and enjoyable K.O. anymore. He had become Turbo K.O.

OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes!: K.O.'s Final BattleWhere stories live. Discover now