Chapter 7

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K.O. couldn't describe the feeling. It was like several fireworks went off in K.O.'s mind and butterflies fluttered in his stomach. What was this strange feeling?

When Dendy broke the kiss, K.O. was still curious about what happened.

"It's called a kiss, K.O." Dendy assured him.

"Oh yeah, I heard about it before, from Mommy!"

"Hey, lovebirds! Quit your jabbering!" T.Rad noticed that they had kissed and decided to interfere.

Then, by surprise, he added, "Nice job, K.O. I always knew 'ya had it in you!"

"Rad? Why would you say that?" K.O. had noticed this and was in alarm. He thought he was T.Rad, a bad guy who didn't care about what he had to say, much like T.K.O.

Then he discovered something weird. They both exist. And if T.K.O.'s still back at the plaza, then that means...

K.O. moved aside, stood up on T.Rad's left arm, and jumped off, zooming towards the ground below.

"K.O.!" T.Rad and Dendy cried out to him in unison.

But they weren't scared for long. K.O. closed his eyes peacefully, and a colorful aura, this time a bright yellow, ensued after a couple deep breaths. He positioned himself on his stomach, and suddenly stopped falling in midair. He then stood up again and zoomed off back towards the plaza with a fist in the air.

"Where's he going?" Dendy asked T.Rad.

"I don't...Ah, FORGET THIS NOISE!" T.Rad changed back to normal Rad, but then realized - he was still in the air, and he couldn't fly.


K.O. slammed his fist into the ground upon reaching the lot of the plaza.

"K.O.! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" T.K.O. shouted in alarm.

"I'm here to take y-" K.O. was stopped abruptly by a purple, soundproof bubble summoned by his evil alter ego.

"It's a shame that I have to do everything around here without Mr. Venomous."

And with that, he kicked K.O. and the bubble high into the sky, en route to Professor Venomous' laboratory.


Rad and Dendy were falling. They were falling. Falling. Hurtling to their deaths, fallling.

Then, out of nowhere, a bubble zommed and smacked them hard until they were hurtling along with the bubble. They opened up their eyes to see K.O. trapped inside.

"Hiya, guys!" he said to them. Rad and Dendy couldn't hear him.

All of a sudden, T.K.O. flew up to the trio with an angry face.

"WHY DID YOU ABANDON YOUR JOB!?" he shrieked at Rad.

"Because these are my friends! And I don't care about what you have to say, you big meanie!" Rad then looked at K.O. and said, "Sorry about that, K.O."

"Oh, it's okay! He's not really me, he's more of my..." Once again, Rad still couldn't here him.

"Whatever. I'll just do it myself!" T.K.O. then entrapped Rad and Dendy in K.O.'s bubble and punched them farther then he kicked K.O. T.K.O. went flying after them to make sure they were going to their destination.

Professor Venomous' haunting lab.


"JUST MAKE SURE THAT HAPPENS!" Professor Venomous shouted over the phone. His mother, Theodora Featherwagon Sr., was unhappy that he turned a boy's best friend into a bad guy. Even to her, that was plain evil. And she had even given up being a hero to help her son.

Venomous hung up and sighed. He put a hand to his purple-skinned face. He grabbed a mirror and saw how much had gone within 6-11 years. He used to be the famous Laserblast, striking and handsome, and very strong. That's how he managed to win over Silver Spark, before Eugene Garrett, El-Bow, took her from him. Because of this, he became the notorious villain he is today.

He had a son, and he didn't even acknowledge it. He was a hero, and this man looking at the mirror now didn't look anything like his father.

He found him, after a long, long time, at Eugene's, now Gar's, bodega. He helped tap into the potential that his father gave to him genetically.

But now, he doesn't love him. He doesn't care how much time and energy he went into raising his little boy into what his father was today.

But little did he know, the boy was coming back to him again.

CRASH! A giant bubble bursts through his bedroom, destroying the walls and some of the furniture.

"I got them, Master!" T.K.O. came flying in to the demolished bedroom. "Sorry about that! Sometimes I don't know my own strength!" he chuckled softly and shrugged.

"It's okay. I' everything up again" Venomous replied. "Did you get him?"

"Yep! And his alien friend and computer girlfriend, too!" T.K.O. popped the bubble with one touch, and K.O., Dendy and Rad fell out onto the shag carpeting.

"What about the sassy, sarcastic girl?" Venomous asked T.K.O.

"Don't worry, Master! She'll be dead in an hour!" he said happily.

"AN HOUR!?" K.O. got up and jumped out the building, pointed towards the plaza, and zoomed away.

"Whatever. We'll deal with him later. I'd rather we don't do it all at once, or else it'll get messy." Venomous and T.K.O. chuckled, then laughed evilly at their evil plan.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'DO IT'?" Rad was afraid now.

"Don't worry, Rad. We're not going to kill you. We're letting the Sestium do it for us."

Rad and Dendy screamed for help as they were tied up by Venomous, carried downstairs into the lab, and hung over a pool of liquid Sestium.

It was black and purple everywhere. It reminded Rad of Boxmore, and reminded Dendy of K.O.'s mindscape.

She just couldn't take it. K.O. was in danger, she was in danger, and she couldn't be without him. The thought of this made Dendy cry loudly.

"Oh, shut up, you two!" T.K.O. yelled at them, irked by their constant loudness.

"i'm going to call Boxman and tell him all about my genius and his stupidity. We captured them single-handedly, while it takes him and an army of robo-dorks to capture K.O.! Can you believe that!?" He walked away, leaving T.K.O. with a hand to the lever that would send the two into the Sestium and possibly kill them within 24 hours.

He flipped the lever, and Rad and Dendy closed their eyes and held their breath as they braced for impact.

But they never entered the pool. Because someone had just crashed through the door of the laboratory behind T.K.O. He looked around and saw his boss's best friend, armed with a plasma gun, and three robots.

Lord Boxman, Darrell, Shannon, and Raymond.

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