Chapter 4

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T.K.O. looked at Dendy suspiciously. But before he could say anything, Dendy had rushed over to where Rad and Enid stood, throwing away the robotic parts that were once Darrell and Enid.

"Hey, Dendy! What's...wrong?" Enid noticed Dendy flailing her arms and pointing over to where T.K.O. stood. "Oh, just a second, Dendy!" he noticed T.K.O. and had now rushed over to where he was. T.K.O noticed Enid running to him and ran towards the Sestium rocks. He jumped up on them until he was on the tallest one. T.K.O. chuckled. Everyone else was so small, there was no way they would be able to capture him -

"Yoink!" Rad caught him with his levitation beam and floated him back down on the ground, while T.K.O. struggled for every bit of freedom from Rad's grasp.

"Good catch, Dendy!" Enid congratulated her as Rad finally let go of T.K.O. in Enid's arms, now holding him like a baby, where he returned back to the great and lovable K.O.

"Uh, what happened?" K.O. asked Enid.

"You seriously don't know what just happened? You became T.K.O. again," Enid explained.

"OH NO! Did I wreck the plaza again, did I hurt you and Dendy and Rad again? Where's Mom, did I do something - !?"

"Calm down, K.O., you didn't destroy anything. Everyone's peachy keen. You were just...trying to escape us" Rad assured K.O.

Enid let K.O. back down. "That's real strange," K.O. wondered. "I can summon him at any time if I feel underappreciated...but I only do that with the Shadowy Figure is there."

"It's the SESTIUM!" Dendy cried out in discovery and then rushed over to K.O. "K.O., your evil alter-ego T.K.O. is composed of several of Shadowy Figure's Sestium traces in your subconscious. They combined together to make up the basic form of T.K.O. That is why you're immune to the side effects of the substance!"

K.O. didn't understand a word Dendy said, but he got the gist of it - T.K.O. made him immune to Sestium.

As the heroes resumed their everyday jobs, they were called aside for a staff meeting by Mr. Gar.

"LISTEN UP, EVERYONE!" he told the bodega workers. "We need to discuss some...recent events that have been happening lately. First off, K.O." The level 11 hero focused his attention onto K.O. "We need to control your evil alter-ego, Turbo K.O. Professor Venomous might be messing with your mind specifically so that he pops up every time you walk out of the bodega or fight Lord Boxman."

"Wow, such a smart observation, Mr. Gar!" K.O. was taken aback once again by his supreme epicness.

"ENID!" Mr. Gar was now looking at her. "Good job. Your parents must've raised you well."

Enid shrugged. When Rad and K.O. first found out about Enid's parents being a vampire and a werewolf and she being a witch, she was embarrassed at first. Now, she knows that Rad has even more embarrassing parents than she does.

"Radicles!" Mr. Gar pointed to Rad. "Your powers haven't been working lately. There must be something seriously wrong with them."

"Yeah, they have! I can do it right now!" Rad used his levitation beam on a nearby jar of Talking Peanut Butter, which started to shriek timidly, but was shocked to see that as soon as he used the beam, it disappeared, causing the jar to crash onto the floor. The peanut butter was still shrieking, but was now painfully.

"Wait, what!! It w..w..was working fine a minute ago! I just must beeeee - " Rad stuttered, then spoke groggily, and then fell to the floor unconscious.

"RAD!" K.O. and Enid cried out in alarm. "Mr. Gar, do something!" Enid told him.

"Wait, I got this!" K.O. assured the very worried Enid.

He walked over to where Rad lay on the floor and put his hand on his rounded, green hair. He took a deep breath and sat still in front of the unconscious Rad. Just then, K.O. started to turn purple and glow. A blob of purple-black goo escape from his head, where it took the shadowy silhouette of a mini T.K.O., and went inside Rad's mind, where he started and K.O. stopped glowing purple. Rad eventually woke up, looking first at K.O. then Enid and the broken jar of Talking Peanut Butter, who were now crying in pain. Rad put his hands on his head as if he had a pain there, but was perfectly fine. He set them back down.

"Uh..wha..What happened?" Rad asked K.O. and Enid. Mr. Gar was nowhere to be found.

"Oh, uhh, I sorta...awakened you...with the Sestium from my brain," K.O. replied, easily confused at what he had just done to Rad.

"So, I can summon...Turbo Rad?" he asked while looking down at his hands in surprise at what he might be able to unleash.

"I don't know. I didn't give you that much, but enough to make you immune to the Sestium rocks."

"Yeah, you were right, K.O. Those rocks were definitely something we've never seen before. But we need more information." Enid told both K.O. and Rad.

"What about Lord Boxman?" K.O. asked.

"Yes, that's who we need!" Enid snapped her fingers. "He knows all about Professor Venomous and his plans & motives. Plus, he should be on our side now. That is if he's sending robots to attack us for training purposes."

"I hope so too, Enid." K.O. supported her.

"I wonder who Turbo Rad would look like. I bet he'd be REAL BUFF and REAL cool!" Rad continued rambling on about Turbo Rad and how he would be the best thing that's ever happened to him.

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