The next morning Harry stretched his arms as if reaching for the sky, almost like he was trying to grab it, and rolled over with a yawn.
"Argh!" He screams as he rolls over right off the bed onto the cold wood floor with a loud thud.
He stands up shivering from the cold and rubbing his hip where he hit it off the ground and starts walking over to Draco who was lying there curled up in a ball on his side with one of his stuffed animals hugged tight to his chest and sucking on his thumb while he slept."He looks so cute and peaceful when he sleeps" Harry thought to himself with a small lopsided smile on his face. Turning around Harry headed to the washroom, turned on the hot water in the shower then stripped down and got in. Letting the hot water run down his cold back relaxing his tense muscles. With a sigh of content he started washing his hair then hopped back out of the shower, wrapped a towel around his waist then headed back over to the sink wiping the fog off with his hand. Harry started brushing his teeth, spit out the mouthwash afterwards then looked up into the mirror and gave 2 thumbs up and a big toothy smile to himself in the mirror then gave a chuckle at himself but then once he looked back up at the mirror into his own impossibly vibrant green eyes he saw someone in the corner of the mirror in the doorway, turning around Harry saw Draco standing there in his onesie holding his stuffed animal, dragging his small blue blanket he also slept with last night, looking up at Harry still sucking his thumb.
"Hey Draco." Harry said with a smile. "How long have you been standing there?" Harry asked raising an eyebrow trying his hardest not to laugh
"Uhhh since you started bwushing your teeth" Draco said taking his thumb out of his mouth giggling. "Why you put thumbs up in the mirror smiling like dis" Draco said dropping his blanket and toy squeezing his eyes shut holding two thumbs up with the biggest and the most goofy smile Harry had ever seen and Harry starts chuckling at him but then Draco stops and starts laughing along with Harry to.
" 'Cause I'm silly like that" Harry chuckled out once he caught his breath from laughing at Draco.
"Oh, well you are siwy" Draco laughs.
"Ok Draco you go wait out in the bed room and then i'll get dressed then get you dressed to when I come back out. Ok?" Harry says looking back down at Draco
"Ok" is all Draco says then turns around to leave.
Once Harry gets fully dressed in his light blue t-shirt, with his black sweatshirt overtop, black worn jeans and his black and white converse, he fixed up his hair. Well fixed it up as much as he could even though it was still sticking out in all directions he walked back out the bathroom to find Draco sitting on Harry's bed playing with two of his stuffed animals making them talk to each other. Harry smiles to himself at how cute Draco was when he was a baby and then walks over to him.
"Hi Hawwy you wanna pway?" Draco asks looking up from his toys smiling at Harry
"Um well how about we get you dressed first then head down to breakfast" Harry asks picking up Draco and bringing his over to the dresser.
"Ok. what are we doing today?" Draco asked looking up at Harry as he sets him back down and looks for some clothes for Draco.
"Well after we go and eat breakfast we can go to hogsmade and go shopping for some candy and maybe even a few toys and books for you if you want" Harry says putting on Draco's socks for him then putting on his winter boots
"Ohhh that sounds fun!" Draco says bouncing up onto his feet running which is more like waddling to the door to leave. "Come on hawwy wets gooooo!"
"Ok ok hang on I gotta put on my jacket and you need to put on your scarf and gloves" Harry says walking over to grab his jacket and scarf while also grabbing Draco's gloves, hat, scarf, and jacket.

Growing up //Drarry
FanfictionREAD THIS!!! [completed] *currently re writing and fixing mistakes that my 11 year old self made* This is a cuteness over load of a baby Draco story just read it to find out lol. If you are looking for the cutest story you have ever read then I thi...