Harry POV
"Ughhhh" I groan as I sit up slowly propping my self up on my elbows. I look over to my alarm clock to see that we are going to be late for breakfast so as quickly as possible I wake up drove much to his disapproval but he quickly got over it. After me and Draco got ready and ran down at full speed we made it only 10 minutes late.
"Phew we made it"I say still holding Draco tight against my side pushing open the hall.
"Hawwy did u bwing the potion" Draco asks as we enter the hall
"CRAP!" I yell making the whole hall turn to me and Draco.
"Merlin mate you look like you just woke up." Ron says over the silent hall. That's been happening a lot lately. I think to my self.
"It's because we did" I reply to ron a little bit more sassy then was necessary.
"Hell mate calm down I was just saying no need to get all pissy. I knew I shouldn't have let you eat all that candy you always super sassy if u way more then a couple" ron mumbles the last part put I still heard him over the silent hall that's listening to me and tons conversation closely.
"What was that there Ron?" I ask putting Draco on the ground, folding my arms across my chest with an eyebrow raised while tapping foot on the ground in a sassy matter. Damn why am I such a sassy diva today I think to myself still waiting for ron to answer.
"Er- nothing" he reply's looking a little scared.
"Um no I don't think so what did u say" I said raiding my eyebrow even higher, he still hasn't answer me I thought.
"I'm waiting!" I say stomping my foot. And he looks up at and you can easily tell he's scared out of his mind right now. I mean even Hermione looks scared along with everyone else in the hall.
"Erm I said that u shouldn't have ate all the candy because afterwards your always super sassy, bossy and a huge dive." Ron finally answers.
"Well ya I am sassy deal with it" I simply reply I little bit to sharp.
Making ron roll his eyes, all the while the hall is still listening."Ya you keep rolling your eyes maybe you'll find a brain back there" I say to ron sassly and grabbing Draco of the ground and turning to leave while ron is left there with his face red with embarrassment and everyone in the hall is saying,
"Ooooooooo", or "OH SNAP" or "GET TOLD"
I leave the hall with Draco on my waist now realizing that we didn't auctally eat."Hawwy I'm hungwy" Draco pouts.
"Yeah dame lets go to the kitchens dobby will probably make us something" I reply
Once we get into the kitchens I walk over and spit dobby right away with his bright red and blue socks on."Hey dobby um sorry to bother you but do you have anything that me and puppet can eat?" I ask the house elf while scratching the back of my neck.
"Of course mr Harry Potter sir dobby will always help Harry Potter."
"Thank you dobby honestly anything will do" I say about to turn to head over to the bench Draco is already sitting at waiting.
"Mr Harry Potter sir sorry to ask but who is puppet" dobby asks looking a curiously at me.
"Oh sorry come see I think you will recognize him" I say with a smirk walking over to Draco with dobby following.
"Draco?" Dobby asks
"Dobby! I missed you!" Draco yells running over across the room to dobby.
"Hi master Draco sir it had been a very long time indeed" dobby says turning to me.
" mr Harry Potter sir What happen why is he a baby again?" Dobby whispers to me so Draco can't hear.
"He spilled a drink-ageing potion on himself a week ago but he will be fixed within the next week" I reply a little sad
"Oh dobby understand sir I will go get your food" he says turning around leaving to go get the 2 plates of pancakes and blueberries.
"Bye dobby see you soon" I say turning to leave the kitchen.
"Bye dobby!" Draco yells over my shoulder.
"By master Draco and mr Harry Potter." Dobby squeaks back turning to return to the kitchen.
"Turn to page 86" Snape says in his usual bored tone.
"Now you will be making this potion today on your own so get working you have 1 hour do best hurry up" Snape says turning to shock on everyone's potions.
"Honestly Potter you couldn't have made it any worse I'm surprised you having poisoned yourself yet with your potion skills, that is a 0 for today" Snape says to me nothing out of the usual I thought.
"NO uncle sevewus! That's not fair! Don't be mean!" Draco yells just as Snape was starting to turn around.
Snape sighs and says "I'm terribly sorry mr.potter you may hand that in to get the couple points that's worth" he says looking like he's about to murder me. "Is that better Draco?" Snape asks sneering at Draco.
"Hey! Don't you sneer at me bad boy imma tell father!" Draco yells at Snape and Snape gets this terrified look in his eyes
"Oh Merlin no Draco I'm sorry do you forgive me I promise I will be kinder to mr.potter here just don't tell Lucius" snake says his eyes wide with worry.
"I guess I'm sowwy I got mad at you uncle sevewus" he says looking likes he's about to cry and running up to Snape snuggling and reaching up for him to pick Draco up.
"Draco don't cry it's ok I was being mean it's my fault shhhh don't cry everything will be ok I promise Oh jeez look what I did I'm so so sorry shhhhh dragon it's ok it's ok" Snape says holding Draco close to him hugging him while rubbing Draco's back.
"It's my faults I'm a-a-a bully I didn't mean to be mean I'm sowwy I don't ever wanna be mean" Draco says sniffling still.
"Oh Dragon your not mean your a very very nice little boy you don't need to be sorry you were standing up for your friend, hey do you know who else would have done that?" Snape asks Draco while everyone in the potions class just stares at him likes he's gone crazy.
"Who?" Draco asks
"Harry Potter"
"I wanna be like him!" Draco yells making everyone in the class chuckle which seems to Snap Snape back to reality.
"Um well then here you go mr potter and we that will be it for today's lesson" Snape says turning and swishing his robe.
"Thank you sir, come on Draco I got a free period let's go to the whomping willow" I say walking to the door to leave.
"Potter what are you thinking going to the whomping will your going to get yourself crushed are you crazy? If you so much as hurt a hair on Draco's head you'll pay!" Snape hisses at me
"Relax sir Sirius taught me how to stop the willow from smashing you and I know you know how to do don't worry I know what I'm doing and I would never hurt Draco ever not even when he's older I promise" I say looking at Snape with a small smile on my face.
"Very well then" he sighs"
Sorry this chapter isn't as long as the others I have written but there is more to come soon I promise we're almost done 😭 only like 5-10 more chapters♥

Growing up //Drarry
FanficREAD THIS!!! [completed] *currently re writing and fixing mistakes that my 11 year old self made* This is a cuteness over load of a baby Draco story just read it to find out lol. If you are looking for the cutest story you have ever read then I thi...