7 - shopping ✔️

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I'm going to start doing point of view (POV) because is a lot easier


Harry POV

"Ok Draco what do you want to get first clothes, toys, or books? We will get the candy last ok?" I ask looking at Draco with a smile on my face because, well, he is just so flipping cute like look at that face and his cute messy blonde almost white hair mercury eyes and his cute little button nose an- I was brought out of my thought by Draco talking again.

"Ummmm I wanna go get cwothes first" Draco says looking up at me grinning

After we get to the store we buy Draco 3 new shirts Hermione helped obviously we got him a light blue t-shirt, black button up long sleeve and a white dress shirt long sleeve. We also got him a couple pair of socks some underwear and 4 pairs of pants, blue jeans, black and grey sweat pants and a pair of beige dress pants.

"Hey Draco do you wanna get a sweatshirt? There are some over here come look" I call to Draco who is over with Hermione picking out a new pair of gloves for him.

"Alright Harry we will be right over I'm just grabbing a pair of gloves!" Hermione calls over to me and a couple of minutes later she is walking over to me holding Draco's little hand with a pair of gloves in her other hand and I get this weird feeling in my gut... no I can't be... no he's 3 I can't be jealous of him him holding Hermione hand... that's just not right I think to myself but then I get snapped out of my thought again by Draco jumping up and down trying to get me to pick him up.

"Hawwy pick me up!" He yells at me I just chuckle at him, bend over and pick him up resting him on my hip completely forgetting about that jealous stage I had just a couple minutes ago. Then i spot this nice thick fuzzy black sweatshirt with white circles around the wrists like a sports jacket would and it kinda looks like mine.

"Hey Draco do you like this one? I have one just like it, do you wanna try it on?" I ask picking up the sweater for him to put on.

"Ok gimme it" Draco says reaching for the sweatshirt to put it on.

"Woah ok no need to get sassy you little diva". I say handing him the sweatshirt. After he try's it on he says it fits good and that it's really warm so we head to the cash having all the clothes that we need.

"We got shirts, pants, socks, underwear, gloves, and a sweatshirt I think that's all right 'cause I'm like super bored and I wanna get food" Ron complains for the millionth time.

"Ronald will you wait we are paying then we will go get something to eat just hold on Merlin you would think you haven't ate in ages" Hermione huffs at Ron.

"Well it feels like ages" Ron mumbles under his breath thinking Hermione can't hear him.

"It's been 2 hours since you ate breakfast honestly!" Hermione says a little bit to loud making a couple people turn and look at us.

"Um ya me and Draco are gonna go head to the three broomsticks" I say to Hermione and Ron while turning to leave them to argue some more.

"Alright Harry we will be there soon" Hermione calls back.

"Wait no I'm coming to I'm gonna die if I don't eat soon!" Ron yells while running to catch up with us while Hermione is left alone to pay.

Once me Ron and Draco are at the three broomsticks we order 3 butterbeers and 1 apple juice for Draco, we also ordered 2 slices of pie and 4 cookies buy the time Hermione is back me and Ron are both already half way done our butterbeers, and our slice of pie we each got with a cookie while Draco is also done his apple juice and his 2 cookies.

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