Draco's POV
"Come on you almost had it that time!" Harry encourages me but I know I'm not going to be able to do it all I've been able to do so far is make what looked like some type of top or something appear.
"Harry I just can't I don't have enough happy memories." I sigh out in defeat.
"I know you do draco but it's fine we will work on it again next again if you want." He says patting my back and smiling down at me. I hate how he's taller then me I feel powerless against him like this. Well I probably still do when I'm 18 I mean he's got a lot of muscle and is now the most powerful wizard alive the war definitely did him some good along with quidditch probably... does he even do quidditch anymore?
"Draco?" Harry asks me snapping me out of my train of thought looking concerned.
"Yeah let's go check out the raccoons, sorry I just got thinking." I say slightly embarrassed.
"Awe there so cute." I say bending over the raccoons.
"This one here was a baby in 4th year I named her weaslette. I say
"Why?" Harry says looking confused.
"Well because she's ugly but feisty." I say rolling my eyes.
"I agree but Ginny's also super clingy and braty." Harry says and I stare at him in shock.
"I thought you and her were a thing?" I say picking up one of the baby raccoons and holding it on it's pack as it grabs my fingers and I smile down at it.
"Ugh no she's always following me around, I constantly tell her I don't like her. Then she asks why and I say she's not my type then she asks what my type is and I say men and walk away but she chases me and tells me I'm funny thinking I was joking which makes me roll my eyes. It's a weekly routine." Harry says with a sigh.
"Damn she can't take a hint can she." I say chuckling. I put down the raccoon I just named Charlie.
"Tell me about. We better go in though it's starting to get dark." Harry says also putting down the baby raccoon he has in his hand as well and starts walking up to the castle.
Once we get inside and finish dinner we walked back to our room (ROR).
"Can you help me with potions?" Harry asks me after he smashed the potions book off his face for the 100th time.
"Yup just give it here and I'll do it for you." I say reaching out for him to pass me the book not looking up from the chess board I was playing with but he never did so I turned to look at him.
"Are you gonna give here?" I ask with my eye brow raised.
"Uh yea sure here I was just surprised you are doing it for me I thought you were just going to try and explain everything to me like Hermione which by the way doesn't help at all." Harry says handing me the book.
"Ok well I'll tell you what to write and you just write it down so then it's not in my handwriting and also mess up at least 2 times so they don't get suspicious." I say starting to read the book.
"Ok first 11 drops of bat blood then stir the potion 4 times clockwise...." that went on for about 40 minutes until the essay for growth potion was written down. We then headed to bed for the night tired from the busy day of doing homework, potions, and the forest.
AHHHH it's my birthday tomorrow! I'll try and write another chapter tmrw as a treat lol but anyways sorry it took over a week to update this🤦🏻♀️

Growing up //Drarry
FanfictionREAD THIS!!! [completed] *currently re writing and fixing mistakes that my 11 year old self made* This is a cuteness over load of a baby Draco story just read it to find out lol. If you are looking for the cutest story you have ever read then I thi...