25- dumbledore

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Harry's POV

It's been a week and a half and I really freakin miss Draco, or should I call him Malfoy again? I'm on my way to the great hall for dinner it just seems like the days have been 10 times longer since Draco turned 18. I don't hear his sweet little giggles, his jokes, slide remarks, Sassy and dramatic attitude, nothing, no more hugs, no more 'hawwy' or 'puppet', no more cuddles, story telling, candy eating, shopping, smiles, games, secrets, me carrying him, him falling asleep in my arms, pranking ron, building snow men, going on walks, skipping classes, picnics, sneaking around, it's all gone, forgotten. He's been hanging out with pansy and Blaise, I've also seen him talk to mel a couple times.

"Mate are you ok?" Ron whispers to me and I look up from my plate only then did I realize there were silent tears going down my face. I look up around at the rest of the hall and about 1/4 is looking at me concerned or shocked

"I'm fine, I just gotta- I'm gonna go" I rush out standing up and dashing out of the hall once the great halls doors shut I hear the hall burst into whispers. I lean against the wall and start crying silent tears choking on sobs trying to keep it all in. I hear the hall doors creak open and someone walk out, I honestly don't even care anymore they can all make fun of me.

"Harry" someone sits down next to me softly putting there hand over mine and I look up slowly at the blurry person with the blonde almost white hair through my tears

"Luna" I say giving her a watery smile and she just stands and I follow.

"Harry" She says again with a sad smile holding open her arms which I immediately jump into and I don't even try to keep the tears in anymore.

"Shhhh Harry it's fine, I promise"

"It's not though he didn't remember, I just have all these amazing memories of us having fun and him doing cute embarrassing funny things and he didn't even remember the patronus" I say and my knees give out making me fall to the ground with Luna still hugging me

"Y'know you could make him remember" she whispers quietly and I look up at her with tear tracks on my cheeks giving her a confused look.

"I-I can? How?" I ask with hope in my voice and probably in my eyes aswell.

"Memories" She says moving back from me now looking at me with a smile. 

"No luna he didn't remember he doesn't have any memories of the last 2 months that's the problem" I say starting to cry again. How could I be so stupid as to believe there was a way for him to remember.

"I know," she says taking my hands off my face wiping  my tears away with her thumb in a motherly way.

"Show him yours." She says quietly dropping her hands down to her sides again.

"What how I can't just show someone my memories that's impossible." I say looking at her worriedly has she really gown looney?

"Harry's your a very great wizard but sometimes you can be very thick, we're wizards not Muggles, not squibs, wizards" Luna says shaking her head slightly chuckling quietly to herself

"Yes I know but how am I suppo-" and then it hits me.

"A pensive!" I say facepalming how could I be so stupid!

"Yes" She says smiling now that I've finally caught up and I jump forward engulfing her in a hug which she returns.

"Ugh I love you Luna your the best!" I say running off up to Dumbledore's office and she just smiles and waves. Once I get to the gargoyle I start naming off very sweet I can think of. Finally after about a minute it opens to the muggle candy pop rocks I step onto the moving stairs which take me up to his office door. I knock a couple times.

"Come in" I hear him say from inside not even 5 seconds later. I open the door slowly and walk in shutting it behind me.

"Ah Harry my boy what do I owe the pleasure, unless your here to simply chat but I don't think that's the case now is it?" He says while motioning to the chair Infront of his desk for me to sit and he smiles at me which I return as I walk over and place myself down on the old wood chair that's been here since I can remember.

"Sorry but I've come to ask if maybe I can borrow your pensive" I say with hope looking at him

"That depends what for?" He asks with a smile but he has his twinkle in his eye like he knows.

"Well you know draco doesn't remember and he had a very slim chance to anyways but... what if i show him my memories of us together, then I mean he won't have to remember on his own and he'll know what happened over the last 2 months" I say but stop once I realize I'm starting to ramble

"That's a wonderful idea I'm gonna assume granger came up with it?" Dumbledore says with a smile

"Nope" I say with a smile and for a moment a look of shock crossed his face before he replaces it with a look of curiosity.

"If you don't mind me asking, who came up with the wonderful idea?" He asks sounding amused

"Luna" I say with an odd sense of pride with a large smile on my face.

"Ah yes I did not realize you and miss.Lovegood were friends wonderful girl she is, always seeing the bright side and looks at things in a different way" he says thoughtfully

"Yes she came to the department of ministry's with me in 5th year she also helped me find the tiara last year"  I said thinking back to all the fun and scary memories I have with her and smiling as I do so.

"Yes I do remember that in 5th year. But how about the pensive when do you plan to show him?" He asks getting back onto the topic

"Hmm I don't know maybe next Monday so In 10 days if that's ok with you?" I ask remembering that I have hogsmade this weekend and I promised Ron I would go with him cause Hermiones going with ginny and Neville and I also have a couple essays to do.

"That's fine with me now you and draco can come at maybe 6 after dinner then you can show him if I'm not here you can just come in and show him I won't mind. Now I believe you have homework to do" he says with a smile and I nod standing up to leave.

"Oh and Harry the password will be acid pops" Dumbledore says as I open the door about to walk out. I turn giving him a nod and saying thanks once again before leaving and heading back to the ROR where my doom still is. I decided to keep It I have discovered that I much more prefer to stay there and I've already asked mcgonagall. Once I got back to my room I wrote some of the divination essay then headed to bed with a smile on my face thinking about how draco will soon remember again.

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