35- Naps

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Harry's POV

"Well since the cats outta the bag for you guys and the animagus I guess I mine aswell show you mine" Draco says once both me and Ron back off of him after we finished mauling him with a smile smirk on his face before he stood back up and back up a few steps as all three of our eyes are on him.
He starts to shrink down to the size of a cat then transforms into what looks like a small white fox/cat mix with huge fluffy fur and wide dark brown eyes then he lets out a small bark before running all over the room with the most energy I have ever seen and that's saying a lot.

He's running in circles around the room is tongue our ears and tail up and wagging is jumping on couches and running under chairs. Me and Ron decided to chase him around which he doges quite quickly and effortlessly. We do this for about forty five minutes until me and Ron can barley breath even if we are in our tiger forms so we both stop running before curling up I front of the chair on the ground beside each other me oh the right curled up in a ball head on my front paws and Ron on the left slightly behind me with his head resting on my back as we both lie there out of breath.

We watch as Draco slowly come to a stop and walks over to us not even out of breath. I force my tired head off my paws to look up at him and all I see is a fox/cat/dog standing there tail wagging tongue out panting just the slightest bit barley not looking tired at all and I sigh as best as you can in the form of a tiger before turning back into my human form earning a surprised small roar from ron who fell asleep on me holding awake now and tuning back aswell. We both collapse onto the couch that's in front of Snape who is reading some type of book probably potions on the chair infront of us.

Draco jumps up next to us on the couch and turns back into his human form but as soon as he does he gasps and starts panting like he just ran over 30 miles an hour.

"Why you so tired now we were running like 5 minuets and you seemed fine then." Ron says and I nod in agreement the both of us still a little tired me more so since Ron already had a 10 minuet nap.

"Don't get-" he takes a couple breaths. "-tired quickly in fox form but it all just hit me when I turned back" he says calming down slightly now.

"So you are a fox?" Ron asks and I look over turning my head away from the ceiling where I was staring off into.

"Yes a fennec fox, usually a beige but in my case it's white, their usually found in dessert places but some keep them as pets" he says and Ron nods as I just lie there starting to doze off slightly.

"What's the personality of the fennec fox" Snape says making me nearly jump out of my skin and I think ron feels the same as I felt his gasp and jump slightly and draco just rolls his eyes at us.

"Well they are a ball of energy and never get tired 15% if the time, intelligent, can be extremely snuggly and cuddly another 20% of the time but also independent, they are also graceful, the fennec fox also sleeps quite a lot about 50% of the time but can go." Draco says and Snape hums in response so he continues.

"How do you know so much about them? I've never even heard of them" Ron asks and I nod agreeing.

"Well I didn't know what I was either so I obviously searched the library and learned as much as I could about them to more understand" he says getting more comfy on the couch.

"The fennec fox although it's very small about the size of a house cat can just 2 feet high and leap 4 feet forward, we also never need free-standing water we have leaves, roots, fruits, eggs, and animal prey instead and we are nocturnal." Draco says with a proud nod and smile or actually more of a smirk on his face.

"Yea well I could eat you so haha" I say as I turn to get more comfy and Ron groans in protest.

"Oh really? You both couldn't even catch me you fat ass lion" he says with a chuckle and I groan.

"Shut up fluff ball ferret face" I say pulling a blanket that appeared on the couch onto me and ron.

"You can't call me ferret face anymore because I'm a fox" he says and I sigh.

"Fine fluff butt" I mocked and I herd him groan. And Ron chuckle quietly.

"Don't call me that" he says and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever..." I sat rolling over onto my stomach on head resting on a pillow with my hands underneath it. "fluff butt" I mumbled quietly just loud enough for him to hear with a smirk on my face and I feel draco chuck a random pillow at me and I laugh as he turns back into his fox form before laying down on the pillow right above my head and I suddenly feel something very heavy on my back and I turn my head to look and I see a gigantic tiger on my backside and I groan at the weight then try to move only to earn a growl.

"Move you obese cat" I say and he growls then roars at me in annoyance before reluctantly standing up and moving to beside me instead of my top of me then lies down his tail rapped around my left leg and his large fluffy orange head in between my shoulder blades and I close my eyes trying to fall asleep. I hear Rons breathing even out signalizing he's fallen asleep and I can hear Draco's breath even out as well.

I was just about to fall asleep a couple minutes later when I hear a book close quietly then being sat down on some table that mud of appeared and someone sigh. I listen then hear footsteps coming closer but I don't move still pretending I'm asleep.

"Sleep well" I her Snape says so quietly I almost didn't hear him in a soft tone that only me Ron and draco have ever heard and only on few rare occasions. I then feel A soft blanket being placed over me and Ron making him purr quietly at the heat the blanket gives off making me smile slightly moving closer to the giant tiger laying behind me and I am now laying on my side, I then pull draco off of the pillow he was on earning a startled yelp but hold him close against my chest anyways like he's some type of fluffy cat or teddy bear and the last thing I heard before falling asleep at last myself was Snape sigh and I can hear the slight almost not there smile on his face before dozing off.


Dracos animagus

Dracos animagus

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