33- ministry

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Harry's POV

"What?! You just aperated inside the school!" Draco gasps making me And Ron chuckle as Snape just rolls his eyes at his godson.

"He is a powerful wizard just like how Dumbledore could aswell" Snape says as we walk down the ministry hall

"Where are we going?" Draco Asks as we step into a busy Hallway bursting with ministry workers going left and right.

"Skacklebolt" Ron answers and I give a nod as we walk in front of a door. "This is it" I say knocking on the door only for Hermione to struggle against the body bind Snape put on her. Snape got her back under control just as Kingsley opened the door.

"Ah Harry what do I owe this pleasure I was just working on paperwork for... oh well I don't even know" he says with a chuckle and I smile at him.

"Well I'm here to talk to you as well as Hermione Ron Snape and Draco if that's okay but we can come back if your to busy" I reply and he opens the door wider to see the rest of us standing out in the hall waiting patiently. "Oh well no I'm not to busy so come in, haven't seen you bunch for a while now" he says opening the door up all the way stepping aside for us to join him indie out of the busy hallway giving us a smile but looking at Draco a Little questioningly probably confused as to why we brought him along.

"So What brings you here?" He asks sitting back down on chair behind his desk and we all take a seat in front of him except hermione who just stands there not moving or talking.

"We need to have a trial on Hermione jean granger" I say Getting right to the point and shacklebolt looks shocked at the news. "Why would we need that?" He Asks looking up at Hermione with a questioning gaze.

"She has preformed crimes, multiple actually over the years" Ron says As me and Snape nod in agreement but Hermione is shaking her head furiously at Rons words.

"Would you mind sharing some of these crimes with me to see if it's worthy to have a trial?" He asks and I once again nod in agreement.

"Of course one of the crimes was using an illegal potion on Ron to brain wash him in 7th year when we were searching for horcruxs to make him leave then blamed it on Salazar's locket, she also tried incredibly hard to convince me that the deathly hallows was a false story to to be taken seriously as to make me fail at getting the elder wand to destroy Voldemort before he got it himself which she successfully did, she imperioed multiple people during the war as-well as to get what she wants" I say and shacklebolt looks at me in shock before shaking his seeming to come out of his state of shock.

"Why yes that will definitely require a trial is that all?" He asks and I shake my head and he looks at me waiting to continue.

"She killed lavender brown, my ex girlfriend but not until after she tricked me into breaking up with her as well as casting an imperious on her to make her act obnoxious which lead me to break it off" Ron says in just above a whisper looking down at his hands fiddling with them with tears in his eyes. I put my hand on his shoulder then pull him into a hug and draco gives his a sympathetic smile as he pats his shoulder slightly awkwardly. After we both sit back down facing Kingsley he begins to speak with wide shocked eyes.

"Oh my in so incredibly sorry. If you agree I would like to send her to Azkaban today no need for trial, although I would like to use virturnisum on ms granger as to make sure you are telling the truth" he says and we all nod then Snape snaps his fingers making a bottle appear before putting it in Hermione mouth as we all wait and he takes off the body bind as well as allowing her to speak once again.

"Hermione granger is it true that you both killed and imperioed lavender brown?"

"Yes" She says after fighting the truth serum for a long 5 seconds.

"Is it true that you used an illegal potion on Ronald Weasley" Hermione nods before squeaking out a yes

"As-well as set Harry off his track on the deathly hallows to make sure you-know-who got the wand?" He asks with his hands clasped in the table looking at Hermione in the eye.

"Yes" she groans out finally letting the potion take over again after struggling against it.

"Well then I believe that's enough evidence I will call some guards to take her" Kingsley says with a sigh.

"Thank you" Snape says, both me ron and draco nod in his direction before turning and walking out of the office leaving him with Hermione who will shortly be in Azkaban for her crimes.

"I'm sorry Harry, Ron" Draco says as we walk a pass or town behind Snape out if the ministry.

"For what?" Ron asks and I raise an eyebrow at Draco wondering the same thing.

"Well she was your friend, no?" Draco says and I sigh.

"Once but.. she changed" I sat and ron nods.

"We all change some for the better and some for the worse, we can't help what side are friends chose we can only hope they chose the right one for them" Ron says as we walk outside the large doors outside.

" both me Nd ron trued to help her but she wouldn't listen, convinced she was always right and knew best. She deserves this, she dug her own grave and now she must lie in it" I say turning towards Snape after

"Ready?" Snape says and we all nod grabbing each others hands before aperating back to just outside the Hogwarts grounds in the forest. We walk back towards the castles doors where everyone will be waiting for some type of explanation or answer.


happy birthday gred and feorge!👏🏻🎉

Happy Easter! 🐣

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