8 - 21 questions

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Harry's POV

"MATE make sure u save some for ME!" Ron yells at me while I am walking out of the hall.

"Mmmm MAYBE!" I yell back only to hear a bunch of people in the hall start laughing.

"Hawwy this is heavy" Draco grunts after we walk for another 20 mins almost at the ROR.

"Almost there... alright just stand there for a minute." I say walking back and forth waiting for the door to appear.

"Finally" I sigh. "Let's drop all this candy off and get the potions" I say dropping hundreds of candys of the ground next to the fire as does Draco in the warm cozy common room.

"Hawwy can u cawwy me, my legs hurt" Draco says to me while making grabby hands looking up at me with those gorgeous mercury sliver/blue eyes that look like melting ice on a summer day.

"Ugh you know I can't say no to you, you cutie" I sigh picking him up and walking out of the ROR down to the dungeons to snapes office, knowing it's going to take a while to get down there I start just making small talk to baby Draco on my hip just asking him random questions like he does to me.

"Do you want to play 21 questions" I asked

"What's that?" Draco replies looking up at me with his eyes brows furrowed.

"I ask you a question then you answer and ask me a question and I answer until we have each asked 21 questions and we usually use truth serum so you have no choice but to answer honestly Or we can just ask questions until we reach Snapes office and we obviously aren't going to be using truth serum." I say looking at Draco who has wide eyes and I confused look on his face.

"Ok you ask me a question and I answer then I'll ask you" I say again but in a shorter and much easier way to understand.

"Ohhh ok. Hmmm what's your favourite colour?" He asks me and I have to think cuz there are a couple colours I really like.

"Hmm well I like green, red, silver, and purple but if I had to choose one it would probably be purple. What's your favourite food?" I ask him.

"Umm I like chocolate!" Draco yells and then giggles.

"Shhh Draco" I said while laughing. "I could tell you liked chocolate I mean did we not just buy you pounds of it" I laughed out again.

"Yeah" he said smirking sheepishly. "Um who's your best friend?" Draco asks me

"Well I have 2 really good friends ron and Hermione... buy if I had to choose my best friend it would have to be ron I mean he's really funny, kind, loyal, and usually very smart, and he won't ever turn on you or leave you because he is just loyal like that, he knows exactly what to do or say if I'm in a bad mood or upset and the same goes for me to him" I say smiling looking down at Draco knowing we Will be at Snapes in about another 10-15 mins. "Ok what's your favourite animal?" I asked Draco expecting it to be a dragon or snake or something cool like that but what I got was way off.

"Umm FERRETS!!!" He yells at me.

"Ferrets?" I ask

"Yea there super cute and funny and fuzzy!" He yells at me again and that's all it took to make me completely stop walking and fall to the ground laughing so hard I can barley breath. Once finally done laughing I get back up whipping the tears from my eyes looking at Draco again with a huge smile on my red face from laughing so hard.

"Oh my god" I chuckled out again. "Come on Draco were almost there and you have to ask me again." I say while picking Draco up yet again and start making my way back down to Snapes.

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