Harry's POV
I sit up in my bed and stretch before getting up. I lay back down for a second and turn my head over to see Draco laying in his bed reading a book I can't tell what book from here though when suddenly I hear Draco's stomach growl and he grows a blush before smacking his stomach.
"Shut up!" He whisper shouts at his stomach making me chuckle and he snaps his eyes over to me and his blush only grows.
"Dobby, kreatcher!" I yell snapping my fingers making them appear with a pop and a crack and Draco jumps in surprise nearly falling out of his bed.
"Yes master potter." Kreatcher croaks out bowing making me roll my eyes.
"Can you go get some bacon and eggs please with some orange juice and toast with butter" I ask and he just nods and leave with another crack.
"What can Dobby do for mr.harry potter sir." Dobby says almost jumping up and down.
"Ok well can you get Draco some bacon, eggs, sliced green apples, Allen's apple juice..." I look over to him studying him trying to figure out what else I should get for him.
"And some chocolate covered strawberries for the both of us?" I ask looking back at Dobby who's smile widens.
"You don't have to you technically aren't my house elf but I will pay you don't worry." I say.
"Of course! Dobby would do anything for Harry and his friends! I will be back as soon as I can." Dobby says before leaving with a *pop*. I flop back down in my back with a big sigh then grab my pillow and cover it over my face and groan.
"You didn't have to do that Y'know I could have just gotten up." Draco mumbles out.
"Yea well it's Christmas break and you looked comfy and honestly so was I, I have a house elf that does whatever I tell it to, I have Dobby who is a close friend of mine since I was 12 and you are obviously hungry and I could go for some food." I say laying back down properly under the blankets with my head in the pillow facing Draco as I lay on my side.
"What type of book is It?" I ask as Draco's eyes read the words off the book and he mumbles something out blushing.
"Romance" he says louder and I chuckle which makes him blush even more and groan. He closed the book and sets it down on his bedside table then lies down on his back looking up at the ceiling.
"What's the book about?" I ask trying to start a conversation.
"It's about this muggle boy named ben who travels the world and right now he's in France and meets this really great guy he likes named dean and the dean likes him back but he's dating another guy named Tyler who he didn't like anymore and tyler didn't like him either but they both think the other guy likes then so they don't break it of. But ben has to leave again heart broken because dean is with someone else but they meet up again in NYC then dean tells ben that he broke up with Tyler but ben isn't sure if he wants to get together with dean anymore and that's where I left off." Draco says and it sounds like a pretty cool story.
"Hmm so they are all gay?" I ask now looking up at the ceiling too.
"Bens bi but the other 2 are gay yes."
Kreatcher shows up with my food with a loud crack scaring the crap out of both me and Draco but Draco actually lets out a yelp which makes me start to laugh and he just glared at me.
"Thanks Kreatcher, do you know how long Dobby will be?" I ask taking the tray off food from him.
"About 5 minuets master." He croaks out.
"Alright Thanks you can go back to our house now but when your there can you please dust my pictures." I say with a smile and he nods then leaves with a crack.
"You have your own house?" Draco asks as I take a bite of my bacon.
"I have since I was 15" I say taking a gulp of orange juice.
"What are you drinking? And how did you end up with a house at 15?" He ask looking at my drunk weird which is when I realize that they only have pumpkin juice here not pop, orange juice, or apple juice or any juice but pumpkin which in all honesty tastes like absolute crap.
"It's orange juice. And I got the house from my god father Sirius black who was my fathers best friend and one of the mauarders but he died in 5th your when Bellatrix killed him in a duel when I broke into the ministry of magic, so he handed down the house of black to me along with everything in it including Kreatcher." I say as Dobby pops up with Draco's food and about 10 chocolate strawberries.
"Thank you dobby" Draco says taking the food from him with a smile.
"No problem master Harry and master Draco." He says with a smile.
"I'm not your master Dobby." Me and draco say at the same time.
"No but I will take orders from the both of you whenever you want. I'm sorry but Dobby has to go start working on lunch for the great hall is this all masters want?"
"Yes I think I'm good you draco?" I ask looking over at Draco who's eating a slice of apple.
"Yea im good"
"Bye" Dobby says leaving with a pop now too.
"Is this drink good?" He asks looking at it sceptically.
"Yes it's my favourite kind to it's the allens apple juice from in the can not the container." I say now wishing I asked for apple juice instead.
"Kreatcher!" I yell
"Yes master." He says showing up with a crack.
"Can I have some Allen's apple juice from the Can not the container?"
He nods and leaves showing up not even a minute later with it.
"Thanks" i say taking a sip as he aperates away.
"Merlin I haven't had this since summer try it draco." I say drinking some more and draco lifts it slowing to his lips as if it's poison and take a cautious sip before his eyes go wide and he drinks about half of it is one gulp making me laugh as he downs the rest of it.
"Im gonna guess you like it?" I say and he just looks at me and blushes slightly embarrassed.
"Bloody hell why don't we have this is the wizarding world this is amazing, pumpkin juice tastes like complete crap compared to this. Can I try the orange juice?"
"Sure how about we spend all day trying muggle foods and stuff?" I ask and Draco's eyes light up.
"Yeah ok!" He says jumping up and starts getting dressed for the day as I follow putting my now empty plate on the bedside table.

Growing up //Drarry
FanfictionREAD THIS!!! [completed] *currently re writing and fixing mistakes that my 11 year old self made* This is a cuteness over load of a baby Draco story just read it to find out lol. If you are looking for the cutest story you have ever read then I thi...