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this chapters the same
I wake up to an unfamiliar sound outside. I can hear someone screaming. It's a woman. I reach over and grab my phone checking the time. 2:00. I suddenly feel a wave of confusion hit me. I cautiously throw the covers off me and walk over to my door grabbing my dressing gown off the hook. I put my arms in each sleeve and pull my dressing gown on. I quietly open my door and walk downstairs. I reach the bottom only to find my mum already up.
"Hey sweetie", Mum greets me as I walk over and sit next to her.
"Hi, is dad asleep", I ask. Mum nods putting her coffee down that she was drinking.
"You can hear it too", Mum points over to where the yelling is coming from. I nod feeling frightened of what's happening. What if someone gets hurt?
*bang bang*
Mum and I jump as we hear banging noises coming from outside. I look over at Mum and she looks back at me. We both have the look of worry and fright in our eyes.
Suddenly we hear knocks on the door along with someone crying.
Mum walks over to the door hesitating first but she opens the door anyway only to reveal a teenage boy with tears running down his face. "H-hi, I'm s-sorry for d-disturbing you but can I c-come in", he stutters while trying to say that. "Yes of course sweetie come in and sit down I'll make you some hot chocolate", Mum says letting him in. That's when I see him. The tall, slim brown haired boy I bumped into at school and the one I saw on the way home. I knew I recognised him. He walks in and sees me standing there. Our eyes lock together and we stand like this for at least five minutes before Mum clears her throat. Our gaze tears apart. Mum gives him the hot chocolate and gestures him to the couch. He sits down and takes sips of his drink. I walk over and sit on the smaller couch looking down at his hands. They are shaking a lot. "What happened sweetheart", my mum tried to talk to him.
This only causes him to cry more.
Suddenly my dad comes rushing down the stairs. He stops at the bottom of them once he noticed to boy on our couch.
"Who is this", he asks.
I got up off the couch and went over to my dad. "He knocked on the door and he was balling his eyes out so we let him in, I think he's the son of the couple that's fighting from across the street", I tell him and he sighs.
I jumped as we all hear another scream coming from outside. The boy drops the cup in his hands to the floor making it spill everywhere. "Oh m-my god, I-I'm so sorry", he apologises putting his head in his hands. "It's okay darling don't worry about it", Mum says getting up and grabbing a cloth. Dad walks away from me and into his office. He walks back out with his phone in his hands dialing a number. "What are you doing", I ask him. "I'm calling the police", he replies.

"Yes hello I'm calling about a complaint. There's a couple next door that yelling and I'm worried about the female since my family and I can hear screams so it's worrying me a lot, their son is also at my house as he's not very good", my dad says into the phone.
He hangs up the phone after telling them the details they needed and puts the phone on the bench walking over to the boy sitting on our couch.
"Hey everything going to be okay, can you tell me your name and what's happened", my dad asks him.
The boy looks up and nods slightly. "My n-name is E-Ethan Karpathy and my d-dad found out my m-mum did something and h-he started hitting her and that, I was w-watching and I couldn't t-take it so I ran to t-the first house I-I saw", Ethan says.
My dad nods and stands up walking around the room. Ethan starts crying again so I walk over to him and sit next down next to him rubbing circles into his back trying to comfort him. He looks up at me and suddenly I feel his arms wrap around me and warm tears making my top wet. I put my arms around him and stay there letting him cry on my shoulder. My heart aches for him right now. He pulls away and looks at my top. I look down and notice something red on it. I look over at Ethan and he's looking away. That's when I see that he has blood all down the bottom of his top. I cautiously lift his top up a little and see he has a deep cut across his hip. I look at him and he stares deep into my eyes. I grab his hand and help him off the couch taking him over to the kitchen counter. I sit him down and walk over to the cupboard grabbing out the first aid kit. I walk back over to Ethan and lift his shirt starting to wipe the blood away. My parents notice and walk over to us seeing the cut. My mum gasps. "How did that happen", she covers her mouth in shock. Ethan looks at me and then looks to the ground. "My dad saw me walk out and he grabbed m-me and pushed me into t-the wall. He had a-a knife in his hand and he c-cut me with it", he explains trying his best next to break down. My dad was going to say something but stops as we hear sirens outside.
Mum and dad walk over to the door opening it and walking outside to talk to the police. A male policeman walks inside and comes over to where I'm fixing up Ethan's wound. The police takes one look at the wound and calls for a stretcher to come in and take him to the hospital. Two paramedics rush inside and put Ethan onto the stretcher. Ethan reaches for me but he's already being taken out and being put into the ambulance. I run outside with tears down my face. I look over the street and see a man being taken out of a house in handcuffs and being put into the police van. After that comes a woman which I assume is Ethan's Mum laying on a stretcher and is being put into another ambulance. I look over to where the paramedics are putting Ethan in the ambulance and our eyes meet for a brief second before the doors close and he's being rushed to the hospital. My heart aches for him right now. I just hope he's okay.

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