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I'm currently sitting outside waiting to be let back in to see Ethan. I need to know if he's okay. I rest my head in my hands and let a few tears fall. You know what sucks about being the new girl. It's that when you need someone the most they aren't there because you don't know anyone and I can't tell anyone about this since I don't think Ethan would want me too. Who am I kidding who would I even tell? Zach well I don't think that he would be a good idea. He wouldn't be here for Ethan he would be here to get right on me like yesterday. Eek!!
"Miss I think it's time you go home, it's getting late and I'm sure your parents are worried", a middle aged doctor says standing right in front of me. I nod and stand up grabbing out my phone and texting my mum saying to pick me up since she left ages ago to go do some things. She quickly replied that she's on her way and I turn off my phone walking down the hallway. I turn my head before turning the corner and look at Ethan's room. "Don't worry Ethan I'll be back", I whisper so I could only hear. I stop and grab two coffees thinking my mum would want one as well and then head outside and waiting for mum.
I waited about 30 minutes before Mum pulls up in front of me. She gets out and helps me into the car. I give her a coffee and she thanks me. I stare into my mothers eyes and they look so dull like she's really tired and stressed. Suddenly I feel really sorry for dragging her out here. I don't say anything though. We arrive home not long after and I head up to my room not even bothering saying goodnight to my parents. I change my clothes and get into bed just scrolling through my feed on instagram. It would be wise for me to go to sleep since staying awake for ages is bad for me (bad for me get it ;)) okay I'll leave now) cause I would end up being grumpy in the morning. And I have school in the morning. After a while of just laying around on my phone I turn it off and put it on charge. I pull the covers over me and close my eyes letting sleep take over me.

I wake up to my alarm going off loudly. I groan and turn it off closing my eyes again. "Get up lazy ass you have school and you're not going to be missing another day at your new school", Mum yells while walking into my room. I refuse and shake my head. Mum rolls her eyes and stumbles over to my bed ripping my covers off and throwing them on the floor behind her. I throw my hands up in defeat and get up. Mum smiles as she walks out leaving me alone again. I grab my covers and make my bed nicely before walking over to my cupboard grabbing out my school stuff. I walk into the bathroom and have a quick shower washing my body and hair. I get out and dry myself before getting dressed into my clothes. I dry and straighten out my hair letting it fall down my back. Once I finished I apply little makeup like foundation, concealer, power and mascara. I take one last look to make sure everything it good and then walk out grabbing my shoes and my bag. I take my phone off charge and put it in my pocket before asking out of my room and downstairs. "Ready to go", Mum says while handing me my lunch. I nod and walk out the front door and getting into the car.
We arrive at school and I get out saying goodbye to Mum then walking inside the school. Time for hell.
The bell rings signalling that school was over so I quickly get up and race to my locker.
I was in the middle of grabbing my stuff when someone come up behind me and grab my stuff throwing it on the ground. My books and everything went everywhere on the ground. I look up and see a girl my age. I'm pretty sure he name is Gala. I've heard people talking about her a lot in class. Plus she is actually in my arts class. "What do you want", I say clearly pisst. She scoffs at me. "Well first of all don't speak to me like that or I'll make sure you suffer and two stay away from my boyfriend, he's mine and your not going to take him away from me", she yells in my face. I groan confused as to who she's talking about. "Who are you talking about", I ask. "Ethan, if I see you talking to him ever again or if I catch you around him I'll make sure you end up hurt", she spits in my face and then walks off with her friends trailing behind her. I feel tears threading to come down my face so I quickly pick up my stuff before running out of the school and running home. As soon as I get home and into my room I break down with tears. Why me?

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