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Recap: I get up to my room and lay down onto my bed. I grab out my phone and dial the number I hadn't used yet. Jakobs'. I wait three dials until he picks up...


*conversation started*

j- hey who's this?

Z- hey its Zoe Ethan's friend

j- oh hey how are you

z- im alright yourself

j- im good what make you want to call me on this fine afternoon

z- do you want to come over I need advice

j- yeah course send me your address and I'll be there as soon as I can

z- okay thank you

j- bye


*conversation ended*
Sending my address to Jakob I wait and go through my messages making sure to reply to all of my friends from my old group at school and my online best friend Tayla.

Cassie boo💘- hey just seeing how you've settled in, The group and I miss you so much. Come visit soon cause we need to see you like ASAP. There's so much you need to catch up on xx
To Casey Boo💘- Heyy I've settled in okay.. I miss you all more and I will make sure to come and see you guys in the holidays xx
Maddie😻-heya gorgeous how are you, I really miss you xo
To Maddie😻- hiya, I miss you more and I'm doing okay xx
Tai🐺- yo yo, I miss ya little one, when can you come and catch up? x
To Tai🐺- yo bro, I miss ya too. Hopefully in the holidays we can all catch up. As in the group and us x
Jai🔥- hey Z, I really miss you. I haven't really been the best lately and I need my best friend right now. I can't talk to the others about this cause I only really trust you. But I hope you are doing well and I hope you are enjoying you new school. Xx
To Jai🔥- hey J, talk to me what's wrong, I miss you way more. To be honest I miss you the most. I am doing well and I am kinda liking my new school. It's not the same though to be honest. Xx
Jai🔥 - I don't know how to say his but I'm gay...  please don't tell anyone. I trust you and I know that you won't tell anyone... there's this guy I also like and his names Corey. He's really cute and nice. Xx
To Jai🔥- aww I won't tell anyone I promise.. your secret is safe with me. He seems like a great guy. There may or may not be someone that I met here as well. I'll tell you about him soon. Just deal with what you are going through first. I'm here if you need xx
Bestie Tayla🌹💓- hey my best internet buddy, I miss talking to you, it's been a while cause school is so annoying aha xx
To Bestie Tayla🌹💓- hiii, I miss talking to you too. Schools the worst aha it keeps me from talking to anyone which is sad cause I miss out epic chats xx

I hear a knock at the door followed with a loud voice which I recognised immediately. I jump off my bed and walk downstairs making sure to tidy myself up a bit. I open the door to reveal Jakob. He was wearing black jeans and a black jumper with flowers on the side of the hoodie. "Hey there", He says awkwardly while waiting for me to invite him in. "Hi thanks for coming, come in", I say while moving to the side to let him in to the house.

I close the door and walk into the kitchen with Jakob following close behind me. "would you like a drink?" I offer grabbing two glasses out of the cupboard. "Sure, ill just have some water thanks", He replies sitting at the counter and watching me pour the drinks of water from the tap. I hand one to him and then lay the other one on the bench for myself. "So what made you call me and invite me around here to your lovely home", Jakob asks while taking a sip of his drink. I sigh and look down at the glass of water. "Well I needed you opinion on something, please don't say anything because I don't want it spreading around because its not my news to spread around but Ethan and Gala broke up right and I watched their fight. I heard some yelling and that coming from Ethans house and I got curious, I know it was none of my business but I needed to just have a little peak. So I hid behind the bush and watched as they talked about me and how its basically my fault for everything. So then I went back home after that and just chilled around before Ethan called and asked for me to come around to his house for a little to keep him company since he was upset and me being me I did", I  explain while taking in a massive breath. Jakob nods and starts talking. "What happened when you went over to his house?" I move around the other side of the counter and sit next to Jakob. I take a sip of the water in my glass before continuing. "So when I went over we talked for a while before just starting to watch a movie and that but then he asked me out for dinner and he was starting to get close to me and I got really freaked out before I really like him but he just got out of a relationship. He shouldn't be starting anything when he got dumped a few hours ago. Its not right because people will think that I'm just the rebound girl, so that's when I left and called you".


Jakob sits there wide eyed and speechless. He obviously didn't know what to say about this all. "wow that's so messed up but you know what, just go out to dinner as friends for now, what you are going to do is give me your phone so I can message Ethan that you two are going out and you little one need to go get dressed", Jakob instructs and nod feeling nervous all of a sudden. I trust Jakob though so I go up to my room and start getting a few things together.



Follow Instagram- kiwikarpathy

*this is not edited*

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