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this chapter was changed a lot and things were added so please re read


Ethan visited me that night and made sure to bring some flowers for my mum and myself as a thank you for helping him the other night during the whole crisis. We hung out in my room just playing some instruments and mucking around. Turns out Ethan is pretty into music too. He mentioned how he had gone on the voice kids when he was younger which I thought was pretty cool. He sang me the song he auditioned and let me tell you now that he is a pretty fluent singer.

Ethan left later that night and assured me again that Gala wont be a problem which I really hope is true. We both made a pact that we would try not to see each other much during breaks at school and we will try and catch up during free periods so we dont get caught sneaking a friendship

Ive come to think of it but maybe I am getting a bit too close to Ethan lately. I mean at least I was there for him in hospital when she wasnt. I made sure he was okay when she most likely didnt even see him nor message him and are you okay?.

I end up crying myself to sleep as thoughts get the best of me once again. Me and my god damn negative thoughts.


I walk into school checking every corner to make sure Ethan or Gala werent there. I walk around a corner with my head down only to bump into someones chest. What is with me and bumping into people lately. I guess I have that much bad luck. The figure doesnt move or even flinch. Could it be Ethan? Wait no this will break our hiding. What if Gala is around and sees. I lift my head nervously and see a dark tanned skin, brunette haired boy standing there just staring down at me. Yes im really short but oh well. Bring completely honest here he is very attractive and definitely my type, but hes not as attractive as Ethan. What am I even doing with my life at this point. I mentally face palm myself feeling a little embarrassed that I would be thinking that right now. "i'm so sorry, I wasnt watching where I was walking", I apologize. The guy laughs a little laughs and shrugs his shoulders. "its okay, dont worry about it, my names Jakob by the way", Jakob says while doing a little wave with his hand. "uh my names Zoe," I reply back feeling my cheeks burning of embarrassment? Or is it blushing? God no please dont put me through this body. "Oh are you the Zoe that Ethan has been talking about a lot?," Jakob winks at me. Butterflies erupt in my stomach and I feel myself blushing real hard. Just knowing that Ethan actually mentions me to his friends is heart-warming. It kind of made me feel curious about what hes been saying. "Uh yeah ah, what has he been saying?", I ask feeling a lot curious as to why Ethan would be talking about me when he has a girlfriend and only thinks of me as a friend? Or does he only think of me as the girl who helped him? I shake those thoughts away turn my attention back to Jakob. "Well that my lady is something I cant tell you, or else Ethan will hunt me down," Jakob says laughing a little. I laugh as well at the thought of Ethan hunting Jakob down. "Okay well im going to get to class, so see you around I guess," I speak while moving to walk past Jakob but before I can he stops me in my tracks. "Would it be really weird if I asked for your number so we can chat, we could become good friends, I mean would be nice to know the girl my best friend fancies so much," He asks smiling down at me. "Yes but sure, here hand me your phone." Jakob grabs out his phone and hands it too me. I find the contacts app and put my number in before saving it. "There you go, I really have to go now so bye," I wave to Jakob and walk away from him. "Byeee," Jakob yells behind me as I turn the corner and walk to my locker. I open it up and frantically grab my things before slamming my locker shut and race towards the classroom. As im walking to the classroom I stroll past a group standing in the hallways. I look at the group and notice Gala and Ethan standing there in the middle of a group of Galas friends. Ethan looks around and lays eyes on me. I look at him for a moment before he lowers his head and looks at the ground. Gala notices and turns to me and smirks. She grabs Ethans shirt and pulls him into her while smashing her lips onto his. I roll my eyes in disgust and continue walking away to class. I walk in and sit down at the front since the back was taken by some kids who look like the snobby types. I turn my head slightly and notice a guy from the back corner who was looking right at me smirking. I turn around uncomfortably and rest my head in my hands and closing my eyes. I hear the rest of the class stroll in and sit down. "Hey Eth, how are you," I hear someone in the class say. Wait Eth for Ethan? Please no. I look up and there he is standing to the side of me. I look up at him and notice he was already looking down at me. I quickly turn my attention to the teacher who just walking in and ignore Ethans gazes towards me. The teacher Mr Mathews starts talking about algebra and how index laws. Things that I found quite difficult but I knew how to work it out at least. As im writing down the notes on the board I feel something hit the back of my neck. I turn around and find the paper on the floor scrunched up. I pick it up and un scrunch it while laying it out on the table. It read

Hey youre hot, wanna catch a movie this weekend?

I turn around and look straight at the guy who was previously staring at me and see he has a plastered smirk on his face and raises his eyebrows. I shake my head at him and he pouts starting to write on another note. I roll my eyes and turn around before seeing another paper land at my feet. I sigh and pick it up.

Come on please, I could use some company this weekend, plus youre new to the school so I could introduce you to some of my friends? Also my names Charlie and im not a creep I promise, you look really kind and not trying to be rude but a little bit of a loner too soo will you come hang?

I mean he does seem really nice and he doesnt really look like one of those really bad people. I do need some friends because I can not been seen hanging around Ethan so this could be an opportunity to get to know more people. I turn around and look at the guy and he smiles at me. I sigh and nod in agreement. I turn around and write my number on the paper and throw it back to him. I see Ethan watching us in the corner of my eye but I couldnt care less. I care about Ethan and all but he has a girlfriend who seems like she wants to strangle me so it wouldnt hurt to make some friends.

Class ends not long after and I make my way to the music room to practice some songs ive been learning. I really like You Are The Reason by Calum Scott that I have been learning because it has so much meaning to it and the lyrics are so powerful. As I enter the music room I see Cameron sitting next to the piano looking down at his phone. I close the door behind me and clear my throat. Camerons head shoots up and his eyes find mine. "I knew you would come here, I havent seen you in a while, where have you been?." He asked while putting his phone away. "uh I have had some problems out of school that needed sorting out", I lie not wanting to mention the real reason for my absence. "Problems like Ethan Karpathy and his little scenarios", He shoots back. "How did you even know about that?." I didnt think anyone knew except for Gala and myself. Unless people were told and it was spread around the school. "I have my ways but thats beside the point, hes bad for you and you shouldnt be friends with him, it will get you hurt," Cameron is now standing right in front of me that I can feel his breath on my face. I step back almost tripping on a guitar stand but catch myself. "and why do you care who I am hanging around, youve only known me for a day or two," I backfire. He has no right to be telling me what to do. "because im trying to protect you and im telling you that I dont want you near Ethan and especially that other guy, charlies his name right?," Cameron moves closer again and corners me on the wall. Shivers run down my spine. This doesnt seem like Cameron. Hes a nice guy and all but I never thought he could be like this. "Get out now, you do not get to tell me who I hang around with and you do not have the right to talk to me like that so get out before I get the principle involved in this". I yell. Camerons face turn to anger before heading for the door. As he opens the door he stops and looks at the ground and softly speaks with disappointment clearly evident in his voice. "You better watch your back".

*after school*

My whole body is shaking as I walk home and think about what Cameron had said to me. He doesnt get to tell me what to do but what if hes right. What if I send myself in wrong direction and start hanging out with the wrong crowd. I guess ill just have to find out.

I grab out my earphones and plug them into my phone putting my music on shuffle. In My Blood by Shawn Mendes starts playing and I instantly feel a little calmer. I turn around the corner and see my house in the distance. I continue walking as I pass Ethans house but stop when I hear something smash from inside followed by some yelling.




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