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I wake up in an ambulance with people surrounding me. What happened?
I look around and see that the doctors are pulling things out of bags and attaching them to me. I try to sit up but I'm pushed down by the person on my right.
"Mr Karpathy we need you to stay still and just stay lying down, we will be at the hospital soon", the lady in my left said looking down at me.
Suddenly I feel something sharp stab into me and I flinch. A needle comes into view and I start to feel my eyes getting heavier. All I see is darkness. I remember hearing the lady tell me everything will be okay before I black out.
My body is numb and my mind is replaying this whole night. It's causing me so much sadness. From waking up and hearing screams, to seeing Ethan being put into the back of an ambulance. I couldn't take it anymore I just cuddled myself up cried. What if Ethan wasn't okay? I don't even know why I am worrying so much. I don't like him? Don't I? I don't even know what I feel for him. He reached for me before he was taken away. Does that mean he needed me? So many questions without answers.
There was a knock on my door which forced me to wipe away my tears.
"Yeah", I say trying to hide the fact I had been crying. My mum enters the room and come over sitting down on my bed. "Are you okay", she asks with a worried look on her face. I nod but I can tell she doesn't believe it. Suddenly more tears threatening to spill. I tried to hold them back but I couldn't, I bursted into tears. Mum moved closer and wrapped her arms around me rocking me back and forth. "I want to see him", I demand pulling away.
"We can go see him in the morning and make sure he's okay", Mum replies. I look at my hands and find myself playing with the ring on my finger. I pulled myself off my bed and forced myself to the bathroom. I turn the handle on the tap and cold water comes running into my hands. I splash my face a few times and then dry it.
I walk back to my bed and pull the covers back getting into them and laying down.
I doze off to sleep not long after.
"NOO GET OFF ME, LEAVE ME ALONE", I scream myself awake as the recurring nightmare startled me so I'm wide awake. I sit up holding my legs to my chest and letting the tears fall.
Doctors all of a sudden rush into the room asking if I'm okay and trying to lay me down. I didn't want to go back to sleep. I was too scared to. Flashbacks were playing in my mind making me cry even more.
I walked down the stairs too see him continuously hitting her. My dad grabbed her and threw her into the wall earning a scream from Mum. I try to walk back upstairs to get to my phone but it was too late. The floor board had creaked and dad was already on his way over to me.
"What do you think your looking at boy", he furiously said grabbing my arms hardening his grip probably leaving a decent bruise since he was a strong man. He pulls me along forcing me over to my mother who is lying on the ground in pain. I pull back and refuse my fathers orders. Bad idea. He turns around and slaps me across the face hard. "You think just because you're 16 years old you can refuse my orders", he laughs. I shake my head furiously trying to not get him any more angrier. He punches me which forced me to fall over and come into contact with the ground. My father starts kicking me in my sides until blood is coming out of my mouth. "Don't you dare hurt him", my mum yells trying to be brave through all this. My dad laughs before grabbing out a knife and walking over the my mother putting a cut in her leg. She screams in pain. Tears fall out of my eyes wanting everything to stop. My dad walks back over to me and stabs me in the side causing me to scream out in pain*
*end of flashback*
It's all replaying in my head, making sure I remember everything but I didn't want to remember anything. I didn't want to be here. I just wanted a happy life. Not this life.
The doctors manage to settle me down and lay me on the bed tucking me in. Everyone walks out while a female doctor stays.  "Okay Ethan. Everything's going to be okay now", she whispers. " you're going to be okay, no ones going to hurt you, you're safe here", she continues saying calming things while rubbing circles onto my palm. She grabs a needle off the side of the bench and attach it to a chord that was coming out of my hand. "Don't worry this is just something to calm you down and help you sleep better", right after she mentions that I start to feel drowsy. I try my best to stay awake but sleep gets the best of me. The last thing I saw was the doctor walking out and then pure darkness took over me.

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