authors note; ethan

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Okay guys so I'm sure all of you have heard the news already but if not here it is.
Ethan has announced a few days ago that he will be departing from the band and continuing his life.
The reasons to his departure are obvious.
-the hate he was reviving all the time
-he was always targeted as the weak one
-he obviously was trying to hide his feelings and be happy but couldn't do that anymore
-he wants to be happy and he wants to be able to feel safe.

There were many people who had put him down , made him responsible for their own actions and just made him feel like crap which ended up being enough to force him to leave the band.

I love Ethan so so much and he has had a massive impact on my life. He had made me smile and laugh till I couldn't even breathe anymore. He has been such an amazing guy to his fans and tried to be the best to everyone.
But all he got was a knife in his chest.

I'm happy for him that he is trying to get his life back together and is focusing on himself before anything else. I hope he has a successful life from now on and I hope he doesn't quit singing for good because I could not live without his voice and singing.

Just so you all know I will still be supporting ALL three of them no matter what. Just because one has left doesn't mean I won't be supporting them or Ethan. I will never just dump them because they are the best people I have ever come across.

I will also be continuing this book the way I planned it. And I will be writing other fan fictions about them that I have started writing because they are still my favourite people. Yes there will be In Stereo all together because that's the way I have planned some of my books to go like so yeah...

Thank you all for all the support that yo have given me during the writing of this book so far I am very thankful for that.
I love you all. Stay happy and if anyone needs to talk my inbox is open
-Emma x

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