6. London Girl

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**the song hits pretty well with the dream**

I thought I'd never see the day where I'd return to my birth country of England. I honestly didn't expect to until years down the road.

Bayley was more than happy to drive me to the airport, he'd made sure to have the day free so he could. It was on such short notice that I'd been asked, a few days ago actually. Dad had called, not by Skype, but by my phone. He told me that he and Mary really wanted to see me and would be more than happy if I came down as soon as possible. He'd sounded very cheerful on the phone, so I had a feeling Mary had agreed to marry him.

Dad and I had had a long discussion—more like debate—on whether or not it was smart for me to fly down. Dad had assured me he and Mary would take care of it. It was really sweet, and I assumed that they really wanted me down there if they were willing to pay for the expense.

I'd talked it over with Bayley once Dad and I had something figured out. He was on board with it under a few conditions: I made sure to talk to him every day so that he wouldn't be driven insane being alone, that I was to be careful if I was alone, and to be on my best behavior. Bay made me feel like he was talking to his child instead of his girlfriend. At least I hadn't gotten a lecture about how to resist temptation of other men who wanted to try and catch my attention. That wasn't going to be an issue.

Bay pulled alongside to where I was supposed to be let out. I met his eyes, smiling sadly.

"So you really don't know how long it'll be?" Bay asked, looking around.

"No," I said. "But I promise I'll let you know if a time frame happens to come up."

"You forgot something, Rach."

"I did?"

"Turn around."

I shifted so I could. I felt something cold wrap around my throat and something settle on the base of it. I looked down, grinning. I'd forgotten about this anniversary present. It was a simple, beautiful double heart pendant. The small heart had diamonds plastered on the bottom half.

"Just a little something to remember me by," he whispered in my ear.

"I can't forget you, Bay." I laughed, twisting around to look at him.

He kissed me deeply. "Now go on, you don't want to miss the flight."

"I'll make sure to let you know when I get in."

Bayley got out of the car to help me with my luggage. We shared a long kiss goodbye before I left, heading into the airport.

Like any airport, it was live and bustling. I kept to myself, doing a mental check of things in my head.

I thought it was a little too generous when Dad told me that he and Mary were planning on arranging where I would be staying. Still, who was I to turn down such an offer? As long as they didn't put me in Baker Street with Sherlock, I would be fine. As much as I loved Mrs. Hudson, I doubted I could stay with her, knowing that Sherlock was up the stairs from her.

I pursed my lips, wondering how much Sherlock I'd get this time when in London. I wanted no part of him while being there. I'd do everything possible to stay out of his way and avoid any contact with him. I didn't want to be in the same building as him.

Once I got through security and everything, it was only a matter of time before I had to sit and wait for the boarding announcement. I fiddled with my phone, sending Dad a text.

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