30. Surprise!

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He's still with her. Why am I not surprised? I'm the reason that bastard is still with her. I tried to keep my temper in check as Janine took notice of my dad and me.

"Oh, John, hi," she said. She opened the door more, tugging at the bottom of the shirt she wore. "How are you? And Rachel, wow—nice to see you again." I was glad Dad was oblivious to the reference she was making.

"Janine?" Dad sputtered.

"Sorry. Not dressed." She made a beeline for the kitchen. I saw the look on my dad's face. His was more in shock than outrage like mine had been when I'd first seen Janine with Sherlock. "Has everybody gone? I heard shouting."

"Yes, they're gone."

"God, look at the time. I'll be late." She fumbled around in the kitchen. "Sounded like an argument. Was it Mike?" She turned to us.

"Mike?" Dad and I asked.

"Mike, yeah. His brother, Mike. They're always fighting."

"Mycroft," I squeaked.

"Do people actually call him that?"


"Huh. Oh, could you be a love and put some coffee on?"

"Sure," Dad spoke for me. "Right, yeah."

"Thanks. Ooh, how's Mary? How's married life?"

"She's fine. We're both fine, yeah." He went to one of the cupboards.

"Oh, it's over there now." Janine pointed in another direction. "So, Rachel, how's your boyfriend?"

"We're doing great," I said with a fake smile.

"He didn't come with you?"


"What a shame. I wish I'd been introduced to him at the wedding. Where's Sherl?"

"He's just having a bath. I'm sure he'll be out in a minute."

"Oh, like he ever is!" Janine flitted down the hall, knocking on the bathroom door.

Dad looked at me with brown owl eyes. I could only shrug in response.

"You're seeing this too, right?" he quizzed me. "It's not just me?"

"You're not seeing things."

"How are you not shocked by this?" he asked.

I went straight into the living room to perch on the couch. "I think a lot has happened already that nothing is shocking me today."

"Come on, Rachel. I know you've seen some things, but this has got to top them all!" Dad plopped a seat on the edge of the coffee table.

I fiddled with the double heart resting on my skin. "I must still be tired from the flight. Sorry if I'm not all bouncy like you are about this development."

We both went quiet once Sherlock came back from his bath. Janine wasn't present, so I assumed she was taking her time to get ready. Now Sherlock looked like he was somewhat normal again, in his normal attire: black pants, white shirt, black jacket—well, he was about to put that on. Still, he wasn't entirely normal, as he was still with Janine, and he and I knew the reason why.

"So," Sherlock started, "it's just a guess, but you've probably got some questions."

"Yeah, one or two, pretty much," Dad said, amused.

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